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The Coworker

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Profile Image for Sydney Books.
340 reviews14.9k followers
September 3, 2023
This was fine it just didnโ€™t really wow me ๐Ÿ˜•
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,591 reviews52.7k followers
July 5, 2024
Iโ€™m officially joined to fan girls who devour everything Freida McFadden releases including her post it notes with shopping list! Iโ€™m ashamed myself for not creating extra time to binge read Housemaid series that might be about drown in my piling up to-be-read list. As a honest confession this is my first book of the author but I can guarantee it wonโ€™t be the last! ( I still plan to sleep less and read more till my contact lenses destroy themselves for diving into her previous works)

But letโ€™s put her popular books and previous works aside to discuss โ€œCo-workerโ€: fast pacing, grey cell destroyer, mind number, nail biter, nerve bender, scream shouter thriller you may possibly read in one sitting till you cannot feel your legs and head gets hurt! The unreliable characterization makes you guess till the end: which woman tells the truth, which one is the villanelle or both of them are angel and thereโ€™s someone sinister targeting them.

The big twist that revealing at the end of part one was obvious from the beginning but the second and third ones revealing at end of part three and epilogue were very well executed.

The plot revolves around two polar opposite coworkers who share cubicles next to each other. Natalie Farrell : a golden girl of sales team, with her Margot Robbieโ€™s Barbie appearance like shiny beautiful blonde hair, blue eyes, stylish clothes, genuine, friendly manners and Dawn Schiff: strange, shy, possibly on spectrum young woman, social inept, detail oriented accountant, obsessed in turtles, wearing shapeless clothes two sized big for her, in shapeless haircut and tortoiseshell glasses giving nerdish meets weird vibes.

Dawn is always punctual, schedules everything in her daily life including color of her food she eats, bathroom and lunch breaks. But her coworker Nathalie realizes sheโ€™s not at her cubicle in this morning which is unusual before she leaves her a message that they have to discuss important issue. She also sends the same message to their boss who is already sick of Dawnโ€™s antics.

But Natalie gets more worried at each minute after she answers an office call hearing Dawn whimpering to help her, then abruptly ends the call.

Natalie gets intrigued, deciding to stop by Dawnโ€™s place to make sure sheโ€™s okay but when she intrudes the place: finding the door unlocked, seeing the horrible view in the living room makes her scream!

Did something happen to Dawn? What Nathalie gets herself into?

As we read the correspondences between Dawn and her only friend Mia for last six months, Dawn draws a very horrific portrait of Natalie who keeps bullying her at workspace and who might have motive to get hurt.

When we read from Natalieโ€™s POV who might be close to crush down from the walls coming up on her, she seems like a flawed person with high ambitions and wrong and instant choices. She keeps insisting she was nice to Dawn. Was she really? Could she have violent tendencies and not so innocent as she seems? What about poor Dawn who suffered enough? Which part should we believe: emails of Dawn or Natalieโ€™s POV? You have to get copy to find out!

The romance part of the book was a little agitating especially the climax part where big revelations come out but the ending was satisfying even though it had small plot holes, needing more explanations.

Overall: I just couldnโ€™t put it down and enjoy the wild ride even though both characters are not much engaging. Riveting pacing, mind games, representation of cerebral palsy, bullying, suicide, on the spectrum is thought provoking approach to these sensitive issues. I cannot wait to go blind and read more works of the author in near future.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for sharing this unputdownable thrillerโ€™s digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest thoughts.

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Profile Image for Nina (ninjasbooks).
1,194 reviews869 followers
September 1, 2023
Mcfadden is finally back after some let-downs. This was a fast-paced thriller for sure. I liked the characters, which is great after being so dissatisfied with the characters in never lie and ward d. Even if the main character had her flaws, I felt they were explained better and there was some character development (at least a bit). I must admit I saw the twist coming, but was still curious about how it all would play out, so it was a breeze reading. In the afterword McFadden writes that sheโ€™s worked on this book for over 20 (!) years and that shows as I couldnโ€™t find no obvious plot holes, and it was told convincingly. Maybe there was a bit too much spoon-feeding when it came to Dawn who obviously was on the spectrum, but from what I read it wasnโ€™t too stereotypical, and I wasnโ€™t annoyed by the way McFadden described her personality. There was actually a lovely moment in the end and I found myself tearing up. How often does that happen in your standard psychological thriller?

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc
Profile Image for Emmie Marigold.
268 reviews47 followers
September 8, 2023
My IQ just dropped 37 points.

