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The general functions of the GRA include regulating, supervising and enforcing compliance with the conditions and the specific obligations subject to which an electronic communications network or an electronic communications service may be provided. In doing so, the GRA may investigate any breach of the Communications Act 2006 and accompanying regulations and any condition or specific obligation imposed on an Authorised Provider.

In order to carry out these regulatory functions, the GRA has established procedures for the handling of complaints and the resolution of disputes between Authorised Providers. These procedures set out the GRA’s processes and submission requirements for such complaints and disputes. They are intended to help Authorised Providers and their advisers to understand the GRA’s processes and how best to present a case so that the GRA can deal with it in an efficient manner. In addition, the GRA can also carry out an own initiative investigation if it considers there are valid grounds for intervention.

These procedures are not binding on the GRA. However, where the GRA departs from these procedures, it expects to give reasons for doing so. The GRA will keep these procedures under review and amend as appropriate in light of gained experience and developing law and practice. These procedures do not cover consumer complaints and disputes. The GRA has published Document No. C05/19 which provides guidance on consumer disputes. Consumers may also submit complaints by completing the consumer complaint form available online.

Section 2 sets out the GRA’s powers and duties and discusses the difference between a complaint and a dispute.

Section 3 sets out the procedures for handling complaints.

Section 4 sets out the procedures for resolving disputes.

The required format for submitting complaints is set out in Annex 1 and the required format for submitting a request to resolve a dispute is set out in Annex 2.

Notice C01/2020 below sets out the procedures for handling complaints and disputes for Authorised Providers.