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© 2017 MapR Technologies 1
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© 2017 MapR Technologies 2
An Introduction to the
MapR Converged Data Platform
Antje Barth
EMEA Solutions Architect
Tony Young
EMEAAlliances & Channels
© 2017 MapR Technologies 3
 MapR Technologies
 The MapR Converged Data Platform
 MapR-FS
 MapR-DB
 MapR-Streams
 Use Cases for the Converged Data Platform
 How to get started with MapR
 MapR Converged Partner Program
 Q&A
© 2017 MapR Technologies 4
MapR: The Company
© 2017 MapR Technologies 5
MapR is Transforming Business with Data
Bring together
analytics and operations
into next-generation
Converged Applications
for the business
Empowers companies to
grow margins through
innovation and cutting
Patented technology
architecture with the
world’s only complete
Converged Data Platform
Leading companies around the world are transforming their
business with the industry’s only Converged Data Platform
© 2017 MapR Technologies 6
MapR Corporate Timeline
MapR in
Stealth Mode
MapR Becomes
the Hadoop
MapR-DB: The
First In-Hadoop
Apache Drill: First
MapR Streams:
Global Event
Converged Data
Rapid Innovation
$194M in Equity Funding
© 2017 MapR Technologies 7
MapR Financial Strength
88% Revenue and Billings GrowthHigh Growth
130% $ Based Net ExpansionHigh Expansion
99%High Retention Customer Retention ($ Based)
© 2017 MapR Technologies 8
© 2017 MapR Technologies 9
MapR Worldwide Community
200K +
50K +
& Consultants
On-Demand Training
© 2017 MapR Technologies 10
Community Participant, Contributor, Leader
• MapR actively contributes
– Bug fixes
– Improvements
• MapR leads projects
– Apache Drill
– Apache Myriad
• MapR supports the community
– Free Code Fridays
– High quality free on-demand training
– Sponsorships, Meet-ups, and more
© 2017 MapR Technologies 11
MapR in the News
Internet of Things SAP
© 2017 MapR Technologies 12
“How do you take
operational data, move it to
analytics and then use
those insights to change
customer experiences?”
© 2017 MapR Technologies 13
The MapR Converged Data
© 2017 MapR Technologies 14
Customers Are Pressured As Never Before
Pressure of
technology waves
Pressure to innovate
while cutting cost
IT Administrator
© 2017 MapR Technologies 15
“The explosion of data, changing application
requirements, and key infrastructure &
technology trends have created the need for
a new data platform”.
© 2017 MapR Technologies 16
Data Was Structured & Shackled
© 2017 MapR Technologies 17
Audio Billing Data Call Detail
Clickstream CSV Data Documents Emails
Meta Data Mobile Data Netw ork Data PDF Product
Sensor Data Server LogsSet Top Box Social
Text Files Text
Video XML
Data Got Into The Drivers Seat!
© 2017 MapR Technologies 18
More Data Means Applications Can Become Smarter
© 2017 MapR Technologies 19
NoSQL Batch
Messaging Processing
Next-gen Applications Have Complex
© 2017 MapR Technologies 20
Each application solved one problem
and created its own data type Diverse data assets must be accessible
from anywhere by microservices
Application & Data Model Has Radically Changed
© 2017 MapR Technologies 21
Commodity scale-
out hardware
Machine Learning MicroservicesSmarter edge
Technology Will Drive Intelligent App Evolution
© 2017 MapR Technologies 22
Hadoop &
Classic Data
Expensive to Stitch | Fragile | Limitations for Speed, Scale, Reliability
Point Products Impede Adoption And Create
© 2017 MapR Technologies 23
Hadoop &
Classic Data
Expensive to Stitch | Fragile | Limitations for Speed, Scale, Reliability
Point Products Impede Adoption And Create
Its not the circles,
It’s the lines that are hard
© 2017 MapR Technologies 24
Putting It In One Distribution Does Not Converge
© 2017 MapR Technologies 25
Event Streaming
MapR Streams
High Availability
Web-Scale Storage
Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery Global Namespace
A Different Approach: Converged Data Platform
Files, Tables, Streams
together on same platform
Shared Services
Supports Open-Source APIs
On-Premise, In the Cloud, Hybrid
Patented Architecture
© 2017 MapR Technologies 26
On-Premise, In the Cloud, Hybrid
Event Streaming
MapR Streams
Platform Services
High Availability
Web-Scale Storage
Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery Global Namespace
Open Source Runs Better with Scale, Speed & Reliability
© 2017 MapR Technologies 27
MapR Converged Data Platform
A software platform for
operationalizing data
to enable intelligent applications
© 2017 MapR Technologies 28
Business insight
Business performance
Convergence Enables Operationalizing The Data
the data
© 2017 MapR Technologies 29
MapR Architected Specifically For Convergence
NoSQL Web scale
Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery
• Extreme scale with ultra low latency for speed
• “In place” updates for greater speed and no silos
• Real time ingest & low latency processing
• Rich Data Models & APIs
• Built-in Analytics including ML
• DevelopmentAgility & DeploymentFlexibility
• Global mission critical foundation
• Single security model
On-Premise, In the Cloud, Hybrid
© 2017 MapR Technologies 30
Event Streaming
MapR Streams
Web-Scale Storage
The Architecture Of The Foundation Matters
Performance Replication Scalability
SecuritySelf Healing
© 2017 MapR Technologies 31
MapR Platform Security
• Wire-level authentication for all
services in the cluster
• Integration with LDAP, Active
Directory and other third party
directory services
• Kerberos or username/password
• Access Control Expressions
• Protect files, tables, column families,
columns, and management objects
• Extend to role-based access control
(RBAC) with custom role functions
• Drill Views
• All events recorded immediately
in JSON log files
• Includes data access and
administrative actions
• Ad-hoc queries and custom
reports on audit logs via SQL
and standard BI tools
• Encryption for Data in Motion
• Within a Cluster
• Between Clusters
• Between Client and Cluster
• Encryption for Data at Rest
• Self-Encrypting Disk
• Partners
• AES-256 Encryption in GCM Mode
Data Protection
© 2017 MapR Technologies 32
MapR Cluster Architecture
Rack 1
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node N
Node …
Node …
Rack 2 Rack .. Rack ..
