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Questions tagged [dungeon]

For questions about dungeons. A dungeon is a self-contained adventure area that may connect more areas thematically together. They often contain monsters, traps, and other interesting obstacles to challenge players.

132 votes
9 answers

What's the point of long, empty hallways in dungeons?

Many dungeons—published and homemade—often contain a multitude of long, empty passageways between rooms. For example, my DM is running "The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan" from Tales from the Yawning ...
Icyfire's user avatar
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91 votes
17 answers

How do I communicate to my players that a door is, for the time being, absolutely locked to them?

I have a small dungeon in my campaign, a temple, that is a significant location for the broader story of my world. The players might very well enter this temple pretty early on in their adventuring. ...
Pink Sweetener's user avatar
49 votes
11 answers

How can I discourage/prevent PCs from using door choke-points?

To keep this from being voted as a duplicate of this, let me clarify. The other question asks for DM tactics to battle chokepoints. Its answers are all focused on fighting at these choke-points. I ask ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
46 votes
9 answers

How do I handle a player exploring the entire dungeon with his familiar?

My Warlock player has Pact of the Chain and Voice of the Chain Master Invocation, and likes to explore all the dungeon before going inside. The imp turns into an invisible spider and goes through the ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
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46 votes
9 answers

I want to run vast and realistic dungeons, but my players get frustrated trying to search every room

Because my players' suspension of disbelief began to suffer when exploring more "normal" dungeons, I have created some big dungeons which are based on bigger, realistic structures: castles, towns, ...
Thorsten S.'s user avatar
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42 votes
16 answers

Dungeons that aren't dungeons

I'd like to make a "dungeon" for my party to explore, but it needs to be something other than an old-school "dungeon". Underground hallways and rooms with creatures in them have been overdone for us. ...
Joe's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

How can I help my players make meaningful choice during dungeon navigation?

Foreword: I run a D&D 4e campaign, but I think that this question is overall system-agnostic. Recently I've somewhat shifted my D&D campagin towards a more traditional dungeon crawling style. ...
mprogrammer's user avatar
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34 votes
9 answers

How can I more effectively use darkness in a dungeon?

In more than one of my D&D campaigns, I've found myself feeling disappointed at my inability to make the darkness of the dungeon matter. Everyone has enough torches, and I'm not likely to be able ...
rjbs's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

Random Dungeon/Maze Generator [closed]

I'm looking for a good random dungeon/maze generator. Some key features I'd like it to have: Can generate a regular maze (one entrance & exit, even passage width, every spot within the area is ...
Agent_9191's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

How can I generate multi-story random dungeons without having to do the entire random gen process by hand?

I sometimes like to use randomly generated dungeons for short-form games or when I'm trying to design something that's more intended to be a speedbump than a showpiece, if you will. However, existing ...
Shalvenay's user avatar
  • 11.1k
24 votes
6 answers

How do I build interesting dungeons? [closed]

I'm a new GM and I need to undestand how to build enjoyable locations. I don't get how to build interesting dungeons. For example, I need to explore a castle. But a castle is not as complicated as ...
olinarr's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How can I move a one-ton gem out of Undermountain?

Looking for some ideas on a particular conundrum my party is faced with. We're in the depths of a dungeon in Undermountain and have come across a literally one-ton gem. We're all 9th level and are a ...
gregor's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Where can I find resources to create a realistic castle dungeon? [closed]

Shortly, I will send my PCs into a castle ruin, and I plan on them spending some time there, possibly to refurbish the castle and claim it as their own. I want to make this castle a realistic place, ...
Bakabaka's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

How can I judge if combat in a dungeon room attracts attention?

A question that usually props up at my table is "If we start a fight in this room, will we attract any attention?" I guess usually this refers to the noise and din of combat. So, say the party is ...
Extrakun's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi [closed]

I've started playing Eclipse Phase with a group of friends. Most of them have a Dungeons and Dragon history, and love getting magic items and such. I've already made up my mind to take the party on ...
Tasuret's user avatar
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