Tabitha -'s Reviews > The Coworker

The Coworker by Freida McFadden
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did not like it

I.... this is silly. First, this was done on audio. The narrator sounds like a robot no matter what speed. It's awful.

One character is clearly autistic coded, but then the writing for the other MC is exactly the same as the other, not differentiating between them in personality. I kept having to try to remember who the heck we are even babbling about.

This also went on way too long. And the twists were absolutely absurd. There's absolutely zero way any of this would happen. (Yes, yes, I know it's fiction. It's still goofy.)

Please, I can't handle this.
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Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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message 1: by Karly (new)

Karly Did you have Frieda FOMO or was this for shits and giggles 🤣

Melissa Baxter People really need to choose the narrators better because I swear that makes or breaks a book

message 3: by Heather (new)

Heather the narrator for Ward D made my ears hurt. also gave it 1 star. i might still read the housemaid but so far i don’t get the hype

message 4: by Elle (new)

Elle Is it bad that now I want to hear the robot. 😂

Tabitha - Karly, yes. Yes I did. 🤣

Tabitha - Melissa, it 100% can ruin a book!

Tabitha - Heather, I wonder if it's the same girl. I should look it up lol

Tabitha - Elle, I want you to hear her. 🤣

Andrea Some narrators are pretty bad but to play devils advocate I find a lot of audiobooks I play on NetGalley are super robotic and have often wondered if it’s an issue with the app player

André Also, this book also has a major twist and similar elements borrowed from a MAJOR bestsellering thriller.


mariah tipton Honestly agreed

message 13: by Lucy (new) - rated it 2 stars

Lucy Thompson How can I find your podcast?

Tabitha - Hi Lucy! Unfortunately we aired our last episode on Thursday. It is no longer. 😔

Steph Sutton The audible version of Dawn was sooo painful

Tabitha - So. Painful!!!!

Tamore Yea I couldn’t stand this narrator

Taylor Jones Yes!!! Narrator was… something. It sucks because I love Frieda but the narrator can make or break a book!

message 19: by Timia (new) - rated it 1 star

Timia literally lol

Leanne Going through the audio right now… I can hear the reader breathing every few words . First time I’ve noticed this and it’s very difficult to absorb.

I’m also wondering how many more facts we need to hear about turtles lol.

Tabitha - Buckle up, Leanne. There will be many more. 🤣

message 22: by Andi (new) - rated it 2 stars

Andi Silly. Goofy. The perfect word to describe this.

Kristin Lawson The audiobook was excruciatingly bad - the robotic voice and mispronounced words were simply inexcusable

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