E-Book Collections Title Lists and MARC Records


Brill offers E-Book Collections and E-Book Series. E-Book Collections are offered by subject and copyright year. E-Book Series collections give access to all titles published within a book series. Please find below the different title lists. View all E-Book Collections.

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MARC Records

Brill has MARC21 records available for all our E-Book collections. The records are grouped together by subject and by year. Each record contains a link to the electronic version of the corresponding title. This link is recorded in the 856-field using registered DOIs (for more information see doi.org). The 776-field gives a reference to the printed version.

When new E-Book files are uploaded, the corresponding MARC21 files will be updated accordingly.

Looking for MARC records for other Brill publication types? Click here.

E-Book Collection Title Lists, MARC Records and KBART Files

Full Catalog of Brill E-Book Collections
Coverage: Includes all E-Book titles available in the complete catalog of Brill E-Book Collections in a single file. N.B.: When a title is included in more than one collection it will appear more than once in this title list.

Collection Title Title Lists   MARC Records   KBART Files Status
All Brill, Schöningh, Fink and mentis Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress


Brill EBA Collections

More details about Brill’s EBA plans can be found on our Evidence Based Acquisition page.

Please find below the title lists, MARC records and KBART files for each of our EBA collections. These files are updated every Thursday.

Please note that the number of titles included in a title list does not match the number of titles in the MARC records file, nor does it match the number of titles in the KBART files. This is because the title lists contain titles which are available as well as forthcoming titles. MARC records are created at the moment when an E-Book is ready and has a DOI. If an E-Book in the title lists has no DOI, this means that it is not yet available online and therefore a MARC record is not (yet) available.


  • All Brill, Schöningh, Fink and mentis EBA Titles: Includes all Brill E-Books in the Humanities & Social Sciences, Biology and the International Law and Human Rights & Humanitarian Law E-Book collections, plus E-Books included in digitized book series titles, thematic and/or special E-Book collections and single E-Books published by Brill, as well as all E-Books published under the Schöningh, Fink and mentis imprints. Now also includes all titles which are being made available as part of the Brill Book Archive.
  • All Brill EBA Titles: Includes all Brill E-Books in the Humanities & Social Sciences, Biology and the International Law and Human Rights & Humanitarian Law E-Book collections, plus E-Books included in digitized book series titles, thematic and/or special E-Book collections and single E-Books published by Brill. Now also includes all titles which are being made available as part of the Brill Book Archive.
  • Brill Humanities and Social Sciences EBA Titles: Includes all Brill E-Books from the Humanities & Social Sciences E-Book collections, plus E-Books included in digitized Humanities & Social Sciences book series, Humanities & Social Sciences thematic and/or Humanities & Social Sciences special E-Book collections. Now also includes all titles which are being made available as part of the Brill Book Archive.
  • Brill International Law EBA Titles: Includes all E-Books from the International Law and Human Rights & Humanitarian Law E-Book collections, plus E-Books included in digitized book series titles, thematic and/or special International Law and Human Rights & Humanitarian Law E-Books collections. Now also includes all titles which are being made available as part of the Brill Book Archive.
  • All Schöningh, Fink and mentis EBA Titles: Includes all Schöningh, Fink and mentis E-Books and includes the single E-Books published by Schöningh, Fink and mentis.
Collection Title Title Lists   MARC Records   KBART Files Status
Brill All EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Asian Studies EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Biology EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Classical Studies EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Education EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill History EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Language and Linguistics EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Law EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Life Sciences EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Literature and Culture EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Middle East and Islamic Studies EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Religion EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Social Sciences EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
SFm All EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
SFm Biology EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
SFm History EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
SFm Literature and Culture EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
SFm Religion EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
SFm Social Sciences EBA Titles Title List   MARC   KBART In progress


