Time is the most valuable thing that YOU have. Treat it as such!

“You Are Raping My Time,” if anyone reading this attended Johnson C. Smith University with me, you may remember these words from my favorite Professor/Mentor, Michelle Horton. I never understood what she meant, until now...

We all get 24hours a day, what you do with your 24 separates you from success or failure.

While in undergrad, many of my peers, myself included, had time for a million other things, rather than sit through a 50 minute course. We have all had that feeling, at least once.

We never, ever consider how our professors feel when we come to class unprepared, lazy, or just unwilling to learn. Imagine putting the time into a big presentation, writing 20 page paper, or group project only to have your professor, boss, or teammates not show up, collect the work, or not be present for the presentation.

People value their time differently. Yet, we all can agree that no one wants their time wasted.

”An hour in which our mind is sparkling and sharp, and coming up with brilliant ideas and insights, is usually more valuable to us than an hour in which we feel lethargic, dull-minded, or barely moping through life,” (Forbes).

It’s important to be more aware of how you spend your time. The more aware you are the better you are able to account for your progress and really measure your accomplishments. I know that’s easier said than done. Time escapes you when you’re focused or working hard at something because you’re not watching the clock.

One way to make sure you’re aware of your time is to figure out what you want from life. A
sk yourself questions (i.e. Why did I come to work? Why did I spend all this money for school? Why did I apply for this internship? etc.,) If we aren't clear on where we’re headed in life or why we do the things we do, everything just seems pointless.If you are clear about what the point of it all is, then you will become more obsessed with spending your time doing the things that service that point.

What is the point of your efforts? Only you can answer that. When you don’t know where your headed, then is all headed in the same place…nowhere (Forbes).

Thanks Maya J Hicks for the shout out! Glad my messages didn't fall on deaf ears! #KeepDriving!

Brittany Yates, MBA

Change Management expert driving organizational change


Good post


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