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Questions tagged [dungeon]

For questions about dungeons. A dungeon is a self-contained adventure area that may connect more areas thematically together. They often contain monsters, traps, and other interesting obstacles to challenge players.

8 votes
6 answers

Can player build dungeons in D&D? I thought that was just a job for the DM

I was just reading a post's answer when it said "Maybe they'll build a dungeon". Sorry if this is a stupid question, I don't know how to play D&D yet other than what I heard 😕, but I ...
Elvina Moonlight's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is there any offical guidance on pricing furniture or dungeon dressings?

My group is slowly getting closer to clear out the dungeon they are adventuring in, and it is quite possible they will want to take possession of it, and improve it by installing new traps, furnishing ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How can I best reward players for finding secrets without breaking game balance?

So I'm still fairly new to GMing and Pathfinder 2E, but one thing I like to include is secrets in my dungeons for my players to find. Finding secrets is fun, and getting rewards for doing so is even ...
Wipqozn's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

I remember a pre-2000 Japanese tabletop RPG about a world covered in dungeons (split between air, land, and sea types) – which RPG was it?

I remember reading about a pre-2000 Japanese tabletop RPG with black-and-white illustrations, that's about dungeon-building, or being really focused on dungeons. I think it has a nice tutorial section ...
Malady's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to I run the Tomb of horrors better? [closed]

I'm having trouble with the Tomb of Horrors. My party is mostly newer players except for one veteran player, who happens to power build with another newer player (the overpowered clerics from Tasha's ...
Kaiden M's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Would non-magical equipment from a dead adventurer be usable after X years in a dungeon?

There's this adventurer who died in the dungeon some years ago. Nobody took their equipment (maybe they died of poison, hunger, whatever). The PCs encounter the body years later. Naturally, they want ...
pgedm's user avatar
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46 votes
9 answers

How do I handle a player exploring the entire dungeon with his familiar?

My Warlock player has Pact of the Chain and Voice of the Chain Master Invocation, and likes to explore all the dungeon before going inside. The imp turns into an invisible spider and goes through the ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
18 votes
3 answers

How to make Arcane Eye and our game style fit better together?

Our DM works fairly improvisationally, which results in a playstyle that is fluid and responsive to our actions. We have relatively short sessions, so we like to keep the game moving. There is no ...
TJC's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

How can I make theater-of-the-mind dungeon-crawling/location exploration fun and engaging?

I've been struggling with making exploration of locations/dungeon crawls engaging for the players. This is occurring for me in several systems including D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, and Numenera. I've ...
Ruslan Osipov's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Where did this dungeon come from that was spiral shaped and contained a statue of Dagon?

I remember there being a dungeon for D&D 5e, possibly as part of an AL adventure (I don't remember it being in a full published adventure like Out of the Abyss, etc), but if it was AL, I don't ...
NathanS's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

How can I help my players make meaningful choice during dungeon navigation?

Foreword: I run a D&D 4e campaign, but I think that this question is overall system-agnostic. Recently I've somewhat shifted my D&D campagin towards a more traditional dungeon crawling style. ...
mprogrammer's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What's a reasonable temperature of a dungeon in the Underdark, maintaining balance with a character built to keep the environment cold?

I have a player who will be changing the temperature in a large radius and most of the campaign will be in a large underground dungeon. The player's build is built around him using magic & keeping ...
Zarus's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

For the Dungeon of the Mad Mage adventure, how is a room's ceiling height determined?

As a player I am playing in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage adventure. On page 11, it describes how to determine ceiling height for rooms: A room's ceiling is at least as high as the room is wide, ...
Eternallord66's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Dungeon with puzzle traps that force players to act as a team [closed]

I just started recently to DM a campaign (first campaign ever as DM), and I want to create a Dungeon with puzzle traps based on the concept of teamwork (much like that one SAW movie), and I have ...
Aaron Parrilla's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How long should each room in a dungeon take if the party didn't declare how long they spent there?