Special Collections

Collection Title Title Lists   MARC Records   KBART Files Status
Brill Book Archive Part 1 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Open E-Book Collection Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
E-books outside collection Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Knowledge Unlatched E-Book Collection Title List   MARC   KBART In progress


E-Book Collections

A   B   C   D   E   É   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

Collection Title Title Lists   MARC Records   KBART Files Status
Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Ancient Judaism & Early Christianity Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Ancient Judaism & Early Christianity Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Ancient Judaism & Early Christianity Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Apollo Books Special E-Book Collection, 2007-2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Approaches to Translation Studies Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Asian Studies - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Avant-Garde Critical Studies Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Biblical Interpretation Series Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Biology - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biology - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Biology E-Books Online, Collection 2007-2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biology E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biology E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biology E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biology E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biology E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biology E-Books Online, Collection 2016-2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Biology E-Books Online, Collection 2019-2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill Book Archive Part 1 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Book Archive Part 2 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Open E-Book Collection Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill Reformation Year E-Book Collection Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Asian Studies Online I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Classical Studies Online I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Classical Studies Online II Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Classical Studies Online III Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Classical Studies Online IV Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Classical Studies Online V Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Classical Studies Online VI Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Classical Studies Online VII Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill's Companions to Early Modern and Modern History Online I Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill's Companions to Early Modern and Modern History Online II Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Late Antiquity and Medieval Studies Online I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Late Antiquity and Medieval Studies Online II Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Middle East and Islamic Studies Online I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Companions to Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy Online I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Series in Church History and Religious Culture Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Series in Church History and Religious Culture Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Series in Church History and Religious Culture Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Byzantina Australiensia Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Byzantina Australiensia Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Byzantina Australiensia Online, Supplement 2021/2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Cahiers Chronos Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Chloe Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Classical Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Clio Medica Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Clio Medica Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Special E-Book Collection, 1974-2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Costerus New Series Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Critical Studies Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Cross/Cultures Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Culture and History of the Ancient Near East Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
DQR Studies in Literature Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Deo Publishing, Religion and Theology Special E-Book Collection, 1999-2017 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Early Modern History and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Early Modern History and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Early Modern History and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Early Modern History and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Early Modern History and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Early Modern History and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2005-2017 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Elementa Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
European History and Culture - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
European History and Culture - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2014-I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2014-II Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2015-I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2015-II Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2016-I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2016-II Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2017-I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2017-II Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2018-I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2018-II Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
European Joyce Studies Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Études sur le judaïsme médiéval Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Fichte-Studien Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Foro Hispánico Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Global Oriental Special E-Book Collection, 2007-2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2-8: Asian Studies Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Harvard Semitic Museum Publications E-Book Collection Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Harvard University Asia Center E-Book Collection Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Harvard University Asia Center E-Book Collection, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Harvard University Asia Center E-Book Collection, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Harvard University Asia Center E-Book Collection, Supplement 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
History of Warfare Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law - Book Archive 2000-2005 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2006 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Impact of Empire Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Impact of Empire Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Impact of Empire Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights Online / Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Inter-Disciplinary Press Literature & Cultural Studies Special E-Book Collection, 2009-2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Inter-Disciplinary Press Philosophy & Religion Special E-Book Collection, 2009-2016 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Inter-Disciplinary Press Sociology, Politics and Education Special E-book Collection, 2009-2016 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
International Law - Book Archive 2000-2005 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
International Law - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2006 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Law E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
International Relations E-Book Collection, 2007-2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
International Studies in Human Rights Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Islamic History and Civilization Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Jewish and Christian Perspectives Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
KITLV Press Special E-Book Collection, 2007-2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
