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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Anyone else here voting Reform UK?

188 replies

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 17:56

I am, Tories can’t be trusted and got us into the mess we are in now and we all know that lib/lab/snp and green will do to women’s rights.

i don’t expect reform to win much but I read to say that amongst young males labour and Reform are both polling at 35% Among young women though Reform are polling very badly and Labour are polling exceptionally high. I guess if women are happy to vote their rights away that is their choice but I won’t.

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OP posts:
ApocalipstickNow · 04/07/2024 19:41

BobbyBiscuits · 04/07/2024 19:10

Why would I vote for them in the name of women's rights? That would be utterly moronic.
It's not even a political party, it's a company with Farage as the sole shareholder. So I'm into democracy not weird creepy nazi frogs.

Hold on! That’s a really out of order thing to say!

Frogs are great and are really useful in the garden, eating the flies and slugs!

Shortshriftandlethal · 04/07/2024 19:43

Anonym00se · 04/07/2024 19:26

The Equality Act replaced the Equal Pay Act 1970, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 and the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006.

There have always been acts to protect us, and as time has gone on and our rights improved they’ve been replaced by subsequent acts. The Equality Act 2010 is the most recent. The problem with Reform is that they’re not planning to replace the act, just scrap it, which will leave women with the same rights as we had in the 1960s - no maternity pay or protections, no equal pay, no protections against sex discrimination (meaning companies preferred to employ men), we could be beaten and raped by our husbands, we weren’t entitled to request flexible working, we could be groped in work…

I could go on all night. These are the protections that every woman who has voted Reform would be throwing away because they obviously didn’t understand or bother to educate themselves what they were actually voting for.

And it’s not just women, it’s people of colour, gays, disabled people, older people and people with a faith who will all be Reform’s victims. It breaks my heart to think of how bravely people fought for these laws for decades to protect us and idiots now are happy to set fire to them. Shame on you all.

I'm not sure how crying " shame" really adds anything to the conversation to be honest. It smacks of moral superiority, and that, in itself, is part of the reason that the hard right is emerging across Europe. When you dismiss people's concerns as 'racist or 'sexist' or whatever, you fail to understand the issues that people and communities feel they are facing.

There are people in all parties who ascribe to beliefs and support policies of the sort you/we/I may personally reject or disapprove of - but simply being 'right wing' is not in itself some inherent evil.

When things get too 'open', and when 'openness'; lack of boundaries, lack of rules, and so on, become seen as being necessary virtues - then you will find a natural counter-balance in terms of re-assertion of those things. Stable societies permit change, but it has to be slow and incremental and the people have to feel that the change isn't compromising core values.

Ereyraa · 04/07/2024 19:44

The person in front and behind me both asked the staff why there was no reform candidate on the paper - there isn’t a reform candidate standing in my previously safe Tory seat. I think there is far more groundswell support than people realised

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 19:47

im 29 and i voted reform uk! i stand with everything Nigel has said, and i no they probably wont win but heres hoping people open their eyes and see we need REFORM UK i was up ready took my daughter to school and went straight to the polling station.

BIossomtoes · 04/07/2024 19:50

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 19:47

im 29 and i voted reform uk! i stand with everything Nigel has said, and i no they probably wont win but heres hoping people open their eyes and see we need REFORM UK i was up ready took my daughter to school and went straight to the polling station.

Oh dear.

TarantinoIsAMisogynist · 04/07/2024 19:50

Are we talking about the same Reform led by a man who expressed admiration for Andrew Tate? And you think they represent something positive for women?


Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 19:52

Ereyraa · 04/07/2024 19:44

The person in front and behind me both asked the staff why there was no reform candidate on the paper - there isn’t a reform candidate standing in my previously safe Tory seat. I think there is far more groundswell support than people realised

There is. UKIP got 4 million votes in 2015 and one seat. I was a UKIP member back in the day… this time I think reform will get about 6 million votes and a handful of seats. Thing is if that becomes 10 to 12 million votes at the election after this that is Farage as PM.

problem is getting those extra four to six million votes isn’t easy, the Tories are basically in the way but if the Conservative Party were to collapse most of those voters would come to reform.

so tonight I’m more rooting for the conservatives to do really, really badly more than anything else.

OP posts:
mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 19:52

BIossomtoes · 04/07/2024 19:50

Oh dear.

you can "oh dear" me all you like i could do the same to who you voted for.

BIossomtoes · 04/07/2024 19:56

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 19:52

you can "oh dear" me all you like i could do the same to who you voted for.

Not with any justification. You’ve just voted for a bunch of racist, misogynist incels endorsed by Andrew Tate. My response was very mild.

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 19:57

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 19:52

you can "oh dear" me all you like i could do the same to who you voted for.

