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MLB: Anderson pitches on Independence Day

Nick Anderson
Nick Anderson

Former Brainerd Warriors pitcher Nick Anderson is in his sixth season in the major leagues as a relief pitcher for the Kansas City Royals.

Anderson appeared in the Royals 7-6 loss to the Tampa Bay Rays July 4. He allowed one earned run on one hit in one inning of action. He struck out two. He threw 18 pitches to the four batters he faced. Eleven went for strikes.

Anderson has appeared in 35 games and pitched in 33.2 innings. He owns a 3-1 record with one save, two holds and a 4.28 ERA.

He has allowed 17 runs, 16 earned, on 34 hits and 15 walks. He’s struck out 27 batters.

The Royals are 15-20 when Anderson pitches and are third in the American League Central with a 49-43 record.

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