
You can have free access to a gun after you pass thorough psychological tests. Inconvenient? It's worth it if our children feel safe walking to school.
I live in District 6A, I’m proud to have Ben Davis as my state representative.
We are the consumers. What are we buying into about our country? Degradation and negativity? Perseverance and hope for the future?
After a damp Fourth of July 2024, I feel Joy and optimism from seeing how we celebrated together with pride the birth of our nation.


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Jesus rose from the dead and he is waiting for the time when God will tell Jesus Christ that he can bring the Christ-followers to heaven in the rapture!
This is about criminals, not firearms or their components. By itself, a gun does nothing. Guns laws only violate our rights and punish the innocent.
We need to be mindful and fact check our Legislators so we can become a country that values truths and we can move forward.
If you are not happy about the way things seem to be going in America maybe it’s time to change.
The Psalmist writes: If you, Lord, keep account of sin, Lord, who can stand?
Time is of the essence, contact your county commissioner today and tell them to find a solution to stop the destruction of our natural resources.


Reckless government spending increases by $1 trillion every 100 days.
It is imperative we all do our homework in the upcoming election and support candidates who exemplify Rep. Dean Urdahl. Democracy may then just survive!
Project 2025 is a detailed plan on how to turn our country into a Christofascist hellscape.