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Driver Testing Businesses and Examiners

Driver testing businesses and examiners (Choose tab)

Examiners are required to periodically submit the following forms to the Driver Testing Unit:

Effective July 3, 2023, automobile and motorcycle skills testing examiners no longer need to provide medical certificates to retain their authorization to test. CDL examiners are no longer required to submit their medical card to our department as they self-certify at the Secretary of State office during issuance and renewal.

Driver testing business requirements

  • Driver testing businesses must follow certain business practices in administering driving skills tests according to established standards and procedures contained in a formal, legal agreement with the Michigan Department of State. Driver testing businesses must:

    • Maintain an established place of business and obtain Department of State approval for a testing sites.
    • Respond to all driver testing service inquiries by the next business day.
    • Publish a printed fee and refund policy and provide receipts. Test fees are set by the driver education testing business and are not regulated by law.
    • Maintain a surety bond.
    • Ensure examiners attend and pass all required training and obtain department authorization before administering tests.

  • The Michigan Department of State enters into written agreements with driver testing businesses to administer driving skills tests as part of the driver’s license testing process, as authorized by the Michigan Vehicle Code (Public Act 300 of 1949). If the department determines a driver testing business has failed to comply with any requirements under the terms of the written agreement, including acts or omissions by an examiner, designated representative or owner, the department may terminate the agreement immediately or take other actions as prescribed in the agreement.

    Under Public Act 300 of 1949 [MCL 257.309], it is also a felony to:

    • Attempt to corrupt a designated examining officer by giving, offering, or promising any gift or gratuity to influence the opinion or decision of the test.
    • Vary, shorten, or in any way change the standard, agreed-upon testing procedures.
    • Forge, counterfeit, or alter a driver test certificate issued by a designated examining officer.
  • The Michigan Department of State's Driver Testing Unit investigates complaints involving motorcycle, automobile, and commercial driver's license skills tests. Test applicants with complaints against a driver testing business or examiner may submit a formal complaint using the Statement of Complaint form. The complaint form can be submitted by mail, fax, or email.

    Statement of Complaint form

Contact information

Michigan Department of State
Driver Education and Testing Section
430 West Allegan Street, 3rd Floor
Lansing, Michigan 48918

Driver Testing email:

Phone: 517-241-6850
Fax: 517-335-3155