Everything I learned about turtles in this book was without my consent.
Profile Image for Christine.
138 reviews9 followers
July 2, 2023
Sorry, but this was the worst book Iโ€™ve read by the author. At this point, I think sheโ€™s focusing too much on quantity (getting books out more frequently) rather than quality. There are several of hers Iโ€™ve enjoyed, but the last few have just been disappointing.
Profile Image for Kay.
2,178 reviews1,106 followers
August 29, 2023
My favorite McFadden book so far. Two unreliable female MCs keep me guessing to the end.

Dawn Shiff in accounting is obsessed with turtles, a little odd and a bit OCD. Dawn is always at her desk at 8:45 a.m. until the day she isn't. No one knows her whereabouts. This is very out of character for her. When Dawn's phone rings, Natalie Farrell, the pretty sales rep answers it and hears "Help me!" before the line goes dead.

The Coworker is told in two parts. The first part is good at getting to know the characters. I enjoy the back-and-forth email exchanges that reveal their personalities. In the second half, I couldn't listen fast enough. A body. A suspect. The past. I need answers!

This is my third book by McFadden and I'm glad the author didn't include a dumb/naive MC this time around. The story is well paced so it was a pretty good popcorn thriller in my opinion.

I enjoyed listening to Alyson Krawchuk performance but I thought the voices of the two MCs were a bit difficult to tell apart. (I can hear the pages turning and some other noises. Hopefully, the final edition will be better.) 3.5โญ

Thank you Dreamscape Media and Netgalley for my ALC.
Published Aug 29, 2023.
Profile Image for Tabitha -.
433 reviews87 followers
October 1, 2023
I.... this is silly. First, this was done on audio. The narrator sounds like a robot no matter what speed. It's awful.

One character is clearly autistic coded, but then the writing for the other MC is exactly the same as the other, not differentiating between them in personality. I kept having to try to remember who the heck we are even babbling about.

This also went on way too long. And the twists were absolutely absurd. There's absolutely zero way any of this would happen. (Yes, yes, I know it's fiction. It's still goofy.)

Please, I can't handle this.
Profile Image for Chantal.
720 reviews651 followers
July 14, 2023
Freida has once again delivered an incredibly binge-worthy and fast-paced read in her latest book. True to her style, she skillfully lured me into a false sense of security with a seemingly predictable plot, only to blindside me with a major twist. It's this ability to keep readers on their toes that sets Freida apart.

One of the standout aspects of the story was the portrayal of Dawn with autism. I think many readers will either like or dislike her character. In my instance I did find her likeable enough.
There was one minor issue that slightly detracted from the overall enjoyment. The recurring mention of "turtles" became a bit excessive, and by the time Chapter 5 rolled around, I found myself growing weary of it. Freida certainly ensured that turtles would forever be associated with this book in my mind. Nevertheless, this minor gripe did not overshadow the strengths of the storyline.

In terms of the writing style, I must admit that it differed somewhat from her previous works, and there were moments when I didn't particularly resonate with it. Despite this, I still found myself engrossed in the story, largely due to the engaging storyline.

This book definitely too me on an emotional rollercoaster, expertly weaving a gripping psychological thriller. The pace never lets up, and kept me captivated from beginning to end. And speaking of the ending, it was an unexpected twist that left me in awe. The narration on this book was not the best and voice came over monotonous at times, but still gripped me enough to continue.

In conclusion, Freida's latest book is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers who crave an exhilarating ride. While the abundance of turtle references and the occasional issue with the writing style may have dampened my experience slightly, the strength of the plot and the skillful characterization make up for it. Prepare to be enthralled by this suspenseful tale that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.

Thank you Netgalley and Dreamscape Media for the opportunity to listen and review this ARC.
Profile Image for benedicta.
393 reviews542 followers
September 1, 2023
3.5โญ๏ธ Freida McFadden is really out there saving the world one thriller at a time ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

haha I love how criminally obtuse Frieda McFadden's characters can be with their deadpan dialogues and ironic thoughts ๐Ÿ˜… I find them so bloody funny ๐Ÿคญ

I saw some of the twists coming, still loved all those twists ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
Profile Image for Rachel Hanes.
583 reviews505 followers
August 21, 2023
I think itโ€™s safe to say that Iโ€™m a McFadden fan. I enjoy her books, as they provide mindless entertainment (usually). This book however, seemed to tackle a couple of heavy topics along with the thrills. Iโ€™m usually left feeling overly excited after having just read one of her books, this one not so much. Maybe I resonated too much with our main character Dawn? Maybe Iโ€™m too familiar with characters like Natalie? Either way, I think I was hoping for something a little differentโ€ฆ

This story starts off with Dawn Schiff not showing up for work one day. This is very odd as Dawn is always very prompt, meticulous, and never misses work. Natalie, her coworker decides to go looking for her. Natalie seems very worried about Dawn, and insists that she was always kind to her while other people in the office were not. However, Dawn has emails that she wrote to a friend that prove otherwiseโ€ฆ

I can see where McFadden was going with this book, as we are all tired of bullies. We are tired of bullies getting away with everything with no repercussions, while the those of us who get bullied continue to suffer. Where is the justice?!

This is book is divided into two parts. I really enjoyed Part I, but Part II- not as much. It did have some nice twists, but they just didnโ€™t โ€œwowโ€ me like I thought they would. All in all, this is a fun read- and I will be looking out for more from McFadden in the future!

Many thanks to NetGalley, Poisoned Pen Press, and the author for an ARC of this book which I had the pleasure of reading. All opinions are my own. Publication date: August 29, 2023.
Genre~ Mystery & Thrillers
Profile Image for Debra.
2,747 reviews35.8k followers
July 18, 2023
Well, well, well, what do we have here? A completely entertaining, gripping, and shocking read by Freida McFadden. I was completely entertained and enjoyed the characters, their exploits, their personalities, and motivations. They are mainly an unlikeable bunch and I enjoyed watching one of them view herself as the entitled victim the entire book.

Dawn Schiff (is she on the spectrum?) is a turtle loving accountant who works in an office filled with secrets. She arrives at 8:45 a.m. every day without fail. Dawn is viewed as awkward by her co-workers. Thankfully she can correspond with a friend in her spare time as she doesn't have any friends in the office. Natalie Farrell is the golden girl of the office. She is the top sales rep and out for number one!

Oh, what tangled webs we weave....

When Dawn, who is never late, does not show up for work one morning, it sets off alarms. Then Natalie receives a startling phone call....and we are off to the races! Natalie finds herself in some seriously hot water and for once, can't sweet talk herself out of trouble.

This was an enjoyable cat-and-mouse that had me wanting more. I know when I read a Freida McFadden book that I am going to be entertained and shocked. I had a guess where things were going but I enjoyed how McFadden took me there while throwing in some twists along the way. Plus, I learned a thing or two about turtles.

#TheCoworker #NetGalley #FreidaMcFadden #DreamscapeMedia

Thank you to Dreamscape Media, Hollywood Upstairs Press and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at

Profile Image for L.A..
579 reviews231 followers
July 13, 2023
A toxic workplace within a corporate company allowing bullying to permeate their tiny little cubicles makes for a psychological nightmare.
โ€œSecrets bind people close togetherโ€ฆโ€
With unloveable characters all the way to the end and turtles all the way down, my head is spinningโ€ฆfor real! This author is one of my favorites, but with a character like Dawn in love with everything turtles got under my shell. When she crawls under everyone elseโ€™s skin, as an accountant, she was thoroughly annoying, and she is missing. Presumed dead by evidence in her home, one of her bullies Natalie is arrested.
When Natalie is arrested for her murder, the plot thickens and derails the story to unlikely twists. Good job! You built a mystery around turtles and e-mails that left an incriminating path, but that ending!!!!
Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks for this ARC in exchange for my review!
Profile Image for Allison Faught.
366 reviews193 followers
April 12, 2024
This book was superglued to my hand. I swear.

I will say that Part 1 was incredibly binge-able. I could NOT put it down. The writing isnโ€™t anything crazy stellar but a good popcorn read for sure.

Part 2 went downhill fast for me as there were just too many coincidences to neatly wrap this up. I canโ€™t go into detail without spoiling but I could see where the story was going and the little details surrounding it made me have to suspend belief at times.

I actually really liked that this book didnโ€™t have any filler. Everything seemed like it belonged and was important to drive the plot forward.

Not super original but still fun to read. Short chapters and a binge-able part 1 will be great for any thriller lover. My second book by the author and I will pick up more from her in the future.

Profile Image for NILTON TEIXEIRA.
1,053 reviews461 followers
August 31, 2023
I wonโ€™t say turtles!
But this one did not work for me.
I donโ€™t mind unreliable characters but I think that the author was too lazy to learn more about neurodivergent behaviour. The way she portrayed it here was poorly executed.
This would be ok if we were in the 70โ€™s or 80โ€™s, as not much was known about it.
Anywaysโ€ฆ yes, this was another fast read, and I liked the structure, but the twists were not that great and the plot became silly.
Quality does not seem to be the goal.
The audiobook that I received from the library was of the worst quality, and the narrator sounded robotic. It was hard to distinguish between the two characters.

Paperback (Poison Pen Press): 368 pages

Ebook (Kindle): 349 pages (default)

Audiobook narrated by Alyson Krawchuk 8.2 hours (normal speed)
Profile Image for Emmyreads444.
301 reviews1,514 followers
July 12, 2023
THIS IS A FUCKING MASTERPIECE. Queen Freida youโ€™ve done it again. One million stars. I devoured this book in less than 10hrs.
Profile Image for Irena BookDustMagic.
683 reviews795 followers
October 11, 2023
Our book club's October pick.

This is my first time reading Freida McFadden, but judging on my enjoment, it probably won't be the last one.

It was interesting and different in a way, although I would prefer if it didn't have an epilogue.
I will probably write my review early in the morning tomorrow.
Profile Image for Francesca (pavisfrancesca).
202 reviews2,037 followers
September 9, 2023
I was SO excited to get an advanced copy of Freidaโ€™s new book, especially since itโ€™s set in the workplace!!! The twists were amazing in classic Freida style and it was fast paced and an easy read.

However it wasnโ€™t Friedaโ€™s best, this one felt quite vanilla compared to her other books and to other thrillers, the main character wasnโ€™t likeable at all and honestly neither were the supporting characters.

And honestly if I saw one more turtle reference I was going to throw my kindle ๐Ÿข
Profile Image for Snjez.
862 reviews763 followers
December 3, 2023
4.5 stars

This was my first read by this author and I thought it was great.

I picked this one because I haven't read many, if any, thrillers with a workplace setting and I loved that. The story follows two timelines, one in the present and the other six months prior, leading up to the present day. That's something I happen to love in thrillers and I think it was done so well here.

I had some theories while reading this, but the author did a great job at making me second guess myself. She also made me second guess how I feel about the characters. But even when I found them unlikable and their actions very questionable, to say the least, she managed to make me care about them and their relationships.

I listened to the audio version and really enjoyed it. I've seen some negative reviews about the narration but, luckily, it worked for me and helped me stay engaged in the story.
Profile Image for Erica.
214 reviews44 followers
June 30, 2023
Hi. I am so done with reading books that make fun of autistic coded characters. I can't put up with it any longer. This entire book was just explaining what a freak the author thinks that Dawn is for her autistic traits. Good lord. People claim to be so open minded and loving to autistic people, but then proceed to mock every single thing they do. I'm over it.
Profile Image for Heather Adores Books.
1,193 reviews1,198 followers
January 29, 2024
Genre ~ psychological thriller
Setting ~ not sure
Publication date ~ August 29, 2023
Est page Count ~ 370 (p+ 61 chapters +e)
Audio length ~ 8 hours 12 minutes
Narrator ~ Alyson Krawchuk
POV ~ dual 1st, present tense
Featuring ~ workplace drama, 2 part story, multiple timelines, bullying, references to suicide, murder, revenge, cheating, turtle talk up the yang

*Might be a couple of spoilers*

Our two unreliable narrators are:
Natalie the mean one
Dawn the missing coworker

I'm all for a revenge plot, but this was totally implausible. Can I get at least a little realism with my fiction? Natalie was so awful. Her crap with "I was only 17," please! All 17 year olds think they're adults, so she should've acted like one or at least have a little remorse 13 years later. You can't help but feel bad with how Dawn was treated by someone who is now 30.

I suppose the twist was fine, but I just couldn't get past all the meanness. Just about every character was unlikable, I can't really think of anyone I'd ever want to spend time with, Dawn aside. Fortunately it was fast paced and I was able to listen at 3x, so I was done with it quickly.

Narration notes:
A bit stiff and not as emotional as I would have liked. No distinction between the characters either.

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September 16, 2023
I said I would try one more of this authors books after reading one of her others.

I liked her writing but not the plot, as I donโ€™t think it was tastefully done (My personal POV)

This one was entertaining and as Iโ€™ve grown to see this author really builds her characters, so much so, I grow to like, despise or totally be annoyed by them. I like that in a book. In life you get annoying people donโ€™t you? Ones you like, ones you canโ€™t wait to get away from. I find that entertaining.

The plot and lead up to the conclusion was very well done, bits of weirdness from some very controversial and conniving characters each with secrets but pasts that tie them.

The Coworker was very aptly titled as is if many of her books (Iโ€™m going to make it my aim to read her backlist).

I like her easy style of writing.
The plot is deep, yet her writings light (yep that sound contradicted) but difficult for me to explain.

Itโ€™s simple but compulsive.

Itโ€™s complicated yet it holds your attention with a relaxed not on the edge of your seat writing.

