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Agents Information
Real Name:
Sabine Callas
Release Date:
Poison Cloud
Signature Ability:
Toxic Screen
Viper's Pit

Viper is a VALORANT agent who deals with poison and acid, burning down and suffocating her enemies. She uses fuel to activate her powerful abilities Poison Cloud and Toxic Screen to melt passing targets and block vision. The fuel gauge recharges over time, allowing Viper to control areas for extended time. Snakebite ability and Viper's Pit ultimate are also area-of-effect, completing the dangerous skill kit of this US agent.


The American chemist, Viper deploys an array of poisonous chemical devices to control the battlefield and cripple the enemy's vision. If the toxins don't kill her prey, her mind games surely will.


Snake Bite

Ability: Basic

Debuff duration: 2s
Molly duration: 6,5s

Cost: CredsCreds 300
Max Charges: 1
EQUIP a chemical launcher.
FIRE to launch a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering chemical zone that damages agents and inflicts the VULNERABLE debuff for 2s, making them receive 200% damage from other sources.
Poison Cloud

Ability: Basic

Decay duration: 1.5s
Max duration: 12s

Cost: CredsCreds 200
Max Charges: 1
EQUIP a gas emitter.
FIRE to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round.
RE-USE the ability to create a toxic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED. If picked up POISON CLOUD can be taken into the next round.
Toxic Screen

Ability: Signature

Max duration: 12s

Cost: CredsCreds Free
Max Charges: 1
EQUIP a gas emitter launcher.
FIRE to deploy a long line of gas emitters.
RE-USE the ability to create a tall wall of toxic gas at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once.
Viper's Pit

Ability: Ultimate

Duration outside pit: 8s

Ultimate Cost: 9
EQUIP a chemical sprayer.
FIRE to spray a chemical cloud in all directions arond Viper, creating a large cloud that reduces the vision range and maximum health of players inside of it.

Version History[edit]

