Wageningen Life Sciences Special E-Book Collection, 2018

Series:  Life Sciences E-Book Online, Volume: 2018
Various Authors & Editors
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The story behind the livestock industry
Animal farming' is a readable, thought-provoking, honest, and unstuffy account of what really happens on Europe's and Britain's animal farms, and how animal farming came to be that way. Stories behind modern farming practices are revealed and concerns are raised over how our farms will look in the future. Fascinating insights and unpalatable questions are presented into the ways that animals are - often wrongly - fed, bred, housed and managed. Learning comes from failures, so the book is more about failures than successes. The author combines well researched facts with well found experience. He commends and condemns in equal measure; often in unexpected ways. A broad range of subjects is covered in the book. What domestication now means for farm animals. How selective breeding has changed them for better and worse. The mixed blessings of government support and subsidisation. The story of abuse of animals' rights and welfare is dealt with in detail, as are ideas of respect and compassion, and the inadequate ways in which animals are fed. The author describes a broken marketing system for livestock products, and also considers organic farming. Lastly, in the present environment of agricultural upheaval in Europe, how can science and technology take animal farming forward? What are the chances of the wrongs being righted - what will tomorrow's farmed animals be for?
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27-31 August 2018
This Book of Abstracts is the main publication of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). It contains abstracts of the invited papers and contributed presentations of the sessions of EAAP's eleven Commissions: Animal Genetics, Animal Nutrition, Animal Management and Health, Animal Physiology, Cattle Production, Sheep and Goat Production, Pig Production, Horse Production and Livestock Farming Systems, Insects and Precision Livestock Farming.
Wat is voedselallergie, waar komt het van en is het te verslaan
Wie kent niet het verhaal van Achilles, de onkwetsbare held uit de Griekse mythologie die tóch een zwak puntje had dat hem uiteindelijk velde. Dat lijkt een analogie met voedselallergieën, waar ook geen kruid tegen gewassen leek. Vermijden is vaak de belangrijkste ‘therapeutische’ optie. Helaas blijkt 'vermijden' van allergenen regelmatig te mislukken. In het ergste geval heeft dat dramatische gevolgen. Maar net als bij Achilles, lijkt het erop dat allergieën tóch zwakke punten hebben, en écht aangepakt kunnen worden! In dit boek wordt op een toegankelijke en voor niet-specialisten begrijpelijke manier uiteengezet wat allergieën zijn, maar ook wat we er niet toe rekenen (allergieën en toch-niet-allergieën lijken soms bedrieglijk veel op elkaar!). Het is geen naslagwerk of zelfhulpgids. Het gaat in op waar de oorzaken van (vooral voedsel-)allergieën lijken te liggen en wat de veroorzakers zijn. Daarnaast komen de benaderingen aan bod om het leven van allergische mensen aangenamer en veiliger te maken. Er lijkt licht te gloren aan het einde van de zo lang zo duistere tunnel. Harry Wichers is een biochemicus met een bijzondere interesse in immunologie. Hij is geen arts of ervaringsdeskundige. Via zijn werk probeert hij een bijdrage te leveren aan het terugdringen en beheersbaar maken van de schijnbaar toenemende allergieproblematiek, door de voedingskundige en voedseltechnologische dimensie te onderzoeken.
Cases from Southeast Asia and Nepal
"This volume presents recent research on food and nutrition in Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Nepal. The overall theme is food wellbeing, which is seen as having two key components: food and nutrition security, and food sovereignty. The cases cover a diversity of contexts, ranging from indigenous communities and rural villages to the urban environment. The studies highlight the subjective dimensions of food wellbeing, such as values attached to certain foods and emic meanings of food security and nutrition, and show how these may divert from objective assessments of food and nutrition security. Another pervasive theme is the relational dimension of food wellbeing, visible in the importance of social capital for access to food and the role of gender relations in intra-household food distribution. While change is an integral factor in all studies, three deal specifically with the outcomes of interventions aimed at improving food and nutrition security at the local level. It shows how outcomes may be different than expected and how an intervention may have a positive spill-over effect on others than the targeted beneficiaries, in this way contributing to food sovereignty. Together the studies reveal the meanings and feelings behind food data in various contexts."
