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Anyone else here voting Reform UK?

188 replies

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 17:56

I am, Tories can’t be trusted and got us into the mess we are in now and we all know that lib/lab/snp and green will do to women’s rights.

i don’t expect reform to win much but I read to say that amongst young males labour and Reform are both polling at 35% Among young women though Reform are polling very badly and Labour are polling exceptionally high. I guess if women are happy to vote their rights away that is their choice but I won’t.

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VerySadCase · 04/07/2024 20:32

I think you're wrong about Tory voters switching to Reform if the Tory party collapses. I'm no fan of the Tories but even I don't think most of them are fascists!

I don't actually believe that the far right will ever get significant support in the UK. The majority of British people are too decent and too intelligent to stoop that low.

TheGreenKnight · 04/07/2024 20:32

I have never voted Nazi.

Runsyd · 04/07/2024 20:32

Bigearringsbigsmile · 04/07/2024 18:34

I'm not a neo nazi so no

Could you list your reasons for believing Reform are neo Nazi? Is there anything to suggest they are as anti-Semitic as the left?

cardibach · 04/07/2024 20:36

Runsyd · 04/07/2024 20:32

Could you list your reasons for believing Reform are neo Nazi? Is there anything to suggest they are as anti-Semitic as the left?

They’re anti everyone not exactly like them.
They’ve been racist and misogynistic and disablist all over the place.

PoppyCherryDog · 04/07/2024 20:36

Anonym00se · 04/07/2024 20:28

It will have been used to protect her, she just doesn’t realise it. The fact that she’ll have been paid the same as a man, for example.

Good point! Makes OPs comment even more hilarious 😂

Indianajet · 04/07/2024 20:38

I find it hard to believe the OP is real. If Farage ever became Prime Minister I would start a revolution myself!

VoteOutToHelpOut · 04/07/2024 20:40

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 20:16

Sure we will see. I’m not bothered if reform do badly though, all I really want is for the conservatives to do really, really badly. After that the Rump that is left of the Tories can either be infiltrated or collapse, again not bother which, just as long as we get proper right wing party that wants to roll back almost everything since the Blair years and introduce socially conservative values into the education system.

Also what could Labour do with a majority of 250 that they couldn’t do with a majority of 150? Nothing. It would make no difference except in one and one thing only. In a democracy a governing party needs an effective opposition to look legitimate.

If Labour won every single seat on a smaller vote share than Corbyn got in 2017 it wouldn’t give them any more power than Blair had, it would just make them look illegitimate. If they are going to win big anyway I’m all for it.

You are assuming that people in the UK would vote en masse for a far right government. That the left wouldn't unite against it (as the French are).

Enjoy your fantasy. I am going to enjoy the demise of the most far right Tory government we have ever had to suffer.

TinySmol · 04/07/2024 20:41

Why are you voting for fascists?

BiscuitsForever · 04/07/2024 20:41

Reform are a racist and sexist party built on hate, why on Earth would I vote for them?!

TripBalzac · 04/07/2024 20:43

Indianajet · 04/07/2024 20:38

I find it hard to believe the OP is real. If Farage ever became Prime Minister I would start a revolution myself!

Have you seen Years and Years?

MalcolmTuckersSwearBox · 04/07/2024 20:49

MalcolmTuckersSwearBox · 04/07/2024 20:26

Amusingly, I've just seen a piece on the news about the party leaders going to the polls. Everyone else was at a polling station. Amusingly, Farage has already voted via postal ballot.

I say "amusingly" because one of his new constitutional policies is to remove postal voting rights for all but the 'elderly, disabled or those unable to leave their homes', because of concerns over voter fraud (screenshot from online manifesto). Not even he believes his own BS.

Here's the proof of the Nigel's postal vote news btw before one of his flying monkeys accuse me of Fake News. Exercising his constitutional rights before his party takes them away (he wishes).