I'm running the party through a multi-day dungeon, and they're looking to long rest. Which is perfectly fine, but I remembered that you can't long rest more than once in a 24-hour period. I know how ...
user55434's user avatar
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49 votes
11 answers

How can I discourage/prevent PCs from using door choke-points?

To keep this from being voted as a duplicate of this, let me clarify. The other question asks for DM tactics to battle chokepoints. Its answers are all focused on fighting at these choke-points. I ask ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

What are the roots of "dungeons" as a theme for "dungeons and dragons" [duplicate]

As far as I know, the roots of role playing games and dungeons and dragons lie in wargaming and conflict simulations? Is there a reason known (perhaps from an interview) why dungeons were a ...
Thomas Junk's user avatar
91 votes
17 answers

How do I communicate to my players that a door is, for the time being, absolutely locked to them?

I have a small dungeon in my campaign, a temple, that is a significant location for the broader story of my world. The players might very well enter this temple pretty early on in their adventuring. ...
Pink Sweetener's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Dungeons and planes based on fractals? [closed]

I'm trying to create a dungeon or even a semi-plane for my D&D5 game that would actually be fractal-based, like infinite and finite at the same time... Yeah, I quite love these concepts. I've ...
Stephane.P's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Random Dungeon Generation: How Individual Treasure or Horde Treasure [closed]

So I've got a dungeon I've mapped out using the DMG's random Dungeon Tables. I've fleshed it out save for the treasure. There are times I have "Monster" or "Monster with treasure." There's a ...
Dallas's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Handling party progression in a dungeon

I think I've gotten the wrong end of the stick when it comes to what and when the DM should be calling for rolls when the party is exploring a dungeon. Picture your typical D&D dungeon crawl. ...
Alex's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How can I have a sentient dungeon (or race thereof) in my story?

Lately I have seen many books (e.g.) that work on the premise of a dungeon being a sentient creature. In those books dungeons are large crystals that are capable of creating monsters as well as traps ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
  • 21.7k
13 votes
3 answers

How do I design traps or dungeon rooms for a party with remote manipulation abilities?

The party that I'm DMing for has access to a lot of remote manipulation abilities, such as mage hand, telekinesis, and familiars. Because they are smart characters and smart players, they have used ...
Icyfire's user avatar
  • 63.7k
15 votes
1 answer

How should I handle TPK's and retrying in a dungeon crawl?

I will be running a group through Tomb of Horrors from the 5e adaptation in Tales from the Yawning Portal. For those who don't know, Tomb of Horrors is infamously sadistic. The book itself claims that ...
Eidolon108's user avatar
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132 votes
9 answers

What's the point of long, empty hallways in dungeons?

Many dungeons—published and homemade—often contain a multitude of long, empty passageways between rooms. For example, my DM is running "The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan" from Tales from the Yawning ...
Icyfire's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is a monster pet or allied creature referring to DMG p 296?

The DMG in it's Dungeon chamber contents table on p 296 reference a "Monster (pet or allied creature). Does this mean this Monster is allied to the dominant inhabitant, or is this supposed to be a ...
user34704's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Handling dungeons in a non-heroic setting

For non-heroic I mean that players have no quality beyond any other human (in a fantasy world): If players have access to magic, it's scarce and more utility than power Players can easily die (as any ...
Masclins's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to build an interesting Dungeon that exists to kill the players? [closed]

So, here's the deal. I'm DMing this campaign for a long time using the Brazilian scenario called Tormenta. They have 20 superior gods for the world of Arton. My players are about to get to the epic ...
Davi Braid's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How many horrifying visages can affect a PC?

I'm making a dungeon with a bunch of ghosts in it. The situation is: Time Stop is cast by a necromancer using an artifact at the very end of the dungeon. The PCs will see the whole dungeon, realize ...
Nick Sweet's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How long do metal, wood and other materials last when left unattended? [closed]

In most RPGs, adventurers break in long forgotten tombs filed with treasure that looks just like it was left there the day before. In a more realistic game, what would happen to materials left ...
MessyGoblin's user avatar

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