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Anyone else here voting Reform UK?

188 replies

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 17:56

I am, Tories can’t be trusted and got us into the mess we are in now and we all know that lib/lab/snp and green will do to women’s rights.

i don’t expect reform to win much but I read to say that amongst young males labour and Reform are both polling at 35% Among young women though Reform are polling very badly and Labour are polling exceptionally high. I guess if women are happy to vote their rights away that is their choice but I won’t.

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OP posts:
Hairyfairy01 · 04/07/2024 20:09

littleburn · 04/07/2024 18:43

What’s wrong with scrapping the equalities act? I just don’t see any problem with that at all. I’m old and can remember what things were like pre-2010 and they were fine as I remember it.

Wow! You do realise the Equality Act 2010 incorporated and replaced the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Equal Pay Act 1970, Race Relations Act 1976 etc etc. Scrap the Equality Act and all of those protections disappear. That's what Reform wants for you.

This. Do you actually understand what the equalities act is OP?

TripBalzac · 04/07/2024 20:09

I guess all civilisations have their day.

PeasfullPerson · 04/07/2024 20:10

Sharing this in case anyone needs reminding that Nigel Farage is a middle aged white guy with considerably questionable views, which seem to be centred on his own perceived superiority, over anyone he views to be different from himself.

Imagine being that insecure.

(Absolutely nothing against middle aged white guys in general.)

A complete list of Nigel Farage's most controversial moments

Dubbed 'the man who broke Britain' for his role in the Brexit referendum and viewed by many as a far-right bigot, the Reform UK leader is to stand at the 2024 general election

RosaMoline · 04/07/2024 20:10

what do you have to say about this?

Anyone else here voting Reform UK?
placemats · 04/07/2024 20:11

WHY would you vote for that disgusting party?

Feck off!

PeasfullPerson · 04/07/2024 20:13

RosaMoline · 04/07/2024 20:10

what do you have to say about this?

Waiting to hear why this is acceptable 😠

HolaSenorita · 04/07/2024 20:15

I actually can’t believe any woman would be stupid enough and selfish enough to vote for this party.

What about your black and non-white sisters? And I say this as a white female…

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 20:16

VoteOutToHelpOut · 04/07/2024 19:59

If you are serious you will never get your wish. In five year's time I bet all the far right parties in Europe will have lost support as people wake up to what they really are. Same in the UK. Reform UK PLC will go the way of all the far right parties here. Into oblivion.

ETA: let's see what happens on July 7, shall we?


Sure we will see. I’m not bothered if reform do badly though, all I really want is for the conservatives to do really, really badly. After that the Rump that is left of the Tories can either be infiltrated or collapse, again not bother which, just as long as we get proper right wing party that wants to roll back almost everything since the Blair years and introduce socially conservative values into the education system.

Also what could Labour do with a majority of 250 that they couldn’t do with a majority of 150? Nothing. It would make no difference except in one and one thing only. In a democracy a governing party needs an effective opposition to look legitimate.

If Labour won every single seat on a smaller vote share than Corbyn got in 2017 it wouldn’t give them any more power than Blair had, it would just make them look illegitimate. If they are going to win big anyway I’m all for it.

OP posts:
littleburn · 04/07/2024 20:16

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 17:56

I am, Tories can’t be trusted and got us into the mess we are in now and we all know that lib/lab/snp and green will do to women’s rights.

i don’t expect reform to win much but I read to say that amongst young males labour and Reform are both polling at 35% Among young women though Reform are polling very badly and Labour are polling exceptionally high. I guess if women are happy to vote their rights away that is their choice but I won’t.

You do get that if Reform scrapped the Equality Act 2010 (which you say you support then doing), then you are actually voting to remove 50 years of women's rights legislation, as has been pointed out by several posters on this thread? For example, the right not be sexually harassed at work, to receive equal pay to men, to not be fired for being pregnant?

YahdahYahdayYoo · 04/07/2024 20:19

I voted Tory. Reform has some tempting policies like supporting mothers who want to stay at home among others. However, I find their women centered policies are unconvincingly tacked on to the front-and-centre immigration headline tag. Their wimmin spokesperson on women's hour was unconvincing. My local candidate was just weird. I get the impression beyond the glamour of Nigel there's nothing of substance/depth. Not in this election at least.