KNNV Publishing Special E-Book Collection, 2004-2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Knowledge Unlatched E-Book Collection Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Language and Linguistics - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2016-2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Language and Linguistics E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Language and Linguistics Special E-Book Collection, 2007-2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Late Antiquity and Medieval Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Late Antiquity and Medieval Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Late Antiquity and Medieval Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Late Antiquity and Medieval Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Late Antiquity and Medieval Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Late Antiquity and Medieval Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Literature and Cultural Studies - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Middle East and Islamic Studies - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Miras Maktoob Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Mittellateinische Studien und Texte Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Supplement 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Supplement 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Volumes 1-203 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Volumes 204-407 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Monumenta Graeca et Romana Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies Online, Supplement 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Numen Book Series Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Numen Book Series Online, Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Numen Book Series Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Numen Book Series Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Numen Book Series Online, Supplement 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Oudtestamentische Studiën Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava Online, Supplement 2021-2023 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Perspektiven der Philosophie Neues Jahrbuch Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Philosophia Antiqua Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Philosophia Antiqua Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Philosophia Antiqua Online, Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Philosophia Antiqua Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Philosophia Antiqua Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Philosophia Antiqua Online, Supplement 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Philosophia Antiqua Online, Supplement 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Philosophy of History and Culture Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Publications on Ocean Development Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religions in the Graeco-Roman World Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religions in the Graeco-Roman World Online, Supplement 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religions in the Graeco-Roman World Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religions in the Graeco-Roman World Online, Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religions in the Graeco-Roman World Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Rodopi European History and Culture Special E-Book Collection, 2007-2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Rodopi Language and Linguistics Special E-Book Collection, 2007-2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Rodopi Religion, Theology and Philosophy Special E-Book Collection, 2007-2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Russian Revolution Centenary E-Book Collection Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink Biology E-Books Online, Collection 2007-2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink Early Modern and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2013-2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink History: Early Modern and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2007-2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink History: Early Modern and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink History: Early Modern and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink History: Early Modern and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh and Fink History: Early Modern and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink History: Early Modern and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink History: Early Modern and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink History: Early Modern and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh and Fink Literature and Culture Studies E-Books, Collection 2007-2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink Literature and Culture Studies E-Books, Collection 2013-2017 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh and Fink Literature and Culture Studies E-Books, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh and Fink Literature and Culture Studies E-Books, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink Literature and Culture Studies E-Books, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh and Fink Literature and Culture Studies E-Books, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh and Fink Literature and Culture Studies E-Books, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink Literature and Culture Studies E-Books, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink Literature and Culture Studies E-Books, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh and Fink Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2007-2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh and Fink Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh, Fink and mentis Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2007-2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh, Fink and mentis Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2013-2017 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh, Fink and mentis Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh, Fink and mentis Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh, Fink and mentis Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh, Fink and mentis Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh, Fink and mentis Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Schöningh, Fink and mentis Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Schöningh, Fink and mentis Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Sinica Leidensia Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Social Sciences - Book Archive 2000-2006 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences - Book Archive pre-2000 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2007 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2008 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2009 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2010 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2011 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2012 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2013 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2017-I Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2017-II Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2023 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Studia Semitica Neerlandica Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Studia Semitica Neerlandica Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studia Semitica Neerlandica Online, Supplement 2019/2020 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Ancient Medicine Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Ancient Medicine Online, Supplement 2020-2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Christian Mission Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Christian Mission Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Christian Mission Online, Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Studies in Critical Social Sciences Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Studies in Reformed Theology Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Reformed Theology Online, Collection 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Reformed Theology Online, Collection 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics Online Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics Online Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics Online Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies in the History of Christian Traditions Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah Online Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah Online Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah Online Supplement 2021-2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Syntax and Semantics Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
The Diary of Heinrich Witt E-Book Collection Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
The Medieval Mediterranean Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Value Inquiry Book Series Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Online Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Online, Supplement 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Online, Supplement 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Online, Supplement 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Online, Supplement 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Online, Supplement 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Online, Supplement 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2002-2013 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2014 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2015 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2016 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2017 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2018 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2019 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2020 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2021 Title List   MARC   KBART Completed
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2022 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2023-2024 Title List   MARC   KBART In progress
Yearbook International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea / Annuaire Tribunal international du droit de la mer Online Title List   MARC   KBART In progress


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