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  Emanuel Calvo Franco @ AOSUG
“Postgresql y Solaris conforman una
plataforma de bajo costo para escenarios
críticos de mediana a gran escala.”
¿ Que es Postgresql ?
Base de Datos Objeto Relacional.
Arquitectura Cliente -Servidor.
 Estable, capaz de correr con escasos recursos,
segura y extensible.
Características de Postgresql
ACID compliant.
Mejorada para Solaris.
Standard SQL:2003
Funciones criptográficas avanzadas.
Diversos lenguajes procedurales.
Solaris + Pgsql
Soporte Dtrace.
Escalabilidad para multinucleos y procesadores.
Solaris Cluster support and the PostgreSQL HA Agent
Solaris Service Manager integration.


Postgresql                                           Postgresql



             0   2   4   6   8   10   12   14   16
Más beneficios con Solaris

• Sun Cluster support
  > Sun Cluster agent available
  > Fully supported
• ZFS + Zones for Hot Standby
  > ZFS cloning & replication lets you “clone” your database
  > Zones allows you to “clone” your DB server
  > OmniTI is using this technique to support a 6TB data warehouse
on PostgreSQL
Zonas ... + seguridad

  • Zones are Perfect for “hosted” PostgreSQL
 > allows 100% isolation of PostgreSQL instances per
   > set CPU & RAM limits for each Zone (in SXDE)
          > PostgreSQL can't do this natively
    > no per-user limits, no ability to hide the system tables
> Being used by to host 100's of customers.
Instalar (usando Sun Studio -
    Homo Simplus Compilatus ® )
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pg824 CC=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc CFLAGS=quot;-
xO3 -xarch=native -xspace -W0,-Lt -W2,-Rcond_elim -Xa -xildoff -xc99=none
-xCCquot; –without-readline –with-perl –with-python –enable-dtrace
# gmake
# gmake install
# useradd postgres
# groupadd postgres
# useradd -c 'PostgreSQL user' -d /export/home/postgres -g postgres -m -s /bin/
bash postgres
postgres$ $PG_BIN/initdb -D /data -U postgres
Instalar II
emanuel@opensolaris_test:~$ pfexec su - postgres
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.11         snv_101b November 2008
-bash-3.2$ ls
bin    data84 include lib     share
-bash-3.2$ bin/post
postgres   postmaster
-bash-3.2$ bin/pg_ctl -D data84/ start
server starting
-bash-3.2$ LOG: database system was shut down at 2009-05-18 18:18:51 ART
LOG: autovacuum launcher started
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
Instalar (usando Sun Studio -
          Homo Paquetus ® )
# pkg install SUNWpostgr83server && pkg install SUNWpostgr83client
(ultimo en el repo SUNWpostgr-83-server@8.3.4-0.101)
- Levantar el servicio:
# svcadm enable svc:/application/database/postgresql_83:default_32bit
# /usr/sbin/svcadm enable postgresql:version_82
Ejemplo simple de una zona
global# zonecfg -z pg_zone                            ######instalo

zonecfg:pg_zone> create                               global# zoneadm -z pg_zone install
zonecfg:pg_zone> set zonepath=/export/zones/pg_zone   ########listo
zonecfg:pg_zone> set autoboot=true                    global# zoneadm list -iv
zonecfg:pg_zone> add net                              ########booteo
zonecfg:pg_zone:net> set address=       global# zoneadm -z pg_zone boot
zonecfg:pg_zone:net> set physical=ipge0               #######logueo
zonecfg:pg_zone:net> end                              global# zlogin -C pg_zone
zonecfg:pg_zone> verify

zonecfg:pg_zone> commit
zonecfg:pg_zone> exit
Very simple tricks
# zfs create -b 8192 rpool/data
# zfs list
# zfs set mountpoint=data84 rpool/data84
# zfs set mountpoint=$PWD/data84 rpool/data84
# zfs set compression=on rpool/data84
# zfs list
# zfs set quota=1g rpool/data84
# zfs set reservation=100m rpool/data84
# zfs set sharenfs=rw rpool/data84
# zpool list
# zfs list
Script D
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s


/execname== quot;postgresquot;/





/execname== quot;postgresquot; && self->ts/


@a[quot;Countquot;,probefunc] = count();

@b[quot;Timequot;,probefunc] = sum (timestamp - self->ts);






root@opensolaris_test:/usr/local/postgres_home_84# ./syscall.d
dtrace: script './syscall.d' matched 471 probes
CPU      ID            FUNCTION:NAME
 0 55976                :tick-10sec
 Count                                gtime                          47
 Count                                pollsys                        105
 Count                                getpid                         109
 Time                                 gtime                       8438387
 Time                                 getpid                      29391576
 Time                                 pollsys                    36537963468
Medición de Transacciones
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs                profile:::tick-1s

postgresql*:::transaction-start       {

{                                     printf(quot;******** Transactions Per Second
@startpersec[quot;Newquot;] = count();
                                      printf(quot;%20s %15snquot;, quot;Txn Typequot;, quot;Countquot;);
postgresql*:::transaction-commit      ==============nquot;);
{                                     printa(quot;%20s %@15dnquot;, @startpersec);
@commitpersec[ quot;Commitquot;] = count();   printa(quot;%20s %@15dnquot;, @commitpersec);
}                                     printa(quot;%20s %@15dnquot;, @abort);
postgresql*:::transaction-abort            printf(quot;nquot;);
{                                     clear(@startpersec);
@abort[quot;Abortquot;] = count();            clear(@commitpersec);
}                                     clear(@abort); }
******** Transactions Per Second *********

       Txn Type        Count


          New          192

        Commit           192

         Abort          1

******** Transactions Per Second *********

       Txn Type        Count


          New          175

        Commit           172

         Abort          0

DELTA: select now(),sum(n_tup_ins) as n_tup_ins,sum(n_tup_upd) as n_tup_upd,sum(n_tup_del) as n_tup_del from
Osol Pgsql
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Osol Pgsql

  • 1. ¿Open Solaris y Postgresql? Por lo menos, tenés que escucharlos... Emanuel Calvo Franco @ AOSUG
  • 2. “Postgresql y Solaris conforman una plataforma de bajo costo para escenarios críticos de mediana a gran escala.”
  • 3. ¿ Que es Postgresql ? Base de Datos Objeto Relacional. Arquitectura Cliente -Servidor. Estable, capaz de correr con escasos recursos, segura y extensible.
  • 4. Características de Postgresql MVCC. PITR ACID compliant. Mejorada para Solaris. Standard SQL:2003 Funciones criptográficas avanzadas. Diversos lenguajes procedurales.
  • 5. Solaris + Pgsql Soporte Dtrace. Escalabilidad para multinucleos y procesadores. Solaris Cluster support and the PostgreSQL HA Agent Solaris Service Manager integration.
  • 9. Derby Mysql Postgresql Postgresql Other Oracle Greenplum 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
  • 11. Más beneficios con Solaris • Sun Cluster support > Sun Cluster agent available > Fully supported • ZFS + Zones for Hot Standby > ZFS cloning & replication lets you “clone” your database > Zones allows you to “clone” your DB server > OmniTI is using this technique to support a 6TB data warehouse on PostgreSQL
  • 12. Zonas ... + seguridad • Zones are Perfect for “hosted” PostgreSQL > allows 100% isolation of PostgreSQL instances per customer/application > set CPU & RAM limits for each Zone (in SXDE) > PostgreSQL can't do this natively > no per-user limits, no ability to hide the system tables > Being used by to host 100's of customers.
  • 14. Instalar (usando Sun Studio - Homo Simplus Compilatus ® ) # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pg824 CC=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc CFLAGS=quot;- xO3 -xarch=native -xspace -W0,-Lt -W2,-Rcond_elim -Xa -xildoff -xc99=none -xCCquot; –without-readline –with-perl –with-python –enable-dtrace # gmake # gmake install # useradd postgres # groupadd postgres # useradd -c 'PostgreSQL user' -d /export/home/postgres -g postgres -m -s /bin/ bash postgres postgres$ $PG_BIN/initdb -D /data -U postgres
  • 15. Instalar II emanuel@opensolaris_test:~$ pfexec su - postgres Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.11 snv_101b November 2008 -bash-3.2$ ls bin data84 include lib share -bash-3.2$ bin/post postgres postmaster -bash-3.2$ bin/pg_ctl -D data84/ start server starting -bash-3.2$ LOG: database system was shut down at 2009-05-18 18:18:51 ART LOG: autovacuum launcher started LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
  • 16. Instalar (usando Sun Studio - Homo Paquetus ® ) # pkg install SUNWpostgr83server && pkg install SUNWpostgr83client (ultimo en el repo SUNWpostgr-83-server@8.3.4-0.101) - Levantar el servicio: # svcadm enable svc:/application/database/postgresql_83:default_32bit # /usr/sbin/svcadm enable postgresql:version_82
  • 17. Zonas
  • 18. Ejemplo simple de una zona global# zonecfg -z pg_zone ######instalo zonecfg:pg_zone> create global# zoneadm -z pg_zone install zonecfg:pg_zone> set zonepath=/export/zones/pg_zone ########listo zonecfg:pg_zone> set autoboot=true global# zoneadm list -iv zonecfg:pg_zone> add net ########booteo zonecfg:pg_zone:net> set address= global# zoneadm -z pg_zone boot zonecfg:pg_zone:net> set physical=ipge0 #######logueo zonecfg:pg_zone:net> end global# zlogin -C pg_zone zonecfg:pg_zone> verify zonecfg:pg_zone> commit zonecfg:pg_zone> exit
  • 19. ZFS
  • 20. Very simple tricks # zfs create -b 8192 rpool/data # zfs list # zfs set mountpoint=data84 rpool/data84 # zfs set mountpoint=$PWD/data84 rpool/data84 # zfs set compression=on rpool/data84 # zfs list # zfs set quota=1g rpool/data84 # zfs set reservation=100m rpool/data84 # zfs set sharenfs=rw rpool/data84 # zpool list # zfs list
  • 22. Script D #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s syscall:::entry /execname== quot;postgresquot;/ { self->ts=timestamp; } syscall:::return /execname== quot;postgresquot; && self->ts/ { @a[quot;Countquot;,probefunc] = count(); @b[quot;Timequot;,probefunc] = sum (timestamp - self->ts); self->ts=0; } tick-10sec { exit(0); }
  • 23. Ejemplo root@opensolaris_test:/usr/local/postgres_home_84# ./syscall.d dtrace: script './syscall.d' matched 471 probes CPU ID FUNCTION:NAME 0 55976 :tick-10sec Count gtime 47 Count pollsys 105 Count getpid 109 Time gtime 8438387 Time getpid 29391576 Time pollsys 36537963468
  • 24. Medición de Transacciones #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs profile:::tick-1s postgresql*:::transaction-start { { printf(quot;******** Transactions Per Second *********nquot;); @startpersec[quot;Newquot;] = count(); printf(quot;%20s %15snquot;, quot;Txn Typequot;, quot;Countquot;); } printf(quot;============================ postgresql*:::transaction-commit ==============nquot;); { printa(quot;%20s %@15dnquot;, @startpersec); @commitpersec[ quot;Commitquot;] = count(); printa(quot;%20s %@15dnquot;, @commitpersec); } printa(quot;%20s %@15dnquot;, @abort); postgresql*:::transaction-abort printf(quot;nquot;); { clear(@startpersec); @abort[quot;Abortquot;] = count(); clear(@commitpersec); } clear(@abort); }
  • 25. Salida ******** Transactions Per Second ********* Txn Type Count ========================================== New 192 Commit 192 Abort 1 ******** Transactions Per Second ********* Txn Type Count ========================================== New 175 Commit 172 Abort 0 DELTA: select now(),sum(n_tup_ins) as n_tup_ins,sum(n_tup_upd) as n_tup_upd,sum(n_tup_del) as n_tup_del from pg_stat_user_tables;
  • 28. Another things and Q&A