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Astro Bob

New smart telescopes coupled with your cell phone make photographing galaxies and comets easy.
For the next few nights we can see the space station from dusk till dawn.
Ceres was once the largest asteroid, but in 2006 it was classified as a dwarf planet along with Pluto.
Meteor-dust clouds glow at dusk and dawn; plus a peek at Saturn's crazy-looking rings.


Latest Headlines
Comet 13P/Olbers makes its first visit in 69 years. Grab your binoculars and see it while you can.
My monthly calendar of celestial delights to illuminate your nights.
On Saturday morning, June 29, most planets and the moon will fan across the dawn sky.
Summer is when Ursa Major looks most like its name.
The crescent moon returns to the evening sky along with the orbiting "Heavenly Palace."