Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2020

Series:  Life Sciences E-Book Online, Volume: 2020
Various Authors & Editors
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Life Sciences collection with topics in Animal and Veterinary, Food and Health, Agribusiness and Rural Studies, Agriculture and Environment.

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This is the first book presenting the relation between coffee producers and consumers of coffee beverages, at marketing management level. Many books offer advice on how to write effective marketing strategies, but only few indicate how to implement them successfully. This book belongs to the second group. The proposed solutions can be applied by coffee producers, but can also be adapted to suit the needs of enterprises operating on other markets. The actual needs of the clients are presented, and the authors show how to implement and control the adopted marketing strategies to satisfy those needs. Valuable assets this book offers are the control system for the execution of the marketing strategy proposed by the authors (based on the Balanced Scorecard), and the aggregate of 38 indicators enabling you to determine the degree of implementation of the marketing strategy adopted by the enterprise. 'The main idea of the monograph is the effort to improve the activities of coffee producers by analysing and eliminating the discrepancy between the marketing strategies used and the real needs and preferences of consumers. The monograph is based on primary and secondary data obtained as a result of surveys of consumers and participants of the supply side of the coffee market. The conclusions presented in the monograph are drawn from the analysis of documents of twenty-six coffee producers, individual in-depth interviews with managers, a case study of the company MOKATE sp. z o.o. - the leader of the Polish instant cappuccino market, and from direct interviews with 800 coffee consumers. The Polish coffee market is one of the largest markets of this kind in Europe and it has great potential for growth. Therefore, this publication is not only a valuable contribution to research on behaviour of market entities, but also an important source of inspiration for managers responsible for everyday marketing in FMCG markets, in particular, in coffee markets.' Prof. Roman E. Niestrój Professor of Marketing, WSB University, Poland 'This book describes possible marketing strategies with focus on the coffee sector. The history of 'marketing' is presented, from the first attempts at a scientific approach in 1926, up to the establishment of this term in science in the 1950s. The authors refer to various definitions of marketing and describe its strategy variants (defensive/active). The main element (and advantage) of the book is the presentation of various methods of implementation and (equally important) their control. This content is supplemented by tables and figures concerning production, consumption and prices in the coffee market. In general, the book has a significant practical value, as it shows enterprises (not only from the coffee sector) how to effectively implement marketing strategies.' Dr. Joachim Schwanitz Managing Director, Huth's Kaffee & Feinkost, Germany
Tools for co-creation
Society is going through a transition period that is at least as profound as the Enlightenment at the end of the 18th century. It is a transition that makes people look differently at each other and at the world. In the terminology of Otto Scharmer, ego-consciousness is being replaced by eco-consciousness: people will understand that their faith depends on one another and on the eco-systems they are part of. This will not occur without a whole lot of trouble; but it will happen. This book by Eelke Wielinga and Sjoerd Robijn is an inspirational contribution to understanding what is going on. Firstly, because their vision on networks as living organisms, and the energy people experience when they are part of such networks, is explained in a clear and scientific way. Secondly, because the authors have developed a methodology to navigate on this energy in everyday practice. The wingspan of the big story and the concrete application in what you experience in your own practice is what makes this book extraordinary.

