Lasting impressions
Photo Credit: Yohan Ellapulli

Lasting impressions

A few years ago, I moderated a discussion on career success with a panel of inspiring leaders who were invited to Pearson's offices in Melbourne. The event was a capstone to an internship program that I sponsored, in which we provided a group of university students with hands-on experience within various commercial operations. As I looked out at our engaged audience of aspiring professionals, I was drawn by the promise in their eyes. I remember being struck by a sense excitement for each of them as they were about to embark on their professional journeys. And I hoped that the internship and panel discussion would make a lasting impression.

This week marks the beginning of my post-Pearson life and my mind has travelled to all the lasting impressions that have been made on me. It’s been nearly 30 years working with incredible colleagues, authors, and partners on behalf of the company. My professional adventure has opened up a world of opportunities for me and my heart is filled with gratitude - largely for the amazing individuals who entrusted me with the work that I've enjoyed so much. I've been lucky to have had wonderful managers throughout my career and so I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge them.

  • Robert Koehler saw something in a fresh-faced college grad, and he hired me as his editorial assistant. This gave me a toehold into my career. Rob's trust and investment in me were early cues that I was in the right place. And the example he set for clear communication and macro/micro level thinking were important building blocks that I’ve strived to model after him. 
  • Alice Harra, Julie Staggs, and Pamela Lancaster provided lots of support and inspiration for a newbie sales rep in South Florida. They knew they had a young, hardworking nice guy on their hands, but was he a closer? They each instilled in me a dose of their tiger mentalities and helped me grow my teeth in the high performance culture that they created.
  • Susan Katz promoted me and gave me an incredible opportunity to create a start-up product portfolio in the allied health disciplines. She gave me the tools and the growing room to make it happen with the benefit of her wisdom, her gentle guidance, and the example she set for applying a serious work ethic without ever taking things too seriously.
  • Julie Alexander and I worked closely together for over a decade. She was my longest serving manager and she presided over an incredibly productive time in my career. Julie knew how I ticked better than anyone, and she helped me grow up personally and professionally. Her combination of intuition, analysis, curiosity, commercial acumen, team building, and poise served as my North Star as I moved into leadership roles.
  • Chor Meng Tan and David Barnett took the biggest chance of them all by asking me to join them in our Asia business as their Publishing Director. Chor Meng opened my mind to the fuller dimensions of the business, enshrining in me a deep appreciation for the interplay between strategy, operations, finance, sales, marketing, and technology- and across cultures and languages - all within a matrixed organisation. He continues to be a trusted guide. And it was David, who showed me what visionary, principled, engaged, and compassionate leadership looks like. I remember knowing from the first 30 seconds of meeting him that I wanted to work for this man. 
  • Dan McFadyden brought me to Australia with the support of David Barnett, providing me with the chance to create a new life in this beautiful country for myself and my family. Dan's appetite for innovation is matched by his instinct for collaboration - which is a powerful combo. But what truly sets Dan apart is his unflinching advocacy for his people. Although it's been more than five years since I last worked for Dan, I know he's always got my back.
  • Sonia Wilson extended her care, confidence, and investment in my growth as a leader. She also provided me with a wonderful example of how to exhibit poise and temperament during challenging times, and how strength and vulnerability are not mutually exclusive. Sonia continues to have an enormous impact on my career and I’m so grateful for our friendship. 
  • Jonathan Joffe, a newcomer to my network and interim manager, has quickly become a kindred spirit and genuine supporter. He has offered his friendship and engagement during times of change, and I couldn't be more appreciative.
  • Over the past 18 months, I have rekindled long-standing connections with Marlene Olsavsky and Marcia Horton, who navigated with me this final chapter at Pearson. A global restructure came with its challenges but a hidden benefit has been the opportunity to work with two of the people I’ve most admired from afar throughout my career. Their influence has broadened my vision, intensified my focus on high performance, and helped me clarify my professional brand. Most importantly, they were empathetic supporters throughout the process of my decision to bring my Pearson career to a close. 
  • Though never my direct manager, I've had a persistent connection with Robin Baliszewski from nearly Day One of my career until today. Robin has the biggest heart and the fiercest will to win that I’ve ever witnessed as a professional. I’m lucky - along with so many others - to have been touched by her and championed by her. She has had my back (and my family’s back) through every move I’ve made over these three decades. And for that, she’ll have my eternal affection. In a final poetic twist, Robin’s final day was the same as mine. I wish her a happy, healthy, and vibrant retirement and I congratulate her on an iconic career that impacted lives in a profound way. 

As I look forward to new challenges and opportunities, I look back at all the wisdom, support, and growth opportunities I've gained from these special people. I hope that in the people I myself have managed over the years, I've been able to pay some of those lasting impressions forward.

Daniel Krauss

Executive Sales Specialist at Pearson


Congrats my friend- very happy for you and looking forward to seeing what you can do!

Beautifully written Mark. When you have time to connect, let me know. Our discussions have always filled my cup.


What a fine roster of mentors and managers.

Jonathan Joffe

Leadership | Growth & Transformation I People Centred I Strategic Partnerships | Stakeholder Engagement | Business Development


Grateful to be part of this esteemed group and equally grateful to have had the chance to work together, albeit for a short time. Wish you every success Mark Cohen!

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