INRA nutrient requirements, recommended allowances and feed tables
'Equine nutrition' gives insight in updated feed evaluation systems based on net energy, global amount of amino acids, and feed intake. These systems allow accurate comparison of the nutritive value of feeds, the formulation of well-balanced rations to achieve production or utilisation goals, and the prediction of equine performance based on the quantity and quality of the ration. 'Equine nutrition' provides an update of the nutrient requirements for all categories of equine. Tables of recommended allowances based on long term feeding trials carried out at INRA are proposed. These recommendations and the simple approach to formulation of rations based on the use of a maximum amount of forage have been successfully tested in the fields. The importance of grass intake during summer for the different categories of equines is evaluated and grazing management is described. Feed allowances and feeding practices are proposed in respect of health and behaviour of the equine and of the preservation of environment. The feed tables list 169 roughages and 71 concentrates feeds. Data have been derived from digestion trials on horses, carried out at INRA and measurements of voluntary intake for most of the forages. This book also deals with several distinct pedagogic tools dedicated to end-users: 'equineration', a guide to 'body condition scoring in horse' and 'Equine Rami' for horse grazing and farming management. This book is an essential source for scientists, teachers and their students, advisers and professionals.
Based on international research-vessel surveys
The atlas presents a unique set of abundance data to describe the spatial, depth, size, and temporal distribution of demersal and pelagic fish species over an extensive marine area, together with accounts of their biology. A large number of pictures, graphs and distribution maps illustrate the text. By largely avoiding - or at least explaining - scientific terms and providing extensive references, the book should be useful for both laymen and scientists. The quantitative information on some 200 fish taxa is derived from 72,000 stations fished by research vessels during the period 1977-2013. The area covers the northwest European shelf from west of Ireland to the central Baltic Sea and from Brittany to the Shetlands. Although the surveys extend beyond the shelf edge, only taxa reported at least once in waters less than 200 m are included. Typical deep-water species and typical fresh-water species are excluded. We hope this publication will contribute to gaining a better understanding of the ocean ecosystems.
"For Niger, the development of agriculture is essential to strategies to raise incomes and eradicate poverty in a sustainable manner, without further depleting its natural resource base. While traditional approaches to agricultural development have emphasized food security and have been rather technology focused, African countries are increasingly emphasizing the role of innovation in development. 'Fostering transformation and growth in Niger's agricultural sector' seeks to further the understanding of potential innovations that can sustainably transform the agriculture sector in Niger. This publication uses the agricultural value chain perspective to provide a reference point for improvements in supporting services and the business environment. The first part describes several innovations that could contribute to enhancing agricultural productivity. Particularly interesting is the emphasis on the grassroots nature of some of these innovations. The second part offers a reference point for improvements in supporting services, the business and institutional environments that can contribute to pro-poor initiatives and to a stronger linkage of smallholders to markets. The comprehensive approach taken in this book ensures its contribution to an understanding of transformative innovations in agriculture as well as enabling conditions."
Recently developed genomic tools, like SNP-genotyping and whole genome sequencing, and their analysis, offer great opportunities for the conservation and utilisation of animal genetic diversity, both among and within breeds. These genomic tools can be used to detect potentially valuable rare alleles and haplotypes. They are important parts of the genetic diversity we need to conserve now for possible utilisation in the future. This book describes the use of genomic technology to define breeds, to measure diversity and to assess important features in the history of breeds affecting the present genetic diversity. The management of genetic diversity with genomic tools is outlined both in vivo: small populations of rare breeds or large populations with small effective population sizes and in vitro: genebanks. Special attention is given to the genomic management of populations of animals with high incidences of genetic defects. This book is intended for MSc and PhD students, scientists working with small populations in animal breeding and in conservation programmes for rare breeds.
'Hunting hygiene' is an internationally unparalleled textbook introducing the basics of hunting hygiene. This concept includes the basic biology and ecology of game animals as well as game animal diseases and their causes. An important part of hunting hygiene is the identification and assessment of pathological alterations and the possible risks for humans caused by animal diseases, and how these risks can be diminished. Risk control begins with the practice of environmental and game animal management, animal health and hunting dog health care. Other essential parts of the subject are hunting methods, correct practices in game handling, slaughterhouse hygiene and safe preparation methods of game in the kitchen. 'Hunting hygiene' presents the tools to detect and assess diseases in game animals and the universally applicable principles of hygiene during hunting and handling meat from wild game, illustrated by numerous examples. The content of this textbook is enlivened by unique photographs and Sauli Laaksonen's watercolour illustrations. The authors' exceptional insight into the topic combined with years of collecting material and extensive international collaboration make this book a riveting exploration into the concept of hunting hygiene. 'Hunting hygiene' is a textbook intended for hunters and educational institutes in the field. It is also suitable for biologists, veterinary surgeons, doctors and all readers interested in the diversity of nature. The book focuses on north and central Europe. 'Hunting hygiene' is primarily based on the Finnish book 'Metsästäjän Terveysoppi' written by Sauli Laaksonen. 'Hunting hygiene' meets the international demand that became obvious after the publication of 'Metsästäjän Terveysoppi' in 2013.
A handbook for the evaluation of One Health
One Health addresses health challenges arising from the intertwined spheres of humans, animals and ecosystems. This handbook is the product of an interdisciplinary effort to provide science-based guidance for the evaluation of One Health and other integrated approaches to health. It guides the reader through a systems approach and framework to evaluate such approaches in a standardised way. It provides an overview of concepts and metrics from health and life sciences, social sciences, economics, and ecology that are relevant for the evaluation of the processes involved, as well as the characterisation of expected and unexpected outcomes of One Health initiatives. Finally, the handbook provides guidance and practical protocols to help plan and implement evaluations in order to generate new insights and provide meaningful information about the value of One Health. The handbook is intended for practitioners, researchers, evaluators as well as funders of integrated approaches to health and beyond.
"How to control economically important vector-borne diseases? What are the best strategies to protect livestock from vector-borne diseases in a changing environment? How to evaluate and assess the acceptability, cost efficiency and cost benefit of the control and surveillance methods? The information in this book will help to answer these questions. It aims at presenting the latest information on vector-borne diseases affecting livestock worldwide, from state-of-the art interventions to the assessment of the impact of these control measures. This book is a valuable tool for entomologists and all those involved in pest and vector control."
The main theme of the Congress, 'Ethology for Health and Welfare', was chosen to reflect the prominence that applied ethology has in the field of animal welfare and to encourage the development of applied ethology in studies to promote animal health. The location of this year's Congress within the Atlantic Veterinary College at the University of Prince Edward Island has provided the focus on veterinary aspects of ethology and welfare. Applied ethology continues to develop and expand, and we have showcased recent developments in play behaviour and other key topics.
Within the public debate surrounding food, people often contend that the key to meeting current challenges is changing consumer behaviour. Professionals and practitioners such as farmers, retailers, veterinarians, or researchers only occupy the limelight during media coverage of so-called 'food scandals'. If we are to better understand and negotiate current and future problems in the food supply chain, it will be essential to pay more attention to the role and position of professionals involved. 'Professionals in food chains' addresses questions as: What are the main ethical challenges for professionals in the food supply chain? Who within this complex field holds responsibility for what? What does it mean for the food-related professions to operate in an atmosphere of immense social tension and high expectations? Which virtues are required to do a 'good' job? In brief: What can be said about the roles, responsibilities, and ethics of professionals across this dynamic field? This book brings together work by scholars from a wide range of disciplines, addressing a broad spectrum of topics pertaining to professionals in the food supply chain. Topics covered include general issues on professional roles and responsibility, sustainable food supply chains, novel approaches in food production systems, current food politics, the ethics of consumption, veterinary ethics, pedagogical/educational and research ethics, as well as aquacultural, agricultural, animal, and food ethics.
Selenium (Se) is an essential dietary trace element participating in the regulation of various physiological functions in humans, farm animals and poultry through its incorporation into a range of selenoproteins. Low Se content in main feed ingredients is a common problem worldwide and dietary Se supplementation is a current practise in poultry and farm animal nutrition. Recent research clearly proved that sodium selenite, used for the last 40 years as a feed supplement, is not an optimal form of Se. However, use of organic selenium in animal/poultry diets can help meeting Se requirement and maintain high immunocompetence, productive and reproductive performance. The goal of this book is to provide up to date information about the roles of Se in poultry nutrition and health. A special emphasis is given to the role of selenium as an essential part of the integrated antioxidant system. Se in feed and organic Se are characterised in detail with emphasis to selenomethionine as a storage form of Se in the body. Also specific Se-deficiency related diseases in poultry are described and the importance of Se in growth, development, immunity and reproduction is demonstrated. A link between poultry industry and human health via production of Se-eggs and Se-enriched meat is shown. This book will be of practical importance to poultry producers, to nutritionists and vets as well as for avian/animal scientists, students of agricultural colleges and universities. It will also be of interest for researchers in areas related to ecology, environmental sciences, evolutionary biology, etc.