I recommend this book to anyone who makes efforts to make a world that can be handed over with confidence to future generations by Prof. Herman Wijffels (former CEO RABO Bank and Dutch representative on the World Bank management board)
Thinking about Forces, Fields and Friendships with Monique Nuijten
Engaged Encounters: Thinking about Forces, Fields and Friendships with Monique Nuijten is a festschrift celebrating the scholarly, professional and personal contributions and insights of Monique Nuijten. As a creative scholar, Monique is known for her theoretical contributions to the study of development, social movements, the state, organizations, and corruption - to name a few topics. She inspires many senior and junior colleagues, as well as students, with innovative concepts like 'force fields' and development as a 'hope-generating machine'. Nuijten grounds her theoretical interventions in fine-grained ethnographic observations with a keen and sympathetic eye for the diverse actors that inhabit the structures of power and patterns of inequality she encounters. For Nuijten, theoretical and ethnographic endeavors are deeply interwoven with personal and political engagements, most recently illustrated through her research on social movements in urban settings in Brazil and Spain. The intersection of these three integrated dimensions in Monique Nuijten's oeuvre and life - the theoretical, collegial and personal - are brought out clearly in the forty contributions that each in their own way, acknowledge her unique combination of intellectual sharpness and personal warmth. As such, Monique Nuijten's scholarly life embodies an exemplary model of engaged scholarship.
"At the moment of writing, we are in the last quarter of an incredible year. The world is facing an astonishing number of changes resulting from one of the worst pandemics ever. Food, agribusiness, and biofuel chains will be working in a new macro environment and will operate differently after 2020. These structural changes come on top of the need to increase food production to feed 9 billion people in 2050 and the urgency to increase renewable sources of energy to promote sustainability, save resources and limit climate change. 'Food and Agribusiness in 2030: A Roadmap' offers tools for understanding this new macro environment and helps to position food chains. It helps companies to take advantage of opportunities. The tools relate to strategic planning of food chains in the new scenario, understanding what will happen with chain participants, where markets will grow, how consumers will behave, how sustainability will gain importance, and how cooperatives, associations and other forms of collective actions will gather force. The goal of this book is to offer something very practical so that companies and other public or private organisations can read a chapter and start discussing what they should do next and take a look at their roadmap. Good luck with your planning process."
Proceedings of the LV Conference of SIDEA Studies
Editors: and
This book offers a wide selection of contributions presented at the LV Conference of Italian society of agricultural economics (SIDEA) Studies. Agricultural economists and sociologists reflect on the change processes that are affecting the agri-food systems and take a small step towards an improved understanding of the complexity of green metamorphosis, and the interplay between agriculture, food and ecology. The key message is that a green metamorphosis has been taking place, increasingly involving more and more aspects and dimensions: from environment to consumers' preferences, from social value to human health, from profitability to governance issues. Furthermore, this book tries to shed a light on the complexity of the new agricultural paradigm, which involves technology as well as traditions, trying to understand the ongoing metamorphosis taking into account that ‘nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed’. This volume intends to guide the new generations of agricultural economists, who have the hard task of leading the green metamorphosis across the four main axes of sustainability: economic, socio-cultural, environmental, and political.
This book explores the extent to which EU Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) pursue sustainable agriculture in third country parties. It contends that this should be part of a duty for the EU enshrined in the Treaties to promote its fundamental values in its external action. It suggests that the extent to which this occurs in practice, may be reviewed judicially by the Court of Justice of the European Union. Against this background, selected agreements concluded by the EU with developed and developing countries (Canada, South Korea, Ukraine, Chile, SADC countries and Vietnam) are taken as case studies. The author concludes that, in spite of the remarkable progress made hitherto, EU trade policy is still far from being in line with the increasingly strong commitment of the EU to take the lead in the international arena for environmental and climate matters. This work adopts primarily a legal methodology, but it broaches the subject in interdisciplinary terms. It is addressed not only to (EU) policy-makers, but also to scholars of different fields and to the wider public interested in topics that have become of common concern for the future of our planet. With a foreword by Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General of the European Commission - DG Environment
The last books discussing the neonatal or weaned pig were published over 15 years ago. This new book provides up to date information on the suckling and weaned piglet. It covers novel and important topics such as microbiota development in piglets and management of hyperprolific litters. It also discusses topics such as weaning age and its long term influence on piglet heath and performance. The developments of lean and fat tissues and of the intestinal immune system in young pigs are described in detail. Emphasis is put on well-being with chapters focussing on husbandry interventions in suckling piglets as well as consequences of the lactational environment on behavioural disturbances of pigs after weaning. The multiple stressors encountered at and post-weaning are also discussed. Updates on essential subjects such as neonatal mortality, creep feeding of suckling piglets, feeding strategies for weaned pigs, housing systems post-weaning and diseases of piglets are provided. The information covered in this book should be of great assistance to animal scientists, nutritionists, veterinarians and swine producers. They will be made aware of most recent knowledge that will assist in improving the performance and welfare of suckling and weaned piglets.
Commercial poultry production is associated with various types of stress leading to decrease of productive and reproductive performance and compromised health of growing chickens, parent birds as well as commercial layers. Stress adaptation is associated with various signaling pathways and is executed at the gene level. The term vitagenes refers to a group of redox-sensitive genes that are involved in stress sensing and preserving cellular adaptive homeostasis. The vitagene family includes heat shock proteins, superoxide dismutase, glutathione and thioredoxin systems and sirtuins. The vitagenes are key players in redox signaling and redox homeostasis maintenance in birds, including poultry under commercial stress conditions of egg and meat production. Development of the vitagene concept become an important milestone in understanding molecular mechanisms of adaptation to stress. The goal of this book is to provide up to date information about the roles of vitagenes in avian biology and poultry health. Special emphasis is put on the role of vitagenes as an essential part of the redox homeostasis maintenance, stress adaptation, and development of adaptive homeostasis. The book provides data to indicate that nutritional modulation of vitagenes is a new direction in nutritional sciences. Practical results of the successful usage of the vitagene concept in poultry production are also presented. This book is intended to be of practical importance to avian/animal scientists, poultry producers, to nutritionists and vets, students of biological and agricultural colleges and universities. It can also be interesting for researchers in areas related to physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, ecology, environmental sciences, evolutionary biology, etc.
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