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This consultation seeks stakeholders’ views on proposed amendments to the Code (the “Code”) on objectivity, impartiality, accuracy and undue prominence.

The responses to this consultation will assist the GRA in completing its review of the Code and determine whether any amendments are required, either in general or in response to certain issues raised, ultimately ensuring the Code remains up to date and fit for purpose.

Closing date for submission is Friday 5th July 2024.

The GRA received representations from the Gibraltar Social Democrats, “GSD”, political party, requesting that the Code be amended to adequately cater for the situation that currently exists where the leader of the main opposition party is not the same person as the Parliamentary Leader. 

In the interests of best practice, the GRA consulted all relevant stakeholders on reviewing the Code given that the GRA has a duty to do so from time to time, and to address the points raised by the leader of the GSD. 

The public consultation was open from the 15th January 2018 until the 29th January 2018. 

On the 12th February 2018, the GRA, having considered the views of all respondents, published a 'Statement to Consultation'. This document (BC02/18) summarises all responses received and includes the GRA's conclusions.