A Love letter to public libraries
Michelle × DALL·E Human & AI

A Love letter to public libraries

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Today's read time is ~4 minutes.

Today, as we celebrate National Read a Book Day, I find myself reflecting on how my love for reading was ignited by a library nestled in the heart of the Gorbals, Glasgow, Scotland.

You see, that library was more than just a building; it was a sanctuary for many of us who called this rain-soaked neighborhood home. In a place where rain was a near-constant companion and where cold winds seemed to have a permanent residence, that library stood as an oasis of warmth and happiness.

Picture the gloomiest day you can imagine, and that's what we faced daily. I am not kidding. This library, situated in Queens Elizabeth Square, was sandwiched between two bakeries, a chemist, butchers, and an unfortunate amount of dog waste (yuck), not to mention the struggles of those who had fallen prey to the call of heroin addiction.

Yes, you read that correctly; this refuge was nestled amidst our community's darkest corners. But as we walked through those doors, a transformation occurred. The library was a haven, bathed in light, with the comforting aroma of dusty books. To any true bookworm, that scent is as familiar as an old friend—the scent of happiness, safety, and boundless imagination.

My journey with books did not end there; it continued through my formative years into adolescence. Around the age of twelve, my mother, often overwhelmed, would drop me off at the library in Govanhill. There, I discovered the magic of the fiction section, and more importantly, the spine-tingling world of horror literature. It was within those pages that I first encountered Dean Koontz's "Lightning," a book that would forever bind me to the genre. From that moment on, I voraciously devoured every horror book within my reach. That library soon became my refuge for studying during my university finals and, quite possibly, the reason I eventually graduated.

When I say that reading was my salvation, I do not exaggerate. Books were my escape, a portal to worlds far removed from the challenges I faced.

Years later, I returned to Glasgow with my own children. We made an unannounced visit to my cherished library in Govanhill, as the one in the Gorbals had long vanished, demolished by time and progress. I proudly enrolled my children as library members, just as I had done years ago.

As we chatted with the librarian, she shared her passion for her role. Not only did she get to work with books, but she also had the privilege of assisting children in need. I couldn't help but glance over her shoulder, where six children, likely from the same family, had taken refuge- they looked very hungry and in need of shelter. They were wet from the rain outside, shedding their damp jackets, and they radiated an unmistakable sense of happiness and security. I did not know their stories or the trials they faced, but I saw reflections of my own past in their innocent faces.

It was at that moment that I realized libraries are more than just a place to home books; they are sanctuaries where safety, knowledge and imagination intertwine.

Fast forward forty years, and I find myself still obsessed with books. So much so, that my mornings still commence with the company of a book. This daily ritual is a cherished one, offering me focus, insight, and a unique sense of joy. Reading relaxes me and sparks my imagination in ways like nothing else can.

So on this Read a Book Day, I want to thank every librarian out there for all that they do for kids. I want to thank my Mum who dropped me off at the library and thank Glasgow city council for creating these havens. It will never be lost on me the impact that simple public libraries do for their communities.

Currently, I am engrossed in "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin Sharma. This book tells the story of a man compelled to confront his imbalanced life. Through a step-by-step approach, Sharma imparts wisdom on living with courage, abundance, and joy, a goal that many of us have.

Now if like me, you love to read and need some recommendations- here are some of my favorite books:

📕 "Lightning" by Dean Koontz (The OG)

📘 "Untamed" by Glennon Doyle

📕 "The Algebra of Happiness" by Scott Galloway

📗 "Dare to Lead" by Brené Brown

📙 "Ego is the Enemy" by Ryan Holiday

I am so happy that I stumbled on my journey to read, I can’t imagine what could have been without those libraries and books. #ForeverGrateful #HappyReadABookDay!

So, what's on your reading list today? Who can you inspire to #ReadABook today?

#Leadership #Reading #Routines #ReadABookDay" #GorbalsGirl #PossibilitiesAreEndless #WomenInBusiness #Leadership #LeadershipLessons

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Author: Michelle is the Chief Marketing Officer of Ulta Beauty. Before that, Michelle was the Chief Marketing, Citizenship & Communications officer for Samsung Electronics America and spent 16 years at Procter & Gamble, most of her time in Prestige Beauty, then moved to become the CMO at Vertu, British luxury handmade mobile handsets. For upcoming posts, follow Michelle on LinkedIn and twitter. All statements made, and opinions expressed in this article only reflect her personal opinion.

The Gorbal's library - where it all began.

Other great books to read.

Amanda Fitzpatrick

Vice President of Brand Partnerships & Development at Beauty Barrage l Previous: L’Oreal/Lancôme, HSN/QVC (ybf Beauty), Sephora (Briogeo)


What a beautiful read! Thank you for sharing and inspiring, Michelle!

Mina Owliaei

Director @ Paramount | Client Partnerships


Great recommendations, Michelle.. I’m a big fan of Brené Brown! Adding your other recs to my Goodreads list. If you’re looking for a fiction, I can’t put down ‘The Dutch House’ by Ann Patchett and felt the same about ‘Demon Copperhead’ by Barbara Kingsolver. Don't let the title of the latter deter you - it's absolutely fantastic!


Vice Presidente APS Accademia Focus -Perugia



Lori Monaco

President US Beauty


Thanks for sharing your passion for reading. My salvation as a child was retreating to my shared bedroom and reading with the warm glow of a flashlight after being tucked in bed. I cherished the weekly visits to the library with my sisters where we took out books to escape to new places and experiences that went well beyond the perimeter of our town. Love this newsletter!

Mary Hofstetter

Blue Heron Productions


My most peaceful moments when studying or looking for a book are in libraries. We just had the literary festival in Morges, "Le livre sur les quais" www.lelivresurlesquais.ch which is always the first weekend of September. We had a record number of readers and authors attend, 40,000 over 3 days!

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