🌞 The 5 truths of making this Summer a game changer for you

🌞 The 5 truths of making this Summer a game changer for you

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🌞 The 5 truths of making this Summer a game changer for you 🌟

I can only imagine the exhilaration and trepidation of being 21 again, freshly graduating and trying to figure out your future. It's the classic crossroads and ‘sliding doors’ of life, a moment of life-changing pivotal choices. I know this feeling well; back in '98, I chose an international assignment in Germany at 21, expecting a brief expat stint before returning home to Scotland. Little did I know it would turn into 26 years abroad and 6 countries later.

So as folk start their Summer, embracing this moment with intentionality and purpose is critical.

Here is why, this Summer presents an opportunity like no other to make good decisions, to decide who you fundamentally want to be, and to create habits and practices that can set the foundation for the life and career you desire. For those still in college, don’t do what I did on some Summers. Chasing the fun and good times only. So, I write these tips based on my own mistakes and my wins. Arguably these tips are relevant for all of us at all stages from being in college to entering the workforce and someone already in the workplace and looking for their next promotion.

The 5 truths of making this Summer a game changer for you:

☛ Every minute matters in building your equity

Reflect on the Summer internship that you have just secured or one that you had. Was it strategically chosen? Will it enhance your skills? Is it building towards the North star that you have for your career? Or perhaps you juggled multiple jobs to support your family. Regardless of the path you choose, each experience offers insights into your character and future leadership. So whatever you are doing this Summer- know that it gives a glimpse into the person you are becoming. Know that and own that. If you now, believe there is an opportunity to be more strategic with how you are spending your time, the time is NOW to act. Now, if you elect to enhance your Summer activities, don’t be random in your choices and select a cliché like I want to write a book, learn a language, learn an instrument. Instead, be strategic. Work on your North star and select activities that build towards that. It is not complicated. You just have to be intentional.  

 ☛ Work hard to understand your North star

This is a big topic, and I don't claim to have it all figured out, but I know enough to say with confidence that everyone needs a North star and there three reason why. So, please invest time and an energy in figuring out your North Star this Summer.

1st reason: When you have a North star, it helps you make better decisions. Consider the moments when you are at a critical decision crossroad. If you have a North star, you can assess how each option will be an enabler of that longer term vision. Some folks don't do that. They consider the shorter-term obvious benefits, like making easy extra cash. Instead ask, will I be proud of the decision in 10 years time. Will this decision (albeit hard now) be one of the reasons I fulfill my dreams. If you are not sure, then the formula is simple- get help! Listen to advisors and mentors who have walked a similar path. Learn from experts who thrive in personal development.

2nd reason: Is that you need to feel accountable that it’s your vision (North star) and actions that will decide if you have the life of your dreams. Some will advise you to follow your passion, others like Scott Galloway will say pursue what you are good at. I say, learn to love what you are good at so that it becomes your passion and your North Star.

3rd reason: Regret is not a team sport.  Remember, when you are in your later years, looking at your regrets in the mirror, there is no-one else to blame but ourselves. One regret people have is not taking the risks to pursue their dreams/North star. Others, about wasting away critical years. Don’t let this Summer be a regret.

☛ Once you know your North Star, build habits that enable you

James Clear talks about this in Atomic habits, that you will not be able to make sustainable changes with habits if they are not congruent with your personal identity. Oprah talks about having mantras to reinforce that. In fact, she tells her story of how she adopted part of the Invictus poem as her mantra.


For me, I always loved waking up early in the morning, I always felt like it gave me the edge over others. But as years past I now realize the edge was never over others but rather over my lazy self. I now wake up at 5am during the work week. I meditate, reflect, read and exercise. I essentially prime myself for the day ahead. I am energized, centered and ready to go! For those with kids and in the workplace, the alternative is to wake up at same time as my kids, rush to get ready, bark orders and then wonder why I am already stressed when it is only 9am in the morning. It’s as simple as this- wake up early and give yourself the gift of YOU time before your day starts. So which habits are you building this Summer? Who you are practicing on becoming?

☛ Work on your mindset- be emotionally resilient & unstoppable!

True grit is one of my favorite subjects. I have written about it more depth here. Simply put, it is the habit of perseverance. Getting up every day fighting for your dream no matter the set-backs. Chasing the dream, never giving up. This isn't something you are born with, it is nurtured over time. This is by far one of the most critical skills required to determine your success.  We all know that life hits harder than anything else…so why be shocked when things go wrong? It happens. Why be so down when we make mistakes or fail, sure isn’t failure just another path to progress and success. It’s the road we take to learn and get better?? I love how Sara Blakely, the found of SPANX talks of her father asking her every day 'What did you fail at school today?'. You see true resilient folk, expect adversity, they reframe adversity as a gift for learning and keep going for more. This Summer, make working on your mindset a priority. Catch yourself when you complain. Learn to reframe quickly. This is what will separate you from the masses.

☛ Learn to work hard, and to out-work your competition

In his 2008 book "Outliers," Malcolm Gladwell claimed that "ten thousand hours is the magic number to achieve greatness." His examples included Bill Gates, who was able to start coding as a teen and the Beatles, who played eight-hour gigs in German clubs long before their global success. Just consider how Taylor Swift has rewritten the rules in recent times. The key lesson here for young folk is that they have to practice and practice every day on their desired skills. Success is not handed to you on a gene platter. No matter what your parents tell you. Will Smith talks about this passionately below.

‘The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be out-worked, period. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things you got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together, there’s two things: You’re getting off first, or I’m going to die. It’s really that simple.’ Will Smith

Now the 5 tips above are not groundbreaking but they are neither for the faint hearted. They are for folk, who want to live a life worth living. Who love to #LevelUp. For people willing to sacrifice the now for the greater future. If you are one of those folk- don’t wait, make this Summer yours!

‘ Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference’ Robert Frost

#JoyForward #ThePossibilitiesAreBeautiful #FreshGraduate #Leadership #PossibilitiesAreEndless #WomenInBusiness #Leadership #LeadershipLessons

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Author: Michelle is the Chief Marketing Officer of Ulta Beauty. Before that, Michelle was the Chief Marketing, Citizenship & Communications officer for Samsung Electronics America and spent 16 years at Procter & Gamble, most of her time in Prestige Beauty, then moved to become the CMO at Vertu, British luxury handmade mobile handsets. For upcoming posts, follow Michelle on LinkedIn and twitter. All statements made, and opinions expressed in this article only reflect her personal opinion.


Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey and these valuable tips. It's a great reminder of how intentional choices early on can shape our paths in unimaginable ways. What do you think are the most important qualities a leader should develop to continue leveling up throughout their career?

Noelle Goris

Executive VP, Non-Executive Director


Shared this with my sons (my oldest is 21…) 🤣, thank you Michelle Crossan-Matos

Stefano Volpetti

President Smoke-Free Inhalable Products & Chief Consumer Officer at Philip Morris International


Insightful read—the emphasis on habit formation and finding our North Star is invaluable advice. Thanks for sharing!

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