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A Deterrent is a type of ability which is used to flush enemies out of positions by threatening to kill them if they attempt to stay in that location.


A deterrent is an ability that deals damage with the aim of damaging anything that doesn't move out of the way at its target location. When all charges are used to full effect, all deterrents have the potential to deal over 150 damage, which can kill any enemy from full health and full shields. Deterrents also deal damage to enemy objects.

Deterrents can be used to clear an area or corner on the map. This can be used as a way to gather intel; enemies will likely make noise as they retreat, which will give off sound cues that alert you to their presence and possibly that they've used an ability to allow them to back away. If there are no sound cues or you aren't notified about killing an enemy, this can confirm that the area is clear of enemies for now. However, players need to be wary about if it's possible for an enemy to return to that position after you have used the deterrent and how quickly they can do so.

For areas that are hard for enemies to retreat from, players can use deterrents to punish such positioning by dealing significant damage to the enemy or even being able to kill them.

Deterrents can deal damage to both enemies and allies, with allies taking 1/3 damage.

General Deterrent abilities[]

Breach icon Breach:

C – Aftershock

EQUIP a fusion charge. FIRE the charge to set a slow-acting burst through the wall. The burst does heavy damage to anyone caught in its area.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Credits icon 200 Windup: Windup 2.2 s Damage: Damage 80 per tick, 2 ticks within 0.6 s

Brimstone icon Brimstone:

X – Orbital Strike
Orbital Strike

EQUIP a tactical map. FIRE to launch a lingering orbital strike laser at the selected location, dealing high damage-over-time to players caught in the selected area.

Cost:♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 8 points Windup: Windup 2 s Duration: Duration 3 s (minimum at full size) Damage: Damage 20 per tick, 6.67 ticks/sec

Gekko icon Gekko:

C – Mosh Pit
Mosh Pit

EQUIP Mosh. FIRE to throw Mosh like a grenade. ALT FIRE to lob. Upon landing Mosh duplicates across a large area that deals a small amount of damage over time then after a short delay explodes.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Credits icon 250 Windup: Windup 3 s Damage: Damage 10/sec during windup, then 25/50 per tick (Outer/Inner radius), 3 ticks within 0.2 s

KAYO icon KAY/O:

C – FRAG/ment

EQUIP an explosive fragment. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to lob. The fragment sticks to the floor and explodes multiple times, dealing near lethal damage at the center with each explosion.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Credits icon 200 Duration: Duration 4 s Damage: Damage 25-60 per tick (Min. outer radius-Inner radius), 1 tick/sec

Raze icon Raze:

E – Paint Shells
Paint Shells

EQUIP a cluster grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade, which does damage and creates sub-munitions, each doing damage to anyone in their range. ALT FIRE to lob. Paint Shells charge resets every two kills.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Free Cooldown: Cooldown 2 kill recharge Damage: Damage 1-55 (Min. outer radius-Inner radius)

Sova icon Sova:

Q – Shock Bolt
Shock Bolt

EQUIP a bow with a shock bolt. FIRE to send the explosive bolt forward, detonating upon collision and damaging players nearby. HOLD FIRE to extend the range of the projectile. ALT FIRE to add up to two bounces to this arrow.

Uses: 2 Uses 2 Cost:Credits icon 150 Damage: Damage 1-75 (Min. outer radius-Inner radius)


A molotov is a deterrent that explodes on detonation, covering the surrounding ground in a lingering area that deals damage over time. Most molotovs expand up to any walls and ledges, though some have a fixed radius and can pierce through walls. As damage-over-time abilities, molotovs will deal 50% damage to some specific non-player objects (see Health for more details).


Brimstone icon Brimstone:

Q – Incendiary

EQUIP an incendiary grenade launcher. FIRE to launch a grenade that detonates as it comes to a rest on the floor, creating a lingering fire zone that damages players within the zone.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Credits icon 250 Duration: Duration 7 s (minimum at full size) Damage: Damage 60/s

Phoenix icon Phoenix:

E – Hot Hands
Hot Hands

EQUIP a fireball. FIRE to throw a fireball that explodes after a set amount of time or upon hitting the ground, creating a lingering fire zone that damages enemies. ALT FIRE to lob.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Free Duration: Duration 3.25 s (minimum at full size) Cooldown: Cooldown 2 kill recharge Damage: Damage 60/s

Viper icon Viper:

C – Snake Bite
Snake Bite

EQUIP a chemical launcher. FIRE to launch a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering chemical zone that damages and applies Vulnerable.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Credits icon 300 Duration: Duration 6.5 s Damage: Damage 12.5/s Debuff: Debuff 2 s Vulnerable


Killjoy icon Killjoy:

C – Nanoswarm

EQUIP a Nanoswarm grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade. Upon landing, the Nanoswarm goes covert. ALT FIRE to lob. ACTIVATE the Nanoswarm to deploy a damaging swarm of nanobots.

Uses: 2 Uses 2 Cost:Credits icon 200 Duration: Duration 4 s Health: Health 20 HP Damage: Damage 45/s