Anyone else here voting Reform UK?
localnotail · 04/07/2024 20:51

I will just leave it here, a very good illustration of your vote:

Anyone else here voting Reform UK?
wonderstuff · 04/07/2024 21:01

Well this is a depressing thread. I think that just like UKIP there will be Russian, and possibly Chinese money going into Reform, they want to destablise Europe. We clearly aren't teaching 20th century history well enough.

Mum2jenny · 04/07/2024 21:05

In the pub tonight 75% of people had voted Reform. I wasn’t one of them. But the election results will be very interesting (and probably not in a good way!!)

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 21:15

Neurodiversitydoctor · 04/07/2024 20:06

Can I ask why ? What type of reform you think Mr Farage will bring and how that will help a young mother like yourself ?

can i ask who you voted for? and what that has to do with your reasons? i support him for the self employment tax reduction i support him for his nhs beliefs i also support him putting our own people before the immigrants. that what you wanted to hear?

Hotgirlwinter · 04/07/2024 21:21

I don’t think they “care” any more or less than any of the others but I think they are less likely to pass policies that fast track GRC and self id for instance.

I have no illusion that they are feminists but I do think we’d be safer from gender ideology / extreme left if labour weren’t in power

I didn’t however vote for them, I voted Tory because my local MP is likely to win and it’s a strategic vote against labour tbh

RosaMoline · 04/07/2024 21:23


what have you to say about this?

Anyone else here voting Reform UK?
PonyPatter44 · 04/07/2024 21:25

Not a chance. I'm not racist or a traitor, so Reform has nothing to offer me.

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 21:25

RosaMoline · 04/07/2024 21:23


what have you to say about this?

and thats 100% legit is it? where else does it say this? only on that page? they will do anything to stop reform uk winning!

other evidence or just one screen shot ?

Auvergne63 · 04/07/2024 21:26

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 18:34

I see. I could ask for evidence but I’m guessing you must be one of those left wing people who call women’s right campaigners and anyone else they don’t agree with fascists? Do you really believe that though? Or is it just a handy label to smear people with? I can never actually tell if leftists really believe all the things they claim to believe.

Firstly, if you want evidence of Farage being a fascist, it will take you seconds to research it and find it.
Secondly, no I don't call anyone I disagree with a fascist; only people who are.
Thirdly, my family suffered greatly under fascism. I know what fascism is.
Finally, Farage as a woman's right campaigner? Lol.

TripBalzac · 04/07/2024 21:28

Luckily, ‘vegetables’ are allowed to vote


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cardibach · 04/07/2024 21:29

Mum2jenny · 04/07/2024 21:05

In the pub tonight 75% of people had voted Reform. I wasn’t one of them. But the election results will be very interesting (and probably not in a good way!!)

What an odd pub where you ask everybody what they voted. And as someone else said earlier, one pub isn’t the same as scientifically conducted polling.

Neurodiversitydoctor · 04/07/2024 21:30

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 21:15

can i ask who you voted for? and what that has to do with your reasons? i support him for the self employment tax reduction i support him for his nhs beliefs i also support him putting our own people before the immigrants. that what you wanted to hear?

I voted Labour I have no love of Kier Stammar but have have worked in the NHS for 25 years and I have never seen it as bad as it is now. I believe they are the only credible choice who will actually attempt to resuscitate it ( whether they wil suceed is another question). I had my babies in the Blair years and we benefitted massively from maternity rights, free childcare and sure start, this is another area I believe Labour will do all they can to support young families. I am well aware that my choice means I might well pay more tax ( including on my pension) than I otherwise would, but for me I would do that so as not to effectively pull the ladder up on young parents starting out now. If I am lucky enough to have grandchildren I would like them to benefit from a functioning health system, decent state schools and most of all a healthier and happier society.

I did toy with voting Green but round here that would have been a wasted vote.Nigel Farage cannot wait to dismantle the NHS and sell it off to the highest bidder.

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