Snjez's Reviews > The Coworker

The Coworker by Freida McFadden
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bookshelves: mystery-thriller, 0-audiobooks

4.5 stars

This was my first read by this author and I thought it was great.

I picked this one because I haven't read many, if any, thrillers with a workplace setting and I loved that. The story follows two timelines, one in the present and the other six months prior, leading up to the present day. That's something I happen to love in thrillers and I think it was done so well here.

I had some theories while reading this, but the author did a great job at making me second guess myself. She also made me second guess how I feel about the characters. But even when I found them unlikable and their actions very questionable, to say the least, she managed to make me care about them and their relationships.

I listened to the audio version and really enjoyed it. I've seen some negative reviews about the narration but, luckily, it worked for me and helped me stay engaged in the story.
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Reading Progress

November 29, 2023 – Started Reading
November 29, 2023 – Shelved
December 3, 2023 – Shelved as: mystery-thriller
December 3, 2023 – Finished Reading
December 5, 2023 – Shelved as: 0-audiobooks

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by ~Nicole~ (new)

~Nicole~ Hmmm intriguing, Snjez!! And a 4 stars from you, that’s quite the compliment 😁Excellent, happy you enjoyed it!! ❤️❤️❤️

Snjez ~Nicole~ wrote: "Hmmm intriguing, Snjez!! And a 4 stars from you, that’s quite the compliment 😁Excellent, happy you enjoyed it!! ❤️❤️❤️"

Actually, I've been thinking of rounding up to 5 stars. I think I'll sleep on it and decide tomorrow. 😂 It was that good. 😉 Thank you so much, Nicole! 💕💕

Drache.... (Angelika) That's awesome Snjez! Love that you liked this so much! I've never read anything by this author either, but a thriller is not something I'd enjoy. Happy you found a new author you love, hopefully their other books are as enjoyable for you as this one was! Great review as always, Snjez! <3

Snjez Drache.... (Angelika) wrote: "That's awesome Snjez! Love that you liked this so much! I've never read anything by this author either, but a thriller is not something I'd enjoy. Happy you found a new author you love, hopefully t..."

Thanks so much, Angelika! 💗 I love to read a good mystery/thriller from time to time, but not everything works for me. I'm not a fan of the ridiculous ones with twists you don't see coming only because they don't make sense. 😂 This one wasn't like that. I'll definitely read more by the author. 😊

len ❀ [a little ia] great review, snjez! i have the housemaid by this author on my tbr and if i like that one, i might read more from this author. glad you enjoyed it!

message 6: by Elisa (new) - added it

Elisa Glendenning Glad you liked it, Snjez. I’ve enjoyed a couple of books by this author. Will definitely add to the tbr now. It’s not often you get a thriller in the workplace. Great review x

message 7: by Amina (new)

Amina I'm glad your first go with this author was such a successful one, Snjez! Terrific review! 🧡

Snjez elena ❀ wrote: "great review, snjez! i have the housemaid by this author on my tbr and if i like that one, i might read more from this author. glad you enjoyed it!"

Thanks so much, elena! 💕 I hope you enjoy that one, once you get to it. My next is probably Never Lie. 😊

Snjez Elisa wrote: "Glad you liked it, Snjez. I’ve enjoyed a couple of books by this author. Will definitely add to the tbr now. It’s not often you get a thriller in the workplace. Great review x"

Thank you, Elisa! 💕 I agree with you, most thrillers I've read are domestic, so this felt refreshing. 🙂 Hope you enjoy this one if you decide to read it! 🤞

Snjez Amina wrote: "I'm glad your first go with this author was such a successful one, Snjez! Terrific review! 🧡"

Thanks so much, Amina! 💕 I'm happy about it, too. 😊

Jazer (catching up on TBRs) Goodness! Thrillers fray my nerves but glad you enjoyed it, Snjez! 🤭

Snjez Jazer (catching up on TBRs) wrote: "Goodness! Thrillers fray my nerves but glad you enjoyed it, Snjez! 🤭"

LOL Thank you, Jazer! 😊💕

Vanna (on partial-hiatus) Ooh! Sounds intriguing!! 😳 Fab review too Snjez.. glad you enjoyed this unique story.. ❤️

Snjez Vanna (on hiatus again) wrote: "Ooh! Sounds intriguing!! 😳 Fab review too Snjez.. glad you enjoyed this unique story.. ❤️"

Thanks so much, Vanna! 💕 This is what I like in a thriller. I was fully invested in the story from the beginning and I really liked seeing everything unfold slowly. And that feeling when you don't know who and what to believe? I think it was done well. And no twists that come out of nowhere. 😅

message 15: by Mica Santos ⇢ (new)

Mica Santos ⇢ Fantastic review, Snjez! 💜 Glad you enjoyed it.

Snjez Mica Santos ⇢ wrote: "Fantastic review, Snjez! 💜 Glad you enjoyed it."

Thanks so much, Mica! 😊💕

Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus Glad you enjoyed this one Snjez. 💕 Amazing review.

Snjez Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this one Snjez. 💕 Amazing review."

For the first read by this author, I was very happy with it. 😊 Thank you, Shile! 💕

Nazanin Awesome review, Snjez! Glad it was a good one!

Snjez Nazanin wrote: "Awesome review, Snjez! Glad it was a good one! "

Thank you, Nazanin! 💕 We completely agree on this one! 😀

message 21: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa That’s a great score, thank you Snjez. Adding this one…

Snjez Lisa wrote: "That’s a great score, thank you Snjez. Adding this one…"

Thanks, Lisa! 💕 Hope you enjoy it. 😊

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