Select Processingand PlatformServices(Variesby Node)
Event Streaming
CoreMapR Data Services (Every Node)
Horizontal scaling for files, tables, documents, streams, and compute. 5 nodes or thousands.
© 2017 MapR Technologies 33
A real distributed file system
© 2017 MapR Technologies 34
Data & metadata fully distributed
Architecture: Built for Speed, Scale, Reliability
256 MB
8 KB
Hierarchical organization of data
No single point of failure
Fast parallel access
Exabyte scale
Full read-write
© 2017 MapR Technologies 35
MapR Innovations Enable Speed, Scale, Reliability
1. Patented on-disk structures for multiple workloads
• Containers, chunks, and blocks
2. Optimized resource consumption
• No JVMs, single process space
3. Data and job placement control
• Explicitly define nodes for data and jobs
Single MapR Cluster
Storage Hardware
MapR-FS + MapR-DB + MapR Streams
Fast, efficient, direct I/O
© 2017 MapR Technologies 36
Transparent: The NFS-Enabled MapR File System
Easy for scientists to use, easy for IT staff to administer, easy for systems & apps to integrate
User Data Files
Easily transfer data in
and out of a MapR cluster
using standard file browsers
Log Directly to a
MapR Cluster
Write system log files
directly to a MapR cluster
for instant analysis and
long-term retention
$ find . | grep log
$ cp /mapr/cluster
$ scp /mapr/cluster
$ vi results'
$ tail -f part-00000
Connect Applications
without Customization
Fully read/write file system
supports virtually unlimited
number of files of any size
POSIX-compliant file system
supports familiar Linux
commands and tools
Standard OS Utilities
© 2017 MapR Technologies 37
MapR POSIX Client: Multiple cluster access
Redundant gateway s f or
high av ailability
NFS client
(included in OS)
Native applications
MapR POSIXClient
MapR cluster
Hadoop applications
(e.g. “Hadoop f s –put”)
File-based apps/utils
(e.g. cp, emacs)
POSIX Client can work with multiple clusters
simultaneously unifying namespace and easing
universal data access
- Full Wire Level Encryption
- Inline Compression
- High Performance Ingest multiple write/read
MapR cluster MapR cluster
© 2017 MapR Technologies 38
A Converged NoSQL Database
© 2017 MapR Technologies 39
Relational Databases Were Not Designed for Big Data
• RDBMSs are the default
choice for applications
– But large, rapidly changing,
and/or diverse data sets add
cost/time pressures
• This forces trade-offs with
your data
• Or significant costs
Throwing extra money
at the problem?
Throwing away data to
preserve performance?
© 2017 MapR Technologies 40
Current Challenges with Other NoSQL Databases
• Coarse grained access controls
– “All or nothing” per record
• Unreliable multi-masterreplication
• Modeling of complex data
– Longer app development cycles
– Higher chance of coding errors
• Data loss‡ and inconsistency
• Cluster/silo sprawl
– Maintenance pains
– Complexity, more error prone
• Constant data movement between
database and analytics cluster
– Excessive bandwidth utilization
– Delays in accessing data
• Long maintenance downtime
(e.g., compactions, anti-entropy)
‡ See Jepsen tests at
© 2017 MapR Technologies 41
How MapR Resolves These NoSQL Challenges
• Tighter analytics integration
• Automatic optimizations
• Fine grained access controls
• Global multi-master deployment capability
• JSON document model for rapid application
• Strong consistency and proven data integrity
”model”: ”JSON”
Converged Data Platform
© 2017 MapR Technologies 42
Example Use Cases for MapR-DB
• Enterprise data hubs (or “data lakes”)
• Predictive analytics
• Internet-of-things / time series data analysis
© 2017 MapR Technologies 43
Single Cluster Data Lake Capabilities
MapR-DB: relational,
time series,
structured data
MapR-FS: emails,
blogs, tweets, log
files, unstructured
MapR Streams:
event data, IoT data
Agile, self-
service data
ETL into operational
reporting formats (e.g.,
job/data placement
control, volumes
Access controls:
file, table, column,
column family, doc,
sub-doc levels
compliance, analyze
user accesses
track data lineage
and history
Table Replication:
global multi-master,
business continuity
MapR Converged Data Platform
Enterprise Storage Database Event Streaming
MapR-FS MapR-DB MapR Streams
© 2017 MapR Technologies 44
MapR Advantages for Predictive Analytics
Paste your MapR distribution for
Hadoop diagram from Part A,
(slide 2) here
MapR Data Platform
Distribution including
Apache Hadoop
MapR-DB: load 100s
of millionsof data
pointsper second in
JSON format from
millionsof sources
colocate distinct data
sets in same cluster
Access controls:
file, table, column,
column family, doc,
sub-doc levels
High Availability:
ensure continuity
despite system
component failure
static view for
repeatability for
machine learning
Table Replication:
global multi-master,
business continuity
Machine-driven analytics:
predictive analytics,
machine learning, etc.
© 2017 MapR Technologies 45
MapR Streams
A global pub-sub event streaming system for big data
© 2017 MapR Technologies 46
Event Streaming
MapR Streams
High Availability
Web-Scale Storage
Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery Global Namespace
Global Pub-Sub Streaming Engine With Persistence
Publish Billions of messages/sec
to a topic
Reliable delivery to all consumers.
Tie together geo-dispersed
clusters. Worldwide
© 2017 MapR Technologies 47
• Native, global data and metadata replication with arbitrary topology
• Millions of streams, 100K topics/stream
• Billions of events per second
• Millions of producers & consumers
• Converged platform with file storage and database
• OJAI API - Direct access from analytics tools
• Unified security framework with files and database tables
• Multi-tenant - topic isolation, quotas, data placement control
• Integrated with Spark Streaming, Flink, Apex, others
• Message persistence for up to infinite time span
• Guaranteed delivery (at least once)
• Consistent, synchronous replication & no single point of failure
MapR Streams - Converged, Continuous, Global
© 2017 MapR Technologies 48
Source Capture Store Process Serve
Part of a Converged Reference Architecture
© 2017 MapR Technologies 49
Example Use Cases for MapR-Streams
• IoT: Global Data Transport & Processing
• Retail: Customer Location Optimization
• Finance: Real-time Transaction Processing
© 2017 MapR Technologies 50
IoT: Global Data Transport & Processing
Business Results
● New revenue streams from collecting and
processing data from “things”.
● Low response times by placing collection and
processing near users.
Why Streaming
● IoT is event-based, and needs an event
streaming architecture.
Why MapR
● Converged platform gives single cluster, single
security model for data in motion and at rest.
● Reliable global replication for distributed
collection, analysis, and DR.
Global Dashboards, Alerts, Processing
Local Collection, Filtering, Aggregation
© 2017 MapR Technologies 51
Retail: Customer Location Optimization
Business Results
● Improved customer satisfaction by
responding to traffic spikes in real time.
● Tighter security by providing real-time alerts
of anomalous user locations or patterns.
Why Streaming
● Real-time collection and processing of user
location data provided by wireless APs.
Why MapR
● Global topics for cross-location monitoring
● Converged platform providing whole solution
Machine learning of historical patterns
Real-time processing & alerting pipeline
SQL engine for historical queries & exploration
© 2017 MapR Technologies 52
Finance: Real-time Transaction Processing
Business Results
● Improved user satisfaction with real-time mobile
notifications of purchases.
● More fraud detected in real-time.
● More productive staff with data exploration.
Why Streaming
● Seamless, real-time connection between
mainframe RDBMS and ETL/processing.
Why MapR
● Utility-grade reliability.
● Converged platform provides end-to-end
application services - streaming, ML, DB.
● Converged security gives unified
authentication, authorization, encryption.
Data Exploration
© 2017 MapR Technologies 53
A Cloud-Agnostic Platform For Global Delivery
Application Execution
Application Execution
Application Execution
© 2017 MapR Technologies 54
Three Key “Agilities” Drive Our Priorities
Data Agility
• Unified Files, Tables, Streams
• Support for schemas that change
• Multi-model support in a DBMS
Application Agility
• Microservices support
• No-copy access to Files, Streams, DB
• Multiple compute engines + key ecosystem
• Consistent security model
Infrastructure Agility
• Multi-dimensional elasticity
• Global multi-cloud
• Container apps with data persistence
Event Streaming
MapR Streams
High Availability
Web-Scale Storage
Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery Global Namespace
© 2017 MapR Technologies 55
MapR Innovates Continuously
grade data
platform for
big data
analytics 1.0
grade NoSQL
Key Value
Store DBMS
Industry’s first
visual big data
dashboard in
MapR control
Global multi
Fast Ingest
Document DB
Fast Ingest
Schema free
SQL engine
for big data
Global table
Persisted data
access for
© 2017 MapR Technologies 56
Use Cases for the Converged
Data Platform
© 2017 MapR Technologies 57
The Big Data Journey to As-it-Happens Business
IT Focused Business Focused
Big Data Spectrum
• Mainframe
• Data Warehouse
Platform Update
• BI/Analytics
• Data Lake/Hub
• File Management
Process Analysis
• Clickstream Analysis
• Log Analytics
• Security Analytics
• Social Analytics
Predictive Operations
• Preventative Maintenance
• Yield Optimization
• Machine Learning
• Assembly Line Optimization
Agile Business
• Fraud Prevention
• Ad Targeting
• Transportation Logistics
• Smart Cities
Process Optimization
• Customer 360
• Recommendation Engine
• Drug Discovery
• Credit Scoring
• Genomics
© 2017 MapR Technologies 58
MapR is faster and more
mature than other distros that we
have used. They are innovating
faster than others.
Mike Brown, CTO, comScore
© 2017 MapR Technologies 59
MapR by Industry
© 2017 MapR Technologies 60
MapR is Helping to Transform Businesses
Additional Revenue
Fortune 50
Over 50Applications
Increased Conversion
Revenue Driven
Driven by Targeting
Cost Savings
Yearly Savings
© 2017 MapR Technologies 61
World’s Largest Biometric Database
South Asian country creates biometric backed identification system for all citizens
• Increase % of citizens who have bank accounts and can access benefits
• Reduce corruption and fraud in government aid programs
• Issues with data replication and loss across clusters in competing distribution
• Weak disaster recovery strategy in competitive distribution
• Complicated upgrade process and high availability issues
• Complete data backup: Snapshots and mirroring
• Lower maintenance overhead: Rolling upgrades
• Fingerprints and retina scans with 200 millisecond response:MapR-DB
• Approximately 20% reduction in fraud and leakage of government aid programs ($50B)
• Average citizen’s life is transformed as they can get access to various stipulated benefits
• Over 1 billion citizens currently enrolled providing identity for approximately 80% of the population
© 2017 MapR Technologies 62
MapR gives me the reliability
to keep our online service up
and running 24x7x365.
CTO, International Government Program (Aadhaar)
© 2017 MapR Technologies 63
Fraud Detection & Recommendations
104 Million Card Members
• Dozens of use cases,multi-PB scale
• 100s of PhDs and data scientists
• Machine learning to supportMyOffers
• Machine learning to supportcredit card fraud —
protects over $1T in spending each year
• Fraudulent transactions automatically trigger alerts to
phone, email, text for the cardholder
© 2017 MapR Technologies 64
How to get started with MapR
© 2017 MapR Technologies 65
On-Demand Training
- Academy Essentials
- Academy Pro
- Partner Discounts
© 2017 MapR Technologies 66
Try MapR -
• Quick Start Solutions
• Solutions by Industry
• Big Data Use Cases
© 2017 MapR Technologies 67
MapR Converged Partner
© 2017 MapR Technologies 68
MapR Converge Partner Program
© 2017 MapR Technologies 69
Key MapR Advantage Partners
Business Services
& OS
© 2017 MapR Technologies 70
Why Partner with MapR?
 Join the Re-Platforming of the enterprise
 Enterprise Software Business
 Hyper Growth
 A platform to Innovate ON
 Increase revenue – market opportunity, referral and reseller
© 2017 MapR Technologies 71
MapR Converge Network Partner Program
The Converge Partner categories are:
•Consulting Partners
•Platform Partners
•Software Partners
The Converge Partner achievement
levels are:
•Elite (invite only)
© 2017 MapR Technologies 72
Converged Partner Program continued…
Example Benefits Submit Application
 Include world-class enablement and strategic
 Marketing and sales alignment for maximum joint
 World-class training and implementation programs
 Joint strategic business and GTM planning and
 Featured App Gallery
© 2017 MapR Technologies 73
Up-Coming Events & Resources
© 2017 MapR Technologies 74
 Connected Cars
 June 13th – 15th, London, UK
 Autonomous Machines World
 June 26th – 27th, Berlin, DE
 EMEA Partner Summit
 TBC September 2017, London UK
 Convergence
 October 19th, London, UK
Dates for the diary
© 2017 MapR Technologies 75
The MapR blog provides
how-to advice, insights,
best practices, and
useful resources to help
your executives,
enterprise architects,
and developers more
effectively leverage data
to grow your business.
• Go to the blog
Whether you're an
admin, architect,
developer or analyst,
the Converge
Community is the one
place where you can
find all you need to
know about the
technology behind
MapR Products. Come
learn about, discuss,
and use MapR products
and services, along with
other related
• Find Answers in
the Community
Learn big data your
way: On demand,
anytime, anywhere.
Take interactive e-
learning courses, with
custom sandboxes and
lab exercises from the
data and analytics
experts at MapR.
• Start Learning
Prove your skills: Get
certified and flash your
MapR credentials. The
learning curve is the
earning curve.
• Get Certified
© 2017 MapR Technologies 76© 2017 MapR Technologies 76

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An Introduction to the MapR Converged Data Platform

  • 1. © 2017 MapR Technologies 1 Welcome • Please use your computers audio to listen to this webcast. • Country call in numbers are available online at: – – UK toll-free: 0800 279 4827 – Germany toll-free: 0800 589 1848 – PASSCODE: 762604
  • 2. © 2017 MapR Technologies 2 An Introduction to the MapR Converged Data Platform Antje Barth EMEA Solutions Architect MapR Tony Young EMEAAlliances & Channels MapR
  • 3. © 2017 MapR Technologies 3  MapR Technologies  The MapR Converged Data Platform  MapR-FS  MapR-DB  MapR-Streams  Use Cases for the Converged Data Platform  How to get started with MapR  MapR Converged Partner Program  Q&A Agenda
  • 4. © 2017 MapR Technologies 4 MapR: The Company
  • 5. © 2017 MapR Technologies 5 MapR is Transforming Business with Data WHAT WE DO Bring together analytics and operations into next-generation Converged Applications for the business WHY IT MATTERS Empowers companies to grow margins through innovation and cutting costs HOW WE DO IT Patented technology architecture with the world’s only complete Converged Data Platform Leading companies around the world are transforming their business with the industry’s only Converged Data Platform
  • 6. © 2017 MapR Technologies 6 MapR Corporate Timeline MapR in Stealth Mode 2009 2013 2014 2015 2016 MapR Becomes the Hadoop Technology Leader MapR-DB: The First In-Hadoop Database Apache Drill: First Schema-Free Analytics MapR Streams: Global Event Processing 2011 Converged Data Platform 2017+ Rapid Innovation Continues $194M in Equity Funding
  • 7. © 2017 MapR Technologies 7 MapR Financial Strength 88% Revenue and Billings GrowthHigh Growth 130% $ Based Net ExpansionHigh Expansion 99%High Retention Customer Retention ($ Based)
  • 8. © 2017 MapR Technologies 8 WORLDWIDE PRESENCE & CUSTOMER SUPPORT HQ
  • 9. © 2017 MapR Technologies 9 MapR Worldwide Community 200K + Participants 50K + Customers & Consultants Registered On-Demand Training Forum Support
  • 10. © 2017 MapR Technologies 10 Community Participant, Contributor, Leader • MapR actively contributes – Bug fixes – Improvements • MapR leads projects – Apache Drill – Apache Myriad • MapR supports the community – Free Code Fridays – High quality free on-demand training – Sponsorships, Meet-ups, and more Arrow
  • 11. © 2017 MapR Technologies 11 MapR in the News Internet of Things SAP
  • 12. © 2017 MapR Technologies 12 Question: “How do you take operational data, move it to analytics and then use those insights to change customer experiences?”
  • 13. © 2017 MapR Technologies 13 The MapR Converged Data Platform
  • 14. © 2017 MapR Technologies 14 Customers Are Pressured As Never Before Pressure of technology waves Pressure to innovate while cutting cost Developer Executive IT Administrator
  • 15. © 2017 MapR Technologies 15 “The explosion of data, changing application requirements, and key infrastructure & technology trends have created the need for a new data platform”.
  • 16. © 2017 MapR Technologies 16 RDBMS Data Was Structured & Shackled
  • 17. © 2017 MapR Technologies 17 Audio Billing Data Call Detail Records Clickstream CSV Data Documents Emails JSON Medical Records Merchant Listings Meta Data Mobile Data Netw ork Data PDF Product Catalog Sensor Data Server LogsSet Top Box Social Media Text Files Text Messages Video XML Data Got Into The Drivers Seat!
  • 18. © 2017 MapR Technologies 18 More Data Means Applications Can Become Smarter
  • 19. © 2017 MapR Technologies 19 Streaming Analytics NoSQL Batch Analytics Storage Messaging Processing Engines RDMBS Next-gen Applications Have Complex Requirements
  • 20. © 2017 MapR Technologies 20 App 1 App 4 App 3 App 2 Data 1 Data 2 Data 4 Data 3 AppApp App App AppApp Each application solved one problem and created its own data type Diverse data assets must be accessible from anywhere by microservices Application & Data Model Has Radically Changed
  • 21. © 2017 MapR Technologies 21 Commodity scale- out hardware Container virtualization Clouds Machine Learning MicroservicesSmarter edge Technology Will Drive Intelligent App Evolution
  • 22. © 2017 MapR Technologies 22 Hadoop & Spark Cluster Document DB Classic Data Warehouse NoSQL Application Server Message Middleware Search Server Expensive to Stitch | Fragile | Limitations for Speed, Scale, Reliability Point Products Impede Adoption And Create Complexity
  • 23. © 2017 MapR Technologies 23 Hadoop & Spark Cluster Classic Data Warehouse NoSQL Application Server Message Middleware Search Server Expensive to Stitch | Fragile | Limitations for Speed, Scale, Reliability Point Products Impede Adoption And Create Complexity Document DB Its not the circles, It’s the lines that are hard
  • 24. © 2017 MapR Technologies 24 Putting It In One Distribution Does Not Converge Anything!
  • 25. © 2017 MapR Technologies 25 Database MapR-DB Event Streaming MapR Streams High Availability Web-Scale Storage MapR-FS Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery Global Namespace A Different Approach: Converged Data Platform Files, Tables, Streams together on same platform Shared Services Supports Open-Source APIs On-Premise, In the Cloud, Hybrid Patented Architecture
  • 26. © 2017 MapR Technologies 26 On-Premise, In the Cloud, Hybrid HDFS API POSIX, NFS HBase API JSON API Kafka API Database MapR-DB Event Streaming MapR Streams Enterprise-Grade Platform Services High Availability Web-Scale Storage MapR-FS Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery Global Namespace Open Source Runs Better with Scale, Speed & Reliability
  • 27. © 2017 MapR Technologies 27 MapR Converged Data Platform A software platform for operationalizing data to enable intelligent applications
  • 28. © 2017 MapR Technologies 28 ANALYTICS Business insight OPERATIONS Business performance Convergence Enables Operationalizing The Data Better Operationalize the data
  • 29. © 2017 MapR Technologies 29 MapR Architected Specifically For Convergence NoSQL Web scale Storage MessagingProcessing Engines Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery Streaming • Extreme scale with ultra low latency for speed • “In place” updates for greater speed and no silos • Real time ingest & low latency processing • Rich Data Models & APIs • Built-in Analytics including ML • DevelopmentAgility & DeploymentFlexibility • Global mission critical foundation • Single security model On-Premise, In the Cloud, Hybrid
  • 30. © 2017 MapR Technologies 30 Database MapR-DB Event Streaming MapR Streams Web-Scale Storage MapR-FS Real Time The Architecture Of The Foundation Matters High Availability Data Protection Disaster Recovery Performance Replication Scalability Mirroring Multi Tenancy SecuritySelf Healing Snapshots
  • 31. © 2017 MapR Technologies 31 1010101001001 1000100010010110100101010 0101001010101010101100 A MapR Platform Security Flexible Authentication Granular Authorization • Wire-level authentication for all services in the cluster • Integration with LDAP, Active Directory and other third party directory services • Kerberos or username/password authentication • Access Control Expressions • Protect files, tables, column families, columns, and management objects • Extend to role-based access control (RBAC) with custom role functions • Drill Views • All events recorded immediately in JSON log files • Includes data access and administrative actions • Ad-hoc queries and custom reports on audit logs via SQL and standard BI tools • Encryption for Data in Motion • Within a Cluster • Between Clusters • Between Client and Cluster • Encryption for Data at Rest • LUKS • Self-Encrypting Disk • Partners • AES-256 Encryption in GCM Mode ADP AA 4 21 3 Ubiquitous Data Protection Robust Auditing
  • 32. © 2017 MapR Technologies 32 MapR Cluster Architecture Rack 1 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node N Node … Node … Rack 2 Rack .. Rack .. Select Processingand PlatformServices(Variesby Node) EnterpriseStorage MapR-FS MapR-DB Database MapRStreams Event Streaming CoreMapR Data Services (Every Node) Horizontal scaling for files, tables, documents, streams, and compute. 5 nodes or thousands.
