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Official repository

Official Repository - Maintenance of Public Records

The Office of the Great Seal functions as the State's official repository for many types of public records. Michigan laws require numerous state and local agencies to file records with the Secretary of State, including the Office of Regulatory Reform, the Governor's Office, and units of local government. Examples of such records to be filed would be administrative rules, gubernatorial appointments and proclamations, as well as charters and boundary changes.

Upon request, documents on file in the Office of the Great Seal may be copied and certified. Copying fees ($.10 per page) may be applied according to the number of documents requested.  Certified copies are an additional $1.00 per certification. All fees must be prepaid by cash, check or money order and made payable to the State of Michigan. If you are requesting your documents to be mailed to you, you must provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope.