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De-Mystifying the
Apache Phoenix
Josh Elser
2 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
About me
• (Recent) Apache Phoenix Committer
• Apache Calcite Committer and PMC
• Long-time NoSQL developer, re-learning SQL
Apache Calcite and Apache Phoenix are projects at the Apache Software Foundation.
These names are trademarks of the Foundation.
3 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
Apache Phoenix QueryServer
4 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“What” is Apache Phoenix?
 Been called many things [1]
– “We put the SQL back in NoSQL!”
– “A SQL skin on HBase”
– “A relational layer on HBase”
– “Online transaction processing and operational analytics for Hadoop”
 Built on HDFS and HBase
– Clients use a JDBC driver
– Lots of server-side “magic” through HBase Coprocessors
 A query system capable of both OLAP and OLTP workloads
– More or less
5 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“What” is the Apache Phoenix QueryServer?
 An HTTP abstraction of a JDBC Driver
– Built on Apache Calcite’s Avatica sub-project
 A standalone-service to be run on each node in a cluster
– An HTTP server
– Configurable serialization mechanism
 A new JDBC Driver to use with the QueryServer
– A glorified HTTP client
– A new sqlline script
6 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“What” is Apache Calcite?
 SQL Parser
– One SQL implementation usable by everyone
 Cost-Based Optimizer
– “Optimizations are easy”
 Pluggable Data Sources
– Implement your own SQL engine
 Avatica
– Calcite sub-project
– Implements the JDBC-over-HTTP abstraction
– Written to the JDBC spec, not database-specific
The coolest project approximately one person can explain
7 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
Apache Phoenix QueryServer
8 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“Why” should I care?
 A true “thin” client
– No required connection to HBase/ZooKeeper/HDFS
– Greatly simplifies definition of “Phoenix client”
 Offload computational resources to cluster
– QueryServers run on the cluster
– Not your laptop or some “edge” node
 Enables non-Java clients
– The big one
Because it’s friggin’ cool!
9 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“Why” are non-Java clients important?
 ”Native” bindings in any language
– HTTP clients are easily implemented
– Serialization approaches (often) have cross-language support
 Access to data in HBase is suddenly easily accessible
– Standardized table format through Phoenix
– Well-defined APIs: Python Database API, Ruby ActiveRecord, etc
 ODBC and BI Tools
– The moonshot.
– The hopes and dreams of services people everywhere.
Not everyone wants to use Java.
10 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“Why” not <insert rpc framework here> instead of HTTP?
 HTTP is simple
– “You have multiple versions of Thrift on the classpath”
– “You have to use Protobuf 2.4”
 Designed to be stateless
– JDBC doesn’t make this easy
– Can work around it via Avatica’s wire API
 Statelessness makes scaling easier
– Pull down any HTTP load balancer
– Deploy more Avatica servers to scale up
Because portability sucks
11 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
Apache Phoenix QueryServer
12 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“How” does it work?
 HTTP Server
– Jetty
– Phoenix “thick” Driver
 Serialization mechanism
– Protocol Buffers
 Metrics system
– Dropwizard Metrics
– Apache Hadoop Metrics2
 Authentication
– Kerberos via SPNEGO
– HTTP Basic or Digest
The QueryServer itself
13 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“How” does the serialization work?
 Google Protocol Buffers (v3)
– “think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler” [1]
– 110% supported WRT compatibility
– Native bindings in most every popular language
– Clients can use any version of protobuf3
– Nice for testing
– 110% unsupported WRT compatibility
– You will run into issue with mismatched client/server versions
Please, please, please use Protocol Buffers
14 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“How” do I make a client?
 Choose a language
– Find an HTTP client supported with that language
– Install Protobuf bindings for that language
 Read the Avatica docs [1]
– Tell us when docs are incorrect/lacking/wrong/boring/lame
 Write tests
 Publish the client
– And tell us!
Sit down and write code
15 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
“How” do I get involved?
 Provide servers for databases
– A simple project for a specific database
 Write some tests
 Proofread the docs
 Contribute a client
 Answer questions on Stackoverflow/mailing lists
Carpe diem
16 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved
Twitter: @josh_elser
Mailing lists:
Project info:

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De-Mystifying the Apache Phoenix QueryServer

  • 2. 2 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved About me • (Recent) Apache Phoenix Committer • Apache Calcite Committer and PMC • Long-time NoSQL developer, re-learning SQL Apache Calcite and Apache Phoenix are projects at the Apache Software Foundation. These names are trademarks of the Foundation.