RosaMoline · 04/07/2024 20:20


so, do you have an opinion on my previous post or not?
You think that sort of mindset is acceptable?

WhereAreWeNow · 04/07/2024 20:22

I could never vote Reform. I could never vote for Farage. These people are not good news for women, especially not if you're a black woman or an asylum seeking woman.

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 20:23

RosaMoline · 04/07/2024 20:20


so, do you have an opinion on my previous post or not?
You think that sort of mindset is acceptable?

Mindset acceptable? What am I? Orwell’s thought police making windows into men’s souls? It takes a lot of arrogance to declare another’s thoughts unacceptable because people will have reasons for thinking what they do, even if we dont understand what those reasons are.

OP posts:
bombaybicycle · 04/07/2024 20:23

*What's wrong with scrapping the equalities act?
I'm embarrassed for you OP. What a ridiculous thing to think.

PiffleWiffleWoozle · 04/07/2024 20:25

Definitely no to voting Reform thanks.

PoppyCherryDog · 04/07/2024 20:25

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 18:26

What’s wrong with scrapping the equalities act? I just don’t see any problem with that at all. I’m old and can remember what things were like pre-2010 and they were fine as I remember it.

But obviously we can all vote for whoever we want, just please don’t say you never knew what you were voting for when Labour bin women’s rights. If people vote for a party that wants to do that in large enough numbers they will get it and shouldn’t complain when they do. 🙂

FFS! It’s nice that the equalities act has never have to be used to protect you but surely you can see how it protects many others??? It may have been fine for your before it came in but it wasn’t fine for a lot of people.

Grannyinnwaiting · 04/07/2024 20:26

No because I also am not a neo nazi

TinkerTiger · 04/07/2024 20:26

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 18:27

So who did everyone else vote for then? I imagine most people will have voted by now.

Labour, HTH.

MalcolmTuckersSwearBox · 04/07/2024 20:26

Amusingly, I've just seen a piece on the news about the party leaders going to the polls. Everyone else was at a polling station. Amusingly, Farage has already voted via postal ballot.

I say "amusingly" because one of his new constitutional policies is to remove postal voting rights for all but the 'elderly, disabled or those unable to leave their homes', because of concerns over voter fraud (screenshot from online manifesto). Not even he believes his own BS.

Anyone else here voting Reform UK?
cardibach · 04/07/2024 20:27

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 20:16

Sure we will see. I’m not bothered if reform do badly though, all I really want is for the conservatives to do really, really badly. After that the Rump that is left of the Tories can either be infiltrated or collapse, again not bother which, just as long as we get proper right wing party that wants to roll back almost everything since the Blair years and introduce socially conservative values into the education system.

Also what could Labour do with a majority of 250 that they couldn’t do with a majority of 150? Nothing. It would make no difference except in one and one thing only. In a democracy a governing party needs an effective opposition to look legitimate.

If Labour won every single seat on a smaller vote share than Corbyn got in 2017 it wouldn’t give them any more power than Blair had, it would just make them look illegitimate. If they are going to win big anyway I’m all for it.

Cameron and Osborne already rolled back most of it with austerity. What exactly do you still want to see gone?

Anonym00se · 04/07/2024 20:28

PoppyCherryDog · 04/07/2024 20:25

FFS! It’s nice that the equalities act has never have to be used to protect you but surely you can see how it protects many others??? It may have been fine for your before it came in but it wasn’t fine for a lot of people.

It will have been used to protect her, she just doesn’t realise it. The fact that she’ll have been paid the same as a man, for example.

HauntedPollingBooth · 04/07/2024 20:29

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 20:23

Mindset acceptable? What am I? Orwell’s thought police making windows into men’s souls? It takes a lot of arrogance to declare another’s thoughts unacceptable because people will have reasons for thinking what they do, even if we dont understand what those reasons are.

So am I correct in thinking that there are circumstances in which you think that calling autistic people 'vegetables' is acceptable? (Parent of an autistic young adult).

Which socially conservative policies would you like to see brought in?

Kayemm · 04/07/2024 20:29

Those who voted Reform, how do you feel that low income people who have a chronic illness would cope under an insurance based health service?


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MalcolmTuckersSwearBox · 04/07/2024 20:30

And no, I did not and would not vote for them.

Mayhemmumma · 04/07/2024 20:31

I'm quite shocked that a feminist voted reform. Makes no sense to me but it's your vote OP.

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