The making of the first genetically modified plants and the people who did it
'Using Nature's Shuttle' is a suspenseful, by turns comic or tragic, but always lively account of how young, idealistic scientists - often the first of their families to go to a university - engaged in basic research that led them to make history in the new fields of plant microbiology and molecular biology. The book passes on the true story of what young scientists in a public Belgian university learned about a million-year-old single cell soil bacterium. This bacterium was able to genetically modify certain plants to produce food that only that bacterium strain could eat. These scientists and their colleagues and rivals figured out how to use that knowledge to genetically modify a variety of plants to make them safer and healthier for man, beast, and the environment. Their genetic modifications made plants cheaper and easier for farmers to grow as well as capable of improving the health and welfare of people in the Third World. The author, Judith M. Heimann, a former diplomat and writer of three published non-fiction books and contributor to two TV documentaries based on them, tells this multi-sided story chiefly through the information she gathered by conducting intensive interviews of each of more than two dozen of the scientists involved. She sees this book as presenting the actual science, as opposed to the current rash of anti-science on this subject, and as encouraging a new generation of young people to opt for careers in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics subjects).
Verleden, heden en toekomst van natuur- en milieueducatie
"Natuur- en milieueducatie kent een lange traditie. In dit boek brengen vier auteurs die traditie in beeld. Ze verhalen over verleden, heden en toekomst, en reflecteren op bestuur en beleid, inhoud en organisatie. Natuur- en milieueducatie veranderde maar is deels hetzelfde gebleven. Vroeger leerde je op school buiten spelen, rollen door het gras, kleine beestjes vangen, schooltuintjes harken, honing proeven, slootje springen, les krijgen van de schoolbioloog. Natuur hoorde erbij, natuur- en milieueducatie hoorde erbij. Toen en nu. Vandaag de dag is de schoolbioloog een duurzame duizendpoot. Een professional die op allerlei manieren jong en oud naar buiten brengt. Een betrokken persoon die je meer bijbrengt over natuur en milieu en helpt om een duurzame levensstijl te ontwikkelen. Iemand van wie je buiten veel leert én met wie je buiten veel plezier beleeft. Veertien ervaringsdeskundigen vertellen in dit boek over hun eigen werk. Hun verhalen schetsen een sterk verbrede beroepspraktijk. Ze dagen uit om kritisch naar het eigen werk en de eigen organisatie te kijken. De auteurs hopen met dit boek de tongen los te maken. Ze willen inspireren en intrigeren, waarbij betrokkenheid de basis vormt. 'Van schoolbioloog tot duurzame duizendpoot' draagt bouwstenen aan voor een vitale organisatie van natuur- en milieueducatie. Het boek is bedoeld voor professionals, adviseurs, bestuurders en betrokken burgers. Er wordt regelmatig geschreven over NME-projecten, of over didaktiek van de NME, maar een boek over de ontwikkeling van het gehele werkveld en de wijze waarop het werkveld zich verhoudt tot het in opkomst zijnde 'leren voor duurzaamheid' was er nog niet. Dit boek geeft een diep inzicht in de grondslagen van NME en duurzaamheidseducatie zoals die de laatste decennia zijn ontwikkeld en nog steeds evolueren. Iedereen die beroepsmatig of vrijwillig met natuur-, milieu- en duurzaamheids-educatie bezig is kan baat hebben bij het lezen van dit belangrijke boek. Maar ook opdrachtgevers en bestuurders zouden het boek kunnen gebruiken om vanuit een heldere visie sturing te geven aan NME en leren voor duurzaamheid. Prof. Dr Ir Arjen Wals, Hoogleraar Transformatief Leren voor Sociaal-ecologische Duurzaamheid/Unesco Chair, Wageningen Universiteit"
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