  • 3. 3 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved Agenda What? Why? How? Apache Phoenix QueryServer
  • 4. 4 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “What” is Apache Phoenix?  Been called many things [1] – “We put the SQL back in NoSQL!” – “A SQL skin on HBase” – “A relational layer on HBase” – “Online transaction processing and operational analytics for Hadoop”  Built on HDFS and HBase – Clients use a JDBC driver – Lots of server-side “magic” through HBase Coprocessors  A query system capable of both OLAP and OLTP workloads – More or less [1]
  • 5. 5 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “What” is the Apache Phoenix QueryServer?  An HTTP abstraction of a JDBC Driver – Built on Apache Calcite’s Avatica sub-project  A standalone-service to be run on each node in a cluster – An HTTP server – Configurable serialization mechanism  A new JDBC Driver to use with the QueryServer – A glorified HTTP client – A new sqlline script
  • 6. 6 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “What” is Apache Calcite?  SQL Parser – One SQL implementation usable by everyone  Cost-Based Optimizer – “Optimizations are easy”  Pluggable Data Sources – Implement your own SQL engine  Avatica – Calcite sub-project – Implements the JDBC-over-HTTP abstraction – Written to the JDBC spec, not database-specific The coolest project approximately one person can explain
  • 7. 7 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved Agenda What? Why? How? Apache Phoenix QueryServer
  • 8. 8 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “Why” should I care?  A true “thin” client – No required connection to HBase/ZooKeeper/HDFS – Greatly simplifies definition of “Phoenix client”  Offload computational resources to cluster – QueryServers run on the cluster – Not your laptop or some “edge” node  Enables non-Java clients – The big one Because it’s friggin’ cool!
  • 9. 9 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “Why” are non-Java clients important?  ”Native” bindings in any language – HTTP clients are easily implemented – Serialization approaches (often) have cross-language support  Access to data in HBase is suddenly easily accessible – Standardized table format through Phoenix – Well-defined APIs: Python Database API, Ruby ActiveRecord, etc  ODBC and BI Tools – The moonshot. – The hopes and dreams of services people everywhere. Not everyone wants to use Java.
  • 10. 10 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “Why” not <insert rpc framework here> instead of HTTP?  HTTP is simple – “You have multiple versions of Thrift on the classpath” – “You have to use Protobuf 2.4��  Designed to be stateless – JDBC doesn’t make this easy – Can work around it via Avatica’s wire API  Statelessness makes scaling easier – Pull down any HTTP load balancer – Deploy more Avatica servers to scale up Because portability sucks
  • 11. 11 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved Agenda What? Why? How? Apache Phoenix QueryServer
  • 12. 12 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “How” does it work?  HTTP Server – Jetty – Phoenix “thick” Driver  Serialization mechanism – Protocol Buffers – JSON  Metrics system – Dropwizard Metrics – Apache Hadoop Metrics2  Authentication – Kerberos via SPNEGO – HTTP Basic or Digest The QueryServer itself
  • 13. 13 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “How” does the serialization work?  Google Protocol Buffers (v3) – “think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler” [1] – 110% supported WRT compatibility – Native bindings in most every popular language – Clients can use any version of protobuf3  JSON – Nice for testing – 110% unsupported WRT compatibility – You will run into issue with mismatched client/server versions Please, please, please use Protocol Buffers [1]
  • 14. 14 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “How” do I make a client?  Choose a language – Find an HTTP client supported with that language – Install Protobuf bindings for that language  Read the Avatica docs [1] – Tell us when docs are incorrect/lacking/wrong/boring/lame  Write tests  Publish the client – And tell us! Sit down and write code [1]
  • 15. 15 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved “How” do I get involved?  Provide servers for databases – A simple project for a specific database  Write some tests  Proofread the docs  Contribute a client  Answer questions on Stackoverflow/mailing lists Carpe diem
  • 16. 16 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2016. All Rights Reserved Thanks! Email: Twitter: @josh_elser Mailing lists: Phoenix:,, Calcite: Project info: