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BI on Big Data
Tomer Shiran - @tshiran
Co-Founder & CEO, Dremio
Strata + Hadoop World London, June 3, 2016
What are your options?
2 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Dremio Company Background
Jacques Nadeau
Founder & CTO
• Recognized SQL & NoSQL expert
• Founder of Apache Arrow & Drill
• Previously Quigo (AOL); Offermatica
(ADBE); aQuantive (MSFT)
Tomer Shiran
Founder & CEO
• Previously MapR (VP Product &
employee #5), MapR; Microsoft;
IBM Research
• Carnegie Mellon, Technion
Julien Le Dem
• Founder of Apache Parquet
• Apache Pig PMC Member
• Previously Twitter (Lead, Analytics
Data Pipeline); Yahoo! (Architect)
Top Silicon Valley VCs• Stealth data analytics startup
• Founded in 2015
• Led by experts in Big Data and open source including
the creators of Apache Arrow & Apache Parquet
3 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Recent changes to the BI landscape
Good ol’ Days
• Only a few databases (e.g.
Oracle, Teradata, SQL
• A few BI tools (MicroStrategy,
• Everything worked with
• Things were easy!
Modern Reality
• Larger scale, less control and
less structure
• Lots of databases!
• Data Lake, not database
• HDFS: It’s a file system, folks!
• NoSQL: Let’s put the schema in
the application
• It can feel like the wild west!
4 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Major Approaches to BI on Big Data?
o “Make the new world look like the old world!”
o Load a transformed set of data into relational database
Monolithic (all-in-one) solutions
o Use BI tools that connect directly to Big Data
o Connect BI tools to a query engine sitting on top of Big Data
o Three main sub-categories
• Native SQL
• Batch SQL
• OLAP Cubes
5 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
So how do we bring BI to Big Data?
Big Data
BI options
ETL tool
ETL to Data
Big Data
BI options
SQL-on-Big-DataBig Data
Monolithic tool with built-in BI
Monolithic All-in-one
6 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
ETL to RDBMS: Introduction
• ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) a subset of the data into a
relational database
o Oracle, PostgreSQL, Teradata, Redshift, Vertica, …
• Connect any desired BI tool to the RDBMS
o Tableau, Qlik, …
• Two options:
o Commercial tools (Informatica, Talend, Pentaho,…)
o Custom development, scripts, etc.
Big Data
BI options
ETL tool
7 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
ETL to RDBMS: Example
• Load web server logs from HDFS into RDBMS
• ETL software: Pentaho Data Integration (aka ‘Kettle’)
Connect ETL
Add and Configure
Connect Input
and Output
Create and fill
RDBMS table
Connect BI tool
April May June July
8 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
ETL to RDBMS: Pros and Cons
• Relational databases and their BI integrations are very mature
• Use your favorite tools
o Tableau, Excel, R, …
• Traditional ETL tools don’t work well with modern data
o Changing schemas, complex or semi-structured data, …
o Hand-coded scripts are a common substitute
• Data freshness
o How often do you replicate/synchronize?
• Data resolution
o Can’t store all the raw data in the RDBMS (due to scalability and/or cost)
o Need to sample, aggregate or time-constrain the data
…and really, who wants to ETL?
9 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Monolithic (or All-in-One) Solutions: Introduction
• Single piece of software on top of Big Data
• Performs both data visualization (BI) and execution
• Utilize sampling or manual pre-aggregation to reduce
the data volume that the user is interacting with
• Examples:
o Datameer
o Platfora
o Zoomdata Big Data
Monolithic system
with built-in BI
10 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Platfora Architecture Overview
• Constructs aggregates that are
loaded into an external database
o Aggregates provide fast
o Aggregations must be created
before consumption
Hadoop Cluster
Proprietary DB
Platfora Cluster
11 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Hadoop Cluster
Datameer Nodes
Datameer Architecture Overview
• Users interact with samples of the data
in an Excel-like interface
• Finished designs use the whole dataset
• Query router determines execution
engine based on data size
Single Node
Custom Execution
Tez MapReduce
Query Router
12 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Zoomdata Architecture Overview
• Queries on historical (ie, non-streaming)
data are split into many sampling queries
• This sampling provides a view of the data
that converges toward an accurate picture
o But adds load on the data source…
• Can handle streaming data sources
Stream Processing
HDFS / MongoDB
Zoomdata Server
Data Clusters
13 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Monolithic Solutions: Pros and Cons
• Only one tool to learn and operate
• Easier than building and maintain ETL-to-RDBMS pipeline
• Integrated data preparation in some solutions
• Can’t analyze the raw data
o Rely on aggregation or sampling before primary analysis
• Can’t use your existing BI or analytics tools (Tableau, Qlik, R, …)
• Can’t run arbitrary SQL queries
14 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
SQL-on-Big-Data: Introduction
• SQL queries against Big Data
o Hadoop
• MongoDB, HBase, ...
o Cloud Storage
• S3, Azure Data Lake, GCS, …
• Use your existing BI tools
o Leverage standard ODBC/JDBC drivers
Tableau, Qlik, R, …
SQL Engine
Hadoop & NoSQL
15 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
SQL-on-Big-Data: Introduction
Three major design philosophies:
• Native SQL
• Batch & Data Science SQL
• OLAP Cubes on Hadoop
16 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Native SQL
• Apache Drill
o Queries Hadoop, RDBMS, Files, NoSQL, Cloud (S3)
o Based on Apache Arrow
o Columnar in-memory execution
• Apache Impala (incubating)
o Utilizes the Hive metastore
o Focused on data in HDFS
• Presto
o Queries Hadoop, RDBMS, Files, NoSQL, Cloud (S3)
17 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Native SQL: Pros and Cons
• Highest performance for Big Data workloads
• Connect to Hadoop and also NoSQL systems
• Make Hadoop “look like a database”
• Queries may still be too slow for interactive analysis on many TB/PB
• Can’t defeat physics
18 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Batch & Data Science SQL
• Hive
o Enables SQL queries to be translated to
o Most commonly used for batch processing and ETL
• Spark SQL
o Provides a way to deliver SQL queries in Spark
programs (Scala/Java/Python)
o Excellent interleaving with data science work
19 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Batch & Data Science SQL: Pros and Cons
o Potentially simpler deployment (no daemons)
• New YARN job (MapReduce/Spark) for each query
o Check-pointing support enables very long-running queries
• Days to weeks (ETL work)
o Works well in tandem with machine learning (Spark)
o Latency prohibitive for for interactive analytics
• Tableau, Qlik Sense, …
o Slower than native SQL engines
20 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
OLAP Cubes on Hadoop
• Kylin
o Hadoop-only
o Stores OLAP cubes in HBase
o Queries fail if not satisfied by cubes
o Open source
• AtScale
o Hadoop-only
o Leverages external SQL engine
• Hive, Impala, SparkSQL
o Collaborative cube creation
o Closed source
21 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
OLAP Cubes on Hadoop: Pros and Cons
o Fast queries on pre-aggregated data
o Can use SQL and MDX tools
o Explicit cube definition/modeling phase
• Not “self-service”
• Frequent updates required due to dependency on business logic
o Aggregation create and maintenance can be long (and large)
o User connects to and interacts with the cube
• Can’t interact with the raw data
22 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
SQL-on-Big-Data: Solution Comparison
Native SQL Batch & DS SQL OLAP Cubes
Technologies Drill, Impala, Presto Hive, Spark SQL Kylin, AtScale
Connectivity SQL and NoSQL SQL and NoSQL Hadoop-only
Primary Use Case Interactive
ETL or data-science
Query Capability Raw data Raw data Aggregated data
Deployment Model
New daemons
collocated with existing
New MapReduce and/or
Spark job for each
23 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
SQL-on-Big-Data: General Pros and Cons
• Continue using your favorite BI tools and SQL-based clients
o Tableau, Qlik, Power BI, Excel, R, SAS, …
• Technical analysts can write custom SQL queries
• Another layer in your data stack
• May need to pre-aggregate the data depending on your scale
• Need a separate data preparation tool (or custom scripts)
24 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Deciding what is right for you?
25 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
ETL to
BI on Big data: Heuristic
Do you already have a favorite BI Tool
Is External Cluster Okay?
Does your schema change frequently?
No Yes
Do you want to be
able to write SQL
Do you like Excel Metaphor?
Monolithic/All-in-one Solutions
Is your working data relatively small & static?
Do you have very predictable analysis needs?
OLAP Cubes
on Hadoop
Are you focused on interactive BI?
Do you need to query NoSQL?
Native SQL
Do you want to combine ML with SQL?
No Yes
26 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options
Tomer Shiran
Reach out to learn what we’re up to at Dremio
(or to join the private beta…)

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Bi on Big Data - Strata 2016 in London

  • 1. BI on Big Data Tomer Shiran - @tshiran Co-Founder & CEO, Dremio Strata + Hadoop World London, June 3, 2016 What are your options?
  • 2. 2 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Dremio Company Background Jacques Nadeau Founder & CTO • Recognized SQL & NoSQL expert • Founder of Apache Arrow & Drill • Previously Quigo (AOL); Offermatica (ADBE); aQuantive (MSFT) Tomer Shiran Founder & CEO • Previously MapR (VP Product & employee #5), MapR; Microsoft; IBM Research • Carnegie Mellon, Technion Julien Le Dem Architect • Founder of Apache Parquet • Apache Pig PMC Member • Previously Twitter (Lead, Analytics Data Pipeline); Yahoo! (Architect) Top Silicon Valley VCs• Stealth data analytics startup • Founded in 2015 • Led by experts in Big Data and open source including the creators of Apache Arrow & Apache Parquet
  • 3. 3 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Recent changes to the BI landscape Good ol’ Days • Only a few databases (e.g. Oracle, Teradata, SQL Server) • A few BI tools (MicroStrategy, Cognos) • Everything worked with everything • Things were easy! Modern Reality • Larger scale, less control and less structure • Lots of databases! • Data Lake, not database • HDFS: It’s a file system, folks! • NoSQL: Let’s put the schema in the application • It can feel like the wild west!
  • 4. 4 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Major Approaches to BI on Big Data? ETL to RDBMS o “Make the new world look like the old world!” o Load a transformed set of data into relational database Monolithic (all-in-one) solutions o Use BI tools that connect directly to Big Data SQL-on-Big-Data o Connect BI tools to a query engine sitting on top of Big Data o Three main sub-categories • Native SQL • Batch SQL • OLAP Cubes
  • 5. 5 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options So how do we bring BI to Big Data? Big Data RDBMS BI options ETL tool ETL to Data Warehouse Big Data SQL Engine BI options SQL-on-Big-DataBig Data Monolithic tool with built-in BI Monolithic All-in-one Solutions
  • 6. 6 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options ETL to RDBMS: Introduction • ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) a subset of the data into a relational database o Oracle, PostgreSQL, Teradata, Redshift, Vertica, … • Connect any desired BI tool to the RDBMS o Tableau, Qlik, … • Two options: o Commercial tools (Informatica, Talend, Pentaho,…) o Custom development, scripts, etc. Big Data RDBMS BI options ETL tool
  • 7. 7 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options ETL to RDBMS: Example • Load web server logs from HDFS into RDBMS • ETL software: Pentaho Data Integration (aka ‘Kettle’) • RDBMS: MySQL Connect ETL to RDBMS Add and Configure Input/Output Connect Input and Output Create and fill RDBMS table Connect BI tool To RDBMS 0 50 100 150 200 250 April May June July Source:
  • 8. 8 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options ETL to RDBMS: Pros and Cons Pros • Relational databases and their BI integrations are very mature • Use your favorite tools o Tableau, Excel, R, … Cons • Traditional ETL tools don’t work well with modern data o Changing schemas, complex or semi-structured data, … o Hand-coded scripts are a common substitute • Data freshness o How often do you replicate/synchronize? • Data resolution o Can’t store all the raw data in the RDBMS (due to scalability and/or cost) o Need to sample, aggregate or time-constrain the data …and really, who wants to ETL?
  • 9. 9 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Monolithic (or All-in-One) Solutions: Introduction • Single piece of software on top of Big Data • Performs both data visualization (BI) and execution • Utilize sampling or manual pre-aggregation to reduce the data volume that the user is interacting with • Examples: o Datameer o Platfora o Zoomdata Big Data Monolithic system with built-in BI Monolithic Solutions
  • 10. 10 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Platfora Architecture Overview • Constructs aggregates that are loaded into an external database o Aggregates provide fast visualizations o Aggregations must be created before consumption MapReduce/Spark HDFS Hadoop Cluster Hadoop Proprietary DB Aggregates Platfora Cluster
  • 11. 11 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Hadoop Cluster Datameer Nodes Datameer Architecture Overview • Users interact with samples of the data in an Excel-like interface • Finished designs use the whole dataset • Query router determines execution engine based on data size Single Node Custom Execution Tez MapReduce Query Router Sampling Hadoop HDFS
  • 12. 12 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Zoomdata Architecture Overview • Queries on historical (ie, non-streaming) data are split into many sampling queries • This sampling provides a view of the data that converges toward an accurate picture o But adds load on the data source… • Can handle streaming data sources Stream Processing Engine Spark-based cache HDFS / MongoDB Zoomdata Server Incremental Sampling Streaming Data Source Multiple Data Clusters
  • 13. 13 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Monolithic Solutions: Pros and Cons Pros • Only one tool to learn and operate • Easier than building and maintain ETL-to-RDBMS pipeline • Integrated data preparation in some solutions Cons • Can’t analyze the raw data o Rely on aggregation or sampling before primary analysis • Can’t use your existing BI or analytics tools (Tableau, Qlik, R, …) • Can’t run arbitrary SQL queries
  • 14. 14 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options SQL-on-Big-Data: Introduction • SQL queries against Big Data o Hadoop o NoSQL • MongoDB, HBase, ... o Cloud Storage • S3, Azure Data Lake, GCS, … • Use your existing BI tools o Leverage standard ODBC/JDBC drivers Tableau, Qlik, R, … SQL Engine Hadoop & NoSQL
  • 15. 15 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options SQL-on-Big-Data: Introduction Three major design philosophies: • Native SQL • Batch & Data Science SQL • OLAP Cubes on Hadoop
  • 16. 16 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Native SQL • Apache Drill o Queries Hadoop, RDBMS, Files, NoSQL, Cloud (S3) o Based on Apache Arrow o Columnar in-memory execution • Apache Impala (incubating) o Utilizes the Hive metastore o Focused on data in HDFS • Presto o Queries Hadoop, RDBMS, Files, NoSQL, Cloud (S3)
  • 17. 17 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Native SQL: Pros and Cons Pros • Highest performance for Big Data workloads • Connect to Hadoop and also NoSQL systems • Make Hadoop “look like a database” Cons • Queries may still be too slow for interactive analysis on many TB/PB • Can’t defeat physics
  • 18. 18 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Batch & Data Science SQL • Hive o Enables SQL queries to be translated to MapReduce/Tez o Most commonly used for batch processing and ETL workloads • Spark SQL o Provides a way to deliver SQL queries in Spark programs (Scala/Java/Python) o Excellent interleaving with data science work
  • 19. 19 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Batch & Data Science SQL: Pros and Cons Pros o Potentially simpler deployment (no daemons) • New YARN job (MapReduce/Spark) for each query o Check-pointing support enables very long-running queries • Days to weeks (ETL work) o Works well in tandem with machine learning (Spark) Cons o Latency prohibitive for for interactive analytics • Tableau, Qlik Sense, … o Slower than native SQL engines
  • 20. 20 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options OLAP Cubes on Hadoop • Kylin o Hadoop-only o Stores OLAP cubes in HBase o Queries fail if not satisfied by cubes o Open source • AtScale o Hadoop-only o Leverages external SQL engine • Hive, Impala, SparkSQL o Collaborative cube creation o Closed source
  • 21. 21 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options OLAP Cubes on Hadoop: Pros and Cons Pros o Fast queries on pre-aggregated data o Can use SQL and MDX tools Cons o Explicit cube definition/modeling phase • Not “self-service” • Frequent updates required due to dependency on business logic o Aggregation create and maintenance can be long (and large) o User connects to and interacts with the cube • Can’t interact with the raw data
  • 22. 22 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options SQL-on-Big-Data: Solution Comparison Native SQL Batch & DS SQL OLAP Cubes Technologies Drill, Impala, Presto Hive, Spark SQL Kylin, AtScale Connectivity SQL and NoSQL SQL and NoSQL Hadoop-only Primary Use Case Interactive ETL or data-science focused Constrained Interactive Query Capability Raw data Raw data Aggregated data Deployment Model New daemons collocated with existing services New MapReduce and/or Spark job for each query Varies
  • 23. 23 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options SQL-on-Big-Data: General Pros and Cons Pros • Continue using your favorite BI tools and SQL-based clients o Tableau, Qlik, Power BI, Excel, R, SAS, … • Technical analysts can write custom SQL queries Cons • Another layer in your data stack • May need to pre-aggregate the data depending on your scale • Need a separate data preparation tool (or custom scripts)
  • 24. 24 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Deciding what is right for you?
  • 25. 25 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options ETL to RDBMS BI on Big data: Heuristic Do you already have a favorite BI Tool No Is External Cluster Okay? Does your schema change frequently? No Yes Yes Platfora Zoomdata No Yes Do you want to be able to write SQL No Datameer No Do you like Excel Metaphor? Yes Monolithic/All-in-one Solutions No Is your working data relatively small & static? Yes Yes Yes Do you have very predictable analysis needs? OLAP Cubes on Hadoop No Are you focused on interactive BI? No Do you need to query NoSQL? No Hive Native SQL Do you want to combine ML with SQL? No Yes SparkSQL
  • 26. 26 BI on Hadoop: What are your Options Q&A Tomer Shiran @tshiran Reach out to learn what we’re up to at Dremio (or to join the private beta…)