The NYU Community's Wireless Network

NYU Wi-Fi provides secure wireless access to NYU’s network and the internet at just about every University location, including global sites.

On this page: Connect to NYU Wi-Fi | Gaming and Streaming Devices | Guest and Visitor Wi-Fi | Other NYU Wi-Fi Networks | NYU Wi-Fi Locations | Forgetting a Network | Troubleshooting and SupportWi-Fi Security Certificates | About NYU Wi-Fi

Connect to NYU Wi-Fi

Mobile | Computers | Gaming, Streaming, and Smart Devices | Guest Wi-Fi

Mobile and computers: "nyu" is the network you should connect to

The "nyu" network (also known as an SSID) is the University's primary Wi-Fi network. If you can connect to the "nyu" network, you should. It's the best network for the vast majority of users and devices and provides the most reliable, interference-free, and fastest connection speeds across NYU’s global locations. Please make sure you are in an NYU Wi-Fi enabled location before attempting to connect.

Tip: If your device is connecting to a different network, you can set up the "nyu" network and then forget the network you no longer need.

Mobile Devices

Laptop and Desktop Computers

Gaming and streaming media boxes (NY residence halls only)

If you live in an NYU residence hall in New York, you can register a game console and/or digital media device for use on the wired residence hall network or the "nyu-media" wireless network. Each student can register up to five devices. If you already have five devices registered, you must de-register one before you can add another.

Only devices that can't authenticate for the primary NYU network should connect to nyu-media. There's usually no reason to connect a computer, phone, or tablet to this specialized network.

The nyu-media password changes every academic year. If you are returning to your residence hall with a previously registered device, you'll need to update the password. Your RA or residence hall front desk has the nyu-media password. It is not the same as your NYU NetID password.

Guest and Visitor Wi-Fi

Are you hosting a guest and want them to be able to connect to NYU Wi-Fi? The new NYU Wi-Fi Guest Sponsor Portal enables you to set up access in just a few minutes.

Other NYU Wi-Fi Networks

In an effort to provide the best possible wireless service to a wide variety of users and devices, there are some additional Wi-Fi networks that should only be used in rare, specific cases. Anyone with an NYU NetID and password and is in an NYU location should, except in very rare instances, connect to the "nyu" network. These other networks include:

  • nyu-legacy: For devices with limited connection speed capabilities
  • eduroam: For visiting scholars who want to connect using the credentials associated with their own institution

Tip: If you have previously connected to "nyu-legacy" or eduroam, your device may reconnect automatically, even when "nyu" is available. To avoid this, forget the other network (see below) and follow the instructions to connect to "nyu."

NYU Wi-Fi Locations

NYU Wi-Fi is in a lot of locations, but it's not everywhere. Make sure you're in a supported area. One of the most common answers to reports of slow or unstable NYU Wi-Fi is people trying to connect from a non-supported location.

Forgetting a Wi-Fi Network

Forgetting a network means removing any stored login credentials from your device. There are a few instances in which it may be useful to forget a network.

  • Mac iPhone, or iPad
  • Android: Open Settings and tap on the Wi-FI icon. Tap and hold the Wi-Fi network you want to delete, then select Forget Network.
  • Windows: In the system tray, click the network icon, and choose Network & Internet settings. Click Manage Wi-Fi settings. Under Manage known networks, select the Wi-Fi network to be removed. Click Forget.

You can also avoid unexpected connections to the wrong network by deselecting Auto reconnect or setting your device to always ask before joining a network.

Troubleshooting and Support

NYU takes issues with the NYU Wi-Fi network seriously and is always working to improve the service. However, there are a few things that are often interpreted as slow or unreliable wireless that are actually caused by something else. Below are some of the issues most commonly misdiagnosed as wireless connectivity issues.

If you need additional assistance or are still experiencing an issue with NYU Wi-Fi, contact the NYU IT Service Desk for support.

Test Your Wi-Fi Connection

Click "GO" to conduct a speed test for your Wi-Fi connection. The test will display your current wireless speed. Typical high-definition video streams use 5 Mbps. A result of 10 Mbps or more is considered adequate for general use.

Wi-Fi Security Certificates

Once a year, you will be asked to review and accept a security certificate. This may also happen after a major upgrade to NYU's Wi-Fi equipment. When it's time to review and accept the certificate, you will be prompted by your device. Tap or click Accept or OK. No further action is required, and the certificate will be good for the remainder of the year.

Certificates are issued by an independent third-party security company and are an important way for NYU to affirm the security specifications of the University's network. The issuing authority for NYU Wi-Fi security is InCommon and will display the domain  

Note for Mac users: You may be prompted to enter your Mac administrator password (which may not be the same as your NetID password) or fingerprint to verify acceptance of the certificate. This is a standard security requirement on most Macs.

The security certificate alert on an iPhone with the accept button highlighted

The security certificate alert on an iPhone