How to bring #JoyForward to your workplace

How to bring #JoyForward to your workplace

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In recent weeks, unpacking the importance of joy has been at the forefront of Ulta Beauty’s new initiative, The Joy Project. Our mission has and will always be to help beauty enthusiasts feel like their best selves. While I’m happy to share which tones and shades can make someone feel beautiful, I know personally that joy starts from within. Living your best life comes with a multitude of challenges – personal, professional, and societal. In this edition of The Weekly CMO, I focus on how to bring #JoyForward in the workplace.

 On average, we work 260 days of the days in a year. For statistic lovers like me, that is over 2,000 hours. This means to experience joy in life, it is critical we experience it in the workplace. Our Joy Study found that 64% of those surveyed report having trouble prioritizing activities that bring them joy and pleasure. As #leaders, #managers, #mentors and more, we have the power to better infuse joy into every workday.

Let’s start with cultural norms and the age-old question – do you live to work or work to live? Why does the answer have to be one or the other? I am a strong believer that you can both LOVE to live and LOVE to work. How? Passion, enthusiasm, and joy. Sure, we all have hard days, but as leaders we “set the weather.” By starting each day with positivity and leaning into our own vulnerabilities, we create a welcoming environment for our teams to do the same. We’ve set the stage for healthy boundaries and productivity. And it starts with empathy.

Empathy can drive joy. Simply taking the time to put yourself in someone’s shoes can alter the course of the day. For instance, do you have a new #workingmom on your team? Remember those tireless nights or early mornings? Set a standard to not schedule a meeting before 10 AM… a peaceful cup of coffee can go a long way in a team member’s day. How about an overachiever consistently burning the midnight oil?  Recognition of the time spent coupled with a productive conversation on growth opportunities and prioritization can reenergize and increase performance long-term. Empathetic leaders listen first, show genuine interest, and demonstrate authenticity. Quick reminder though: empathy in the workplace does not mean we lack accountability. Joy can be found in success, overcoming challenges and breaking barriers.

All this said, The Joy Project emerged from data indicating the primary obstacle in the path to joy is one’s inner critic. I can hear years of my own negative self-talk now when it comes to my career – “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t have as much experience as them,” “I’ve been out of the beauty industry for too long.” I could go on and on. Combatting generations of societal norms is no easy feat, which is why Ulta Beauty partnered with best-selling author, motivational speaker and podcast host, Mel Robbins. Mel’s multi-step approach to overcome one’s inner critic can (and should) be used both personally and professionally. Let’s break it down with a common professional scenario – public speaking.


Scenario: The big presentation is in a couple hours. It may be a new business pitch, a panel opportunity, maybe even a keynote speech. You’ve practiced, you’re prepared, you’re confident in the material, you’re even having a good hair day and yet… your inner critic is overshadowing your confidence.


I haven’t rehearsed enough, I’m not a good public speaker, I talk too fast and say umm to many times, what if people laugh or are bored at what I have to say… we’ve ALL been here. Let’s silence that inner critic:

 🔎 IDENTIFY IT:  This is my nerves getting the best of me. This self-criticism is unwarranted.

 🛑 INTERRUPT IT: An internal “STOP,” can go a long way. Or say it out loud. Replace, “I can’t” with “I will“ and smile knowing you’re in control of your own joy.

 ✨ REPLACE IT WITH SOMETHING INSPIRING: Be your own biggest cheerleader. Give yourself a pep talk like you would to someone else – I’m an expert on this topic, I’m enthusiastic and I am prepared.

 One of the greatest joys of my life is accomplishment – whether big or small. In the workplace (and beyond), we need to be better about sparking joy throughout the process, not just at the finish line. That is why we started a movement with The Joy Project. To remind ourselves and others, that joy is not a reward, it’s the cornerstone of our wellbeing. Joy can and should be accessible to all, with joy we can love to live and love our jobs.

Let’s recap how to #JoyForward in the workplace:

  1.  Start each day on a positive
  2. Lead with empathy
  3. Drive accountability
  4. When your inner critic sounds the alarm, identify, interrupt and replace with something inspiring
  5. Experience joy and spread joy
  6. Repeat


Without joy, none of us can reach our true potential. Finding joy is determined by the daily choices we make. Together, let’s break down the barriers to all experience more joy.


Now I want to hear from you – How do you spread joy in the workplace? What tips do you have for others to silence their inner critic?

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Author: Michelle is the Chief Marketing Officer of Ulta Beauty. Before that, Michelle was the Chief Marketing, Citizenship & Communications officer for Samsung Electronics America and spent 16 years at Procter & Gamble, most of her time in Prestige Beauty, then moved to become the CMO at Vertu, British luxury handmade mobile handsets. For upcoming posts, follow Michelle on InstagramLinkedIn and twitter. All statements made, and opinions expressed in this article only reflect her personal opinion.

Kecia Steelman

President & Chief Operating Officer at Ulta Beauty


Thank YOU, Michelle, for leading this JOYFUL mission to help us bring true joy to ALL of our associates and guests. Such meaningful and important work! #joyforward

Ginevra S.

Accounts Payable Coordinator at Ulta Beauty


I’m trying to teach my 2 teenage sons what took me years to learn- that it’s all too easy to get in a rut of negativity & feeling crabby. So when you catch yourself in that place, limit venting to 5 minutes (because you have to get it out, but it doesn’t help to get stuck on it), then shift your thoughts to what you’re grateful for & your whole mood & perspective will shift with you. You have to learn how to hold onto your happy. It’s important to learn to focus your thoughts on the positive & to keep a good sense of humour.

Christina Schmidt

Director Global Marketing @Corbiota | Alumna @Ten-More-In and @ThePower Business School


Beautiful Michelle Crossan-Matos, it‘s so needed ✨ This resonates a lot with me as joy is my strongest value and my core. Regarding the inner critic I just learned that we have an inner team and the critic is just one role/member to whom I can say „thank you but your expertise and good intention is not needed at the moment“.

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