See, itโ€™s hard to explain.

The two women in this storyline were sure Vixens!
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,188 reviews227 followers
January 23, 2024
The Coworker by Freida McFadden is another gripping page-turner. This author could write her shopping list and Iโ€™d read it as I enjoy her writing style. Her books grab your attention from the start to the last page.

Although this is not my favourite book by this author I still enjoyed it, so if you like reading thrillers that have jaw-dropping twists this book or any other book by this author is a must-read. Recommended.
Profile Image for daniella.
122 reviews458 followers
October 29, 2023
natalie, the popular and beautiful sales representative, and dawn, the socially awkward accountant, have their lives turned upside down when dawn goes missing. natalie's gut feeling that something's wrong grows stronger as she discovers a mysterious phone call from dawn whispering "help me."

knowing the author's pattern it makes the plot twists less surprising. it's like missing out on that element of surprise that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

i still recommend this book if you want quick and easy read.
Profile Image for anoukโ™ก semi-hiatus.
354 reviews217 followers
March 11, 2024
โ๐’‚๐’‡๐’•๐’†๐’“ ๐’‚๐’๐’, ๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’“๐’†โ€™๐’” ๐’๐’๐’•๐’‰๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐’ƒ๐’Š๐’๐’…๐’” ๐’•๐’˜๐’ ๐’‘๐’†๐’๐’‘๐’๐’† ๐’๐’Š๐’Œ๐’† ๐’‚ ๐’”๐’‰๐’‚๐’“๐’†๐’… ๐’”๐’†๐’„๐’“๐’†๐’•.โž

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this book was everything i come to expect from a freida mcfadden book. itโ€™s fast paced, highly addictive and with a crazy plot twist, throwing the whole story upside down. seriously, what does this woman put in her books? i was not able to put it down.
what i really like about these books, is that you start right in the middle of the action. you donโ€™t have chapters and chapters off nothingness. nope, chapter 1 - ๐Ÿ’ฅส™แดแดแด๐Ÿ’ฅ:

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also in true freida fashion, most characters have some serious issues and/or have done some pretty horribly stuff. it makes it kind of hard to know who to root for.

even though i really enjoy this โ€˜formulaโ€™ freida uses, it does get a little repetitive.
this was my third book by her and the plot twist wasnโ€™t as big of a shock anymore.
that being said, sheโ€™s a very talented author, i still highly recommend her books, i just hope the next one is able to catch me by surprise again.

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Profile Image for theliterateleprechaun.
1,752 reviews27 followers
August 12, 2023
Another well-paced, well-written, quick and thrilling read by an accomplished author!

McFadden examines workplace toxicity and shows that itโ€™s not just a bad day or two at work, itโ€™s repeated uncomfortability that causes undue stress.

Itโ€™s not the stress that her sheets and pillowcase are two completely different colours that causes Dawn Schiff, the accountant for the Dorchester branch of Vixed, to have a bad day. Nor is it that some forbidden colour has snuck into her monochromatic meals. Dawn is simply uncomfortable in a workplace that is anything but inclusive.

She can tell her co-workers are simply pretending to be nice. They donโ€™t really want to hear about her turtle obsession. So, she vows to take action.

Donโ€™t let McFadden fool you! Things arenโ€™t as they seem.

1) Enjoy the rideโ€ฆand learn a fact, or two, or three, โ€ฆ about turtles.
2) Read time cues in chapter titles
3) Donโ€™t get comfortableโ€ฆitโ€™s not that predictable.

Thanks for the chance to read this great thriller with a subtle message! I can't wait to see what's next for McFadden.

I was gifted this copy by Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.
Profile Image for lenna.
115 reviews22 followers
July 26, 2023
1.5 โœฉ

If audiobook availability hadn't been an option, this book would probably end up being a dnf for me. It's puzzling why authors sometimes pen narratives spanning nearly 300 pages where seemingly nothing of consequence unfolds. I won't give away any plot points, but I must say it didn't leave the impact the author intended; at times, it came across as rather juvenile and overly desperate to gain seriousness.
Moreover, the plot was strikingly predictable, resembling the pattern in all her other works that I've read, and even the attempt at a different perspective in part two couldn't deceive me, as it was familiar territory.

The characters lacked intrigue and failed to captivate my interest. Furthermore, the portrayal of autism was woefully inadequate, with no acknowledgment of the character's autism except for mocking autistic traits as "weird" which was really disheartening.

The incessant use of the word "turtle" throughout the book became incredibly grating. I genuinely wish I had a physical copy, just to satisfy my curiosity about how many times this word was mentioned.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an audiobook in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 21,188 reviews