It is what a lot of leftists do when they’ve run out of arguments, they resort to smears and insults. Its a sign that they are losing.

OP posts:
BeckyWithTheGoodHair010101 · 04/07/2024 19:57

Nigel Farage is a chauvinist. For that reason (and many others including that he's also an obnoxious smug cunt)

I agree with you re women's rights and the other parties so I've voted Tory because the others didn't give me any hope of protecting women's spaces.

I don't trust any of them though.

D3LAN3Y · 04/07/2024 19:58

I voted for Reform too. I do not like Labours policies on gender ideology. I'd never vote Tory. Greens want to scrap nuclear deterrents (with the state of the world we live in and believe in the right to self identify as any gender you wish) and our independent candidate couldn't string a sentence together (although she seemed nice enough). Lib dem doesn't stand a chance in our area.
Lesser of ALL evils here. They want to create a British Bill of Rights. Maybe it could create some good who knows? I do know that since 2010 life has become shitter and shitter. I used my vote how I seen fit.

Anonym00se · 04/07/2024 19:59

For every woman who voted Reform for women’s rights 🙄

Anyone else here voting Reform UK?
BeckyWithTheGoodHair010101 · 04/07/2024 19:59

(Sorry missed a chunk. First paragraph should have read that I would never vote for them)

VoteOutToHelpOut · 04/07/2024 19:59

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 19:07

Well that’s the other reason I voted reform. I want the Tories gone, I think there is only space under our electoral system for two large parties and naturally that would be a party of the liberal centre left and the socially conservative right.

problem is I don’t believe the Tories are socially conservative or right wing and they have preserved most of what the previous labour government did instead of trying to undo everything Labour did since 1997 and putting socially conservative values into the education system which I think any real right wing party would and should do.

but with only space for two big parties a proper right wing party can’t emerge as a possible party of government whilst the Tories remain where they are effectively blocking such a party. So the first thing that needs to happen is for the Tories to lose almost all their seats to create that space for a proper right wing party to occupy. I’m very heartened by the election results in France. Real change can happen, it can happen here too because about half the population are fairly right wing. But it can only happen if the Tories are wiped out at the ballot box first. So in this election I’m not really bothered who people vote for as long as it is not Tory and I’m even greatful to all the labour voters too much as I’m amused by it all 🙂

If you are serious you will never get your wish. In five year's time I bet all the far right parties in Europe will have lost support as people wake up to what they really are. Same in the UK. Reform UK PLC will go the way of all the far right parties here. Into oblivion.

ETA: let's see what happens on July 7, shall we?

Appalonia · 04/07/2024 20:00

My Labour MP is full on TWAW. I DID go to the polling station today but I spoiled my ballot as none of the other parties represent me.

Fruitflylady · 04/07/2024 20:01

No, how do you think they would make your (or anyone else’s) life better?

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 20:04

VoteOutToHelpOut · 04/07/2024 19:59

If you are serious you will never get your wish. In five year's time I bet all the far right parties in Europe will have lost support as people wake up to what they really are. Same in the UK. Reform UK PLC will go the way of all the far right parties here. Into oblivion.

ETA: let's see what happens on July 7, shall we?


You reckon? I think post-Covid the economic situation in the U.K. is so bad Labour are going to have to make a lot of tough decisions that will leave them very unpopular by the end of their term. All we need it to get the tories out of the way so l the right can unite around a proper right wing party. How that party will do in office is another matter entirely. I think Trump will be back in the USA to for similar reasons.

OP posts:
ConcernedOfClapham · 04/07/2024 20:05

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 18:52

I think he is just normal middle aged guy who believes what he sees and understands biological reality. I think he would not make the changes Labour would because he is an old fashioned gentleman and knows that sex is real and is important.


good luck with this.

Neurodiversitydoctor · 04/07/2024 20:06

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 19:47

im 29 and i voted reform uk! i stand with everything Nigel has said, and i no they probably wont win but heres hoping people open their eyes and see we need REFORM UK i was up ready took my daughter to school and went straight to the polling station.

Can I ask why ? What type of reform you think Mr Farage will bring and how that will help a young mother like yourself ?

LonginesPrime · 04/07/2024 20:06

I voted for Reform too. I do not like Labours policies on gender ideology. I'd never vote Tory.

Out of interest, D3LAN3Y, why is it that you would never consider voting Tory but prefer Reform over other options?

Topofthemountain · 04/07/2024 20:06

The whole of the western world is just going to shit.


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Sushilover14 · 04/07/2024 20:07

I voted Lib Dem

BIossomtoes · 04/07/2024 20:07

Topofthemountain · 04/07/2024 20:06

The whole of the western world is just going to shit.

Ain’t that the truth?

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