  • 33. © 2017 MapR Technologies 33 MapR-FS A real distributed file system
  • 34. © 2017 MapR Technologies 34 Data & metadata fully distributed A A A B B B C C C D D D E E E Architecture: Built for Speed, Scale, Reliability 32 GB 256 MB 8 KB Hierarchical organization of data No single point of failure Fast parallel access Exabyte scale Full read-write
  • 35. © 2017 MapR Technologies 35 MapR Innovations Enable Speed, Scale, Reliability 1. Patented on-disk structures for multiple workloads • Containers, chunks, and blocks 2. Optimized resource consumption • No JVMs, single process space 3. Data and job placement control • Explicitly define nodes for data and jobs Single MapR Cluster Storage Hardware MapR-FS + MapR-DB + MapR Streams Fast, efficient, direct I/O
  • 36. © 2017 MapR Technologies 36 Transparent: The NFS-Enabled MapR File System Easy for scientists to use, easy for IT staff to administer, easy for systems & apps to integrate Drag-n-Drop User Data Files Easily transfer data in and out of a MapR cluster using standard file browsers Log Directly to a MapR Cluster Write system log files directly to a MapR cluster for instant analysis and long-term retention $ find . | grep log $ cp /mapr/cluster $ scp /mapr/cluster $ vi results' $ tail -f part-00000 Connect Applications without Customization Fully read/write file system supports virtually unlimited number of files of any size POSIX-compliant file system supports familiar Linux commands and tools Standard OS Utilities
  • 37. © 2017 MapR Technologies 37 MapR POSIX Client: Multiple cluster access Redundant gateway s f or high av ailability CLIENT NODE(S) NFS Gateway NFS Gateway NFS client (included in OS) Native applications HDFS API (hadoop-core-*.jar) MapR POSIXClient MapR cluster Hadoop applications (e.g. “Hadoop f s –put”) File-based apps/utils (e.g. cp, emacs) NFS Gateway 2 3 1 POSIX Client can work with multiple clusters simultaneously unifying namespace and easing universal data access - Full Wire Level Encryption - Inline Compression - High Performance Ingest multiple write/read E-Series E-Series E-Series E-Series E-Series E-Series MapR cluster MapR cluster
  • 38. © 2017 MapR Technologies 38 MapR-DB A Converged NoSQL Database
  • 39. © 2017 MapR Technologies 39 Relational Databases Were Not Designed for Big Data • RDBMSs are the default choice for applications – But large, rapidly changing, and/or diverse data sets add cost/time pressures • This forces trade-offs with your data • Or significant costs RDBMS $$$ Throwing extra money at the problem? Throwing away data to preserve performance?
  • 40. © 2017 MapR Technologies 40 Current Challenges with Other NoSQL Databases • Coarse grained access controls – “All or nothing” per record • Unreliable multi-masterreplication • Modeling of complex data – Longer app development cycles – Higher chance of coding errors • Data loss‡ and inconsistency • Cluster/silo sprawl – Maintenance pains – Complexity, more error prone • Constant data movement between database and analytics cluster – Excessive bandwidth utilization – Delays in accessing data • Long maintenance downtime (e.g., compactions, anti-entropy) ‡ See Jepsen tests at
  • 41. © 2017 MapR Technologies 41 How MapR Resolves These NoSQL Challenges • Tighter analytics integration • Automatic optimizations • Fine grained access controls • Global multi-master deployment capability • JSON document model for rapid application development • Strong consistency and proven data integrity { ”model”: ”JSON” } Converged Data Platform ✓
  • 42. © 2017 MapR Technologies 42 Example Use Cases for MapR-DB • Enterprise data hubs (or “data lakes”) • Predictive analytics • Internet-of-things / time series data analysis
  • 43. © 2017 MapR Technologies 43 Single Cluster Data Lake Capabilities MapR-DB: relational, time series, structured data MapR-FS: emails, blogs, tweets, log files, unstructured data MapR Streams: event data, IoT data Agile, self- service data exploration ETL into operational reporting formats (e.g., Parquet) Multi-tenancy: job/data placement control, volumes Access controls: file, table, column, column family, doc, sub-doc levels Sources RELATIONAL, SAAS, MAINFRAME DOCUMENTS, EMAILS LOG FILES, CLICKSTREAM SENSORS BLOGS, TWEETS, LINK DATA DATA WAREHOUSES, DATA MARTS Auditing: compliance, analyze user accesses Snapshots: track data lineage and history Table Replication: global multi-master, business continuity MapR Converged Data Platform Enterprise Storage Database Event Streaming MapR-FS MapR-DB MapR Streams
  • 44. © 2017 MapR Technologies 44 MapR Advantages for Predictive Analytics Paste your MapR distribution for Hadoop diagram from Part A, (slide 2) here MapR-DB MapR-FS MapR Data Platform Distribution including Apache Hadoop MapR-DB: load 100s of millionsof data pointsper second in JSON format from millionsof sources Interactive, human-driven analytics Multi-tenancy: colocate distinct data sets in same cluster Access controls: file, table, column, column family, doc, sub-doc levels Sources SENSOR DATA High Availability: ensure continuity despite system component failure Snapshots: static view for repeatability for machine learning Table Replication: global multi-master, business continuity Real-time applications Machine-driven analytics: predictive analytics, machine learning, etc.
  • 45. © 2017 MapR Technologies 45 MapR Streams A global pub-sub event streaming system for big data
  • 46. © 2017 MapR Technologies 46 Database MapR-DB Event Streaming MapR Streams High Availability Web-Scale Storage MapR-FS Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery Global Namespace Global Pub-Sub Streaming Engine With Persistence Producers Publish Billions of messages/sec to a topic Consumers Reliable delivery to all consumers. Immediately Global Tie together geo-dispersed clusters. Worldwide
  • 47. © 2017 MapR Technologies 47 Converged Continuous Global • Native, global data and metadata replication with arbitrary topology • Millions of streams, 100K topics/stream • Billions of events per second • Millions of producers & consumers • Converged platform with file storage and database • OJAI API - Direct access from analytics tools • Unified security framework with files and database tables • Multi-tenant - topic isolation, quotas, data placement control • Integrated with Spark Streaming, Flink, Apex, others • Message persistence for up to infinite time span • Guaranteed delivery (at least once) • Consistent, synchronous replication & no single point of failure MapR Streams - Converged, Continuous, Global
  • 48. © 2017 MapR Technologies 48 Source Capture Store Process Serve Flume NFS MapR Streams MapR-FS MapR-DB Spark Streaming Spark Drill Elasticsearch Search Dashboard Ops Dashboard MQTT Gateway Part of a Converged Reference Architecture
  • 49. © 2017 MapR Technologies 49 Example Use Cases for MapR-Streams • IoT: Global Data Transport & Processing • Retail: Customer Location Optimization • Finance: Real-time Transaction Processing
  • 50. © 2017 MapR Technologies 50 IoT: Global Data Transport & Processing USE CASE Business Results ● New revenue streams from collecting and processing data from “things”. ● Low response times by placing collection and processing near users. Why Streaming ● IoT is event-based, and needs an event streaming architecture. Why MapR ● Converged platform gives single cluster, single security model for data in motion and at rest. ● Reliable global replication for distributed collection, analysis, and DR. Global Dashboards, Alerts, Processing Local Collection, Filtering, Aggregation
  • 51. © 2017 MapR Technologies 51 Retail: Customer Location Optimization Business Results ● Improved customer satisfaction by responding to traffic spikes in real time. ● Tighter security by providing real-time alerts of anomalous user locations or patterns. Why Streaming ● Real-time collection and processing of user location data provided by wireless APs. Why MapR ● Global topics for cross-location monitoring ● Converged platform providing whole solution Machine learning of historical patterns Real-time processing & alerting pipeline SQL engine for historical queries & exploration USE CASE
  • 52. © 2017 MapR Technologies 52 Finance: Real-time Transaction Processing Business Results ● Improved user satisfaction with real-time mobile notifications of purchases. ● More fraud detected in real-time. ● More productive staff with data exploration. Why Streaming ● Seamless, real-time connection between mainframe RDBMS and ETL/processing. Why MapR ● Utility-grade reliability. ● Converged platform provides end-to-end application services - streaming, ML, DB. ● Converged security gives unified authentication, authorization, encryption. USE CASE Transactions Fraud Detection App Streaming Mobile Push App Data Exploration
  • 53. © 2017 MapR Technologies 53 A Cloud-Agnostic Platform For Global Delivery Application Execution Application Execution Application Execution
  • 54. © 2017 MapR Technologies 54 Three Key “Agilities” Drive Our Priorities Data Agility • Unified Files, Tables, Streams • Support for schemas that change • Multi-model support in a DBMS Application Agility • Microservices support • No-copy access to Files, Streams, DB • Multiple compute engines + key ecosystem components • Consistent security model Infrastructure Agility • Multi-dimensional elasticity • Global multi-cloud • Container apps with data persistence Database MapR-DB Event Streaming MapR Streams High Availability Web-Scale Storage MapR-FS Real Time Unified Security Multi-tenancy Disaster Recovery Global Namespace
  • 55. © 2017 MapR Technologies 55 MapR Innovates Continuously 2011 Industrial grade data platform for big data analytics 1.0 2013 Industrial grade NoSQL Key Value Store DBMS 2012 Industry’s first visual big data ops dashboard in MapR control system 2014 Global multi datacenter replication Fast Ingest 1.0 2016 Global streaming JSON Document DB Fast Ingest 2.0 Spyglass Monitoring 2015 Schema free SQL engine for big data Global table replication 2017 Persisted data access for Docker containers
  • 56. © 2017 MapR Technologies 56 Use Cases for the Converged Data Platform
  • 57. © 2017 MapR Technologies 57 The Big Data Journey to As-it-Happens Business Real-time Batch IT Focused Business Focused Big Data Spectrum Legacy Offload • Mainframe • Data Warehouse • RDBMS • SAN/NAS Platform Update • BI/Analytics • Data Lake/Hub • File Management Process Analysis • Clickstream Analysis • Log Analytics • Security Analytics • Social Analytics Predictive Operations • Preventative Maintenance • Yield Optimization • Machine Learning • Assembly Line Optimization Agile Business • Fraud Prevention • Ad Targeting • Transportation Logistics • Smart Cities Process Optimization • Customer 360 • Recommendation Engine • Drug Discovery • Credit Scoring • Genomics
  • 58. © 2017 MapR Technologies 58 MapR is faster and more mature than other distros that we have used. They are innovating faster than others. Mike Brown, CTO, comScore
  • 59. © 2017 MapR Technologies 59 MapR by Industry
  • 60. © 2017 MapR Technologies 60 MapR is Helping to Transform Businesses $1B Additional Revenue Fortune 50 Retailer Over 50Applications 10%+ Increased Conversion $40M Revenue Driven From1of15usecases AmexOffers $180M Driven by Targeting $10M+ Cost Savings Claimpaymentintegrity LargestBiometricDB $4B Yearly Savings
  • 61. © 2017 MapR Technologies 61 Business Impact World’s Largest Biometric Database South Asian country creates biometric backed identification system for all citizens • Increase % of citizens who have bank accounts and can access benefits • Reduce corruption and fraud in government aid programs • Issues with data replication and loss across clusters in competing distribution • Weak disaster recovery strategy in competitive distribution • Complicated upgrade process and high availability issues • Complete data backup: Snapshots and mirroring • Lower maintenance overhead: Rolling upgrades • Fingerprints and retina scans with 200 millisecond response:MapR-DB OBJECTIVES CHALLENGES SOLUTION • Approximately 20% reduction in fraud and leakage of government aid programs ($50B) • Average citizen’s life is transformed as they can get access to various stipulated benefits • Over 1 billion citizens currently enrolled providing identity for approximately 80% of the population
  • 62. © 2017 MapR Technologies 62 MapR gives me the reliability to keep our online service up and running 24x7x365. CTO, International Government Program (Aadhaar)
  • 63. © 2017 MapR Technologies 63 Fraud Detection & Recommendations 104 Million Card Members • Dozens of use cases,multi-PB scale • 100s of PhDs and data scientists • Machine learning to supportMyOffers • Machine learning to supportcredit card fraud — protects over $1T in spending each year • Fraudulent transactions automatically trigger alerts to phone, email, text for the cardholder
  • 64. © 2017 MapR Technologies 64 How to get started with MapR
  • 65. © 2017 MapR Technologies 65 On-Demand Training - Academy Essentials - Academy Pro - Partner Discounts
  • 66. © 2017 MapR Technologies 66 Try MapR - • Quick Start Solutions • Solutions by Industry • Big Data Use Cases
  • 67. © 2017 MapR Technologies 67 MapR Converged Partner Program
  • 68. © 2017 MapR Technologies 68 MapR Converge Partner Program
  • 70. © 2017 MapR Technologies 70 Why Partner with MapR?  Join the Re-Platforming of the enterprise  Enterprise Software Business  Hyper Growth  A platform to Innovate ON  Increase revenue – market opportunity, referral and reseller
  • 71. © 2017 MapR Technologies 71 MapR Converge Network Partner Program The Converge Partner categories are: •Consulting Partners •Platform Partners •Software Partners •Resellers •Distributors The Converge Partner achievement levels are: •Elite (invite only) •Preferred •Affiliate
  • 72. © 2017 MapR Technologies 72 Converged Partner Program continued… Example Benefits Submit Application  Include world-class enablement and strategic support  Marketing and sales alignment for maximum joint ROI  World-class training and implementation programs  Joint strategic business and GTM planning and execution  Featured App Gallery
  • 73. © 2017 MapR Technologies 73 Up-Coming Events & Resources
  • 74. © 2017 MapR Technologies 74  Connected Cars  June 13th – 15th, London, UK  Autonomous Machines World  June 26th – 27th, Berlin, DE  EMEA Partner Summit  TBC September 2017, London UK  Convergence  October 19th, London, UK Dates for the diary
  • 75. © 2017 MapR Technologies 75 Resources BLOG CONVERGE COMMUNITY BIG DATA TRAINING MapR CERTIFICATIONS The MapR blog provides how-to advice, insights, best practices, and useful resources to help your executives, enterprise architects, and developers more effectively leverage data to grow your business. • Go to the blog Whether you're an admin, architect, developer or analyst, the Converge Community is the one place where you can find all you need to know about the technology behind MapR Products. Come learn about, discuss, and use MapR products and services, along with other related technologies. • Find Answers in the Community Learn big data your way: On demand, anytime, anywhere. Take interactive e- learning courses, with custom sandboxes and lab exercises from the data and analytics experts at MapR. • Start Learning Prove your skills: Get certified and flash your MapR credentials. The learning curve is the earning curve. • Get Certified
  • 76. © 2017 MapR Technologies 76© 2017 MapR Technologies 76 Q&A ENGAGE WITH US @MapR