Matt McNally’s Post

In June of 2018, I took one of the biggest risks in my career. I left my longstanding career in healthcare advertising and accepted the role of CEO of Outcome Health. A Chicago based health tech company. There was a Department of Justice Investigation, an interim CEO and CFO, and industry that was wrong and lead astray. Employees that weren't exactly sure what or who to believe. Many of my peers and colleagues questioned my move from a stable and thriving organization to OH. The image below highlights three OH related headlines over the last six years. 1) February 2019: The press questioning the stability of the organization and our team. 2) June 2019: The press beginning to see our turn around, not only in terms of business stability. But recognizing how our teams brought more rigor to the point of care industry and how clients and agency partners were coming back on the platfrom. 3) June 2024. One of the founders sentenced for fraud. I learned many valuable lessons over my time in that role. I wanted to take a moment to share a few. 1) Trust supersedes having every answer. I had to learn how to build trust with a team that was wronged, clients that were wronged, and an industry that was wronged. Other POC companies and organizations wanted nothing to do with OH. Trust is paramount in every aspect and moment of business. Especially during turbulent times. It is the currency for success. 2) Surround yourself with people that know more that you. As a leader, you should never be the smarter person in the room. Personal growth, at any level comes from what you learn from those around you, regardless of their role/tenure at the organization. Let those around you inspire you to be and do better. 3) Be empathetic, be real, be approachable. For many years I was trained to be fear senior leaders. During my time at OH (part of which was during Covid). I had to figure out how to truly let people in. If wanted the organization and our individuals to thrive, I had to be more accessible. I wanted and needed the entire team to feel part of the turn around the company. There was no playbook for what we were going through. We deployed unprecedented approaches. Like a personal daily email during the first year of COVID from me to the entire team. Bringing diverse background and experiences to team meetings that were not historically included. We would bring the sales team to product meetings and vice-versa. The marketing team to creative and content meetings. The entire team strived to create an inclusive environment. The headline in the WSJ from yesterday finally closes the book on Outcome Health. However, I can speak for myself that all of OH chapters in my book are ones that I go back and re-read the most. They gave me experiences that I will never forget. For all of you reading this that worked with me at Outcome, I am forever grateful for all of you, we had some special, and we shocked the world with what we achieved together.

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When my Dad was dying from throat cancer, the final note he passed me was an Emerson quote: "nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind". You upheld your personal integrity and restored organizational integrity to a company that was floundering and in dire need. Be proud of that. Well done!

Jennifer Protacio

Enterprise Account Manager, Healthcare & Life Sciences at Amazon Web Services


You’re amazing Matt! Such an honor working with you at one of the craziest times in our careers. You were a beacon!

Kimberly Thompson Grillo

President, Groupe Client Lead |Cannes Lions Winner | She Runs It Operating Board | Globally Ranked Gamer Nerd


Go smoke and mirrors, so proud of you!!!

Pretty sure I’ve told you this before but worth repeating. When I heard you were taking that job I thought, and still do, that it was the most perfect hire ever. A company that had a valuable solution but needed someone with respect in the industry with clients and the rest of it’s peers. Such a great story and glad all continues to go well for you!

It took a real leader to step up and try to turnaround a situation that dire. It can't always be successful, but heroes step up because a job is important not because it's easy or success guaranteed.

Jennifer Schatzman

General Counsel @ Omnicom Health Group


And this…and so much more make you such a refreshing, inspiring, empathetic, honest and empowering leader.

Chris Catalano

Vice President, Head of Demand Sales at Connatix


Such great perspective Matt McNally. While a long time ago, I think back to my days at DH and remember how all 3 of the lessons you outlined were already in practice through your leadership. Hope to have an opportunity to catch up soon.

Shelby Rauen

Brand Strategy Leader at AREA 23


Trust is a currency for success 👏 thank you for sharing such profound lessons. We need more of this in leadership.

Jim Dominick

SVP, Sponsorship Sales


You saved us my friend! Crazy…but fun part of my career!!!

Geline Midouin

Co-Chief Operations and Integration Officer, Americas


Great perspective and lessons learned. Proud of you Matt!

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