Version Balance Changes
  • Toxic Screen (E) and Poison Cloud (Q)
    • Nerf Max uptime on each individual smoke source reduced 15 >>> 13.5 >>> 12s
    • Nerf Minimum fuel needed to activate smoke increased 20% >>> 30%
    • Buff Cooldown on re-activating smokes after putting them down reduced 8 >>> 5.5 >>> 5s
  • Poison Cloud (Q)
    • Nerf Can now only be picked up during the Buy Phase
  • Snake Bite (C)
    • Nerf Charges reduced 2 >>> 1
    • Nerf Price increased 200 >>> 300
    • Buff Duration increased 5.5 >>> 6.5s
  • Viper’s Pit (Q)
    • Rescale Viper’s Poison Cloud (Q) grenade has received an art update.
  • Viper’s Pit (X)
  • Nerf Ultimate points increased 8 >>> 9
  • Fuel Regeneration
  • Nerf Reduced regeneration per second 5% >>> 3.3%
    • Nerf Regenerate to max fuel once empty 20s >>> 30s
  • Viper’s Pit (X)
  • Nerf Smoke integrity regen time 5.0 >>> 25.0.
  • Nerf Max time out of smoke decreased 15.0 >>> 8.0.
  • Nerf Ultimate points required 7 >>> 8.
  • Buff Snake Bite (C) now damages:
    • Cypher Trapwire
    • Killjoy Nanoswarm
    • Killjoy Alarmbot
    • Killjoy Lockdown
    • Raze Blast Pack
    • Reyna Leer
    • Sage Barrier Orb
    • Skye Seekers
    • Sova Recon Bolt
    • Chamber Trademark
    • Chamber Rendezvous
    • Fade Prowler
    • KAY/O Knife
  • Nerf Snake Bite (C) now deals 100% >>> 50% damage to non-players
  • Bug Fix Fixed a bug where Viper’s Toxic Screen (E) could have small gaps around ground level in specific map locations.
  • Bug Fix Fixed a bug where Viper’s Toxic Screen (E) and Poison Cloud (Q) would sometimes disappear from the minimap.
  • Bug Fix Fixed issue where observers would see Viper’s enemies glow red when they were near but outside of Viper’s Pit (X).
  • Fuel
  • Nerf Fuel drain increased 50% when Toxic Screen (E) and Poison Cloud (Q) are both active.
  • Rework Viper’s fuel bar now turns red when she does not have enough fuel to activate her abilities.
  • Toxin Screen (E)
  • Nerf Cooldown after deactivating increased 6 >>> 8
  • Nerf Cooldown timer now starts when her smoke starts dissipating instead of when the deactivation telegraph plays.
  • Buff Deactivation delay decreased 1 >>> .8
  • Nerf Toxic Screen (E) now has yellow lights that indicate when it is on cooldown
  • Nerf Removed delay on Toxic Screen (E) disabling when Viper is suppressed.
  • New Added a unique VO line that plays when her smoke is disabled by suppress.
  • Poison Cloud (Q)
  • Nerf Cooldown after deactivating increased 6 >>> 8.
  • Nerf Cooldown timer now starts when her smoke starts dissipating instead of when the deactivation telegraph plays.
  • Buff Deactivation delay decreased 1 >>> .8
  • Nerf Poison Orb now has a yellow light to indicate when it is on cooldown.
  • Bug Fix Removed delay on Poison Orb disabling when Viper is suppressed.
  • New Added a unique VO line that plays when her smoke is disabled by suppress.
  • Snake Bite (C)
  • Nerf Duration decreased 6.5 >>> 5.5
  • Bug Fix Fixed an exploit where, using specific line-ups, it was possible to see inside Viper’s ultimate without being affected by the nearsighted debuff
  • Bug Fix Fixed a bug where Viper’s ultimate would sometimes fail to expand through doorways
  • Bug Fix Passing through the highest portion of Viper’s wall now correctly applies instant decay to high-flying Agents
  • Rework Updated the visuals for the dissolving effect seen while inside Viper’s smoke to better match the visuals seen from the outside, in an attempt to remove any type of peeker’s advantage when playing from within the smoke.
  • Bug Fix Fixed Viper’s fuel will no longer continue to drain after her smokes go down if she is suppressed right as she activates Toxic Screen (E) or Poison Cloud (Q).
  • Bug Fix Fixed a bug where Viper’s Pit (X) started forming at the cursor placement point instead of around Viper
  • Nerf Duration reduced 8 >>> 6.5
  • Nerf Cost increased 100 >>> 200
  • Nerf We’ve seen a massive resurgence in Viper’s popularity and power, especially at stalling opponents and preventing defuses. We hope to slightly reduce some of this stalling power.
  • Rework Outer edges of Viper’s acid patch form faster to ensure it is lethal if an enemy sits in the entire duration
  • Nerf Snake Bite (C) price increased 100 >>> 200
  • Nerf Snake Bite (C) duration reduced 8 >>> 6.5
  • Buff Outer edges of Viper’s acid patch form faster to ensure it is lethal if an enemy sits in the entire duration
  • Nerf The instant decay inflicted when entering Viper’s smoke or crossing her wall, reduced 50 >>> 30
  • Bug Fix Fixed a bug when calculating if damage taken while decayed should be lethal for players with armor.
  • Buff Passive, Enemies that cross through Viper's Poison Cloud (Q), Toxic Screen (E), or Viper’s Pit (X) are instantly inflicted with at least 50 decay. Their decay level increases the longer they remain in contact with toxin.
  • Nerf While in Cloud (Q), Decay over time decreased 15 >>> 10
  • Nerf When out of Viper’s Cloud (Q), delay before health regen decreased 2.5 >>> 1.5
  • New Poison Cloud (Q) can now immediately be redeployed when picked up, but grants a temporary charge instead of a permanent charge
  • Buff Poison Cloud (Q) pickup distance increased 200 >>> 400
  • Rework If active when Viper dies, Poison Cloud (Q) and Toxic Screen (E) now remain up for an additional 2 seconds, or until Viper runs out of fuel
  • Rescale Full blind distance from the wall increased to better match the blind distance from the edge of smokes
  • Buff Snakebite equip time decreased 1.1 >>> .8
  • New In custom games with cheats and infinite abilities enabled, Viper can hold down “activate” on Poison Cloud (Q) and Toxic Screen (E) to recall them
  • New In custom games with cheats and infinite abilities enabled, Poison Cloud (Q) landing location is shown on the minimap while equipped
  • Buff Viper now starts the round at 100 fuel (previously 50)
  • Buff Vulnerable debuff applied from Snake Bite (C) now lingers for 2 seconds after leaving Viper’s acid
  • Buff Move speed doubled while casting Viper's Pit (X)
  • Buff Viper now fast equips her weapon after casting, re-equip times vary per gun—but on average will reduce her weapon down time by .4 seconds
  • Buff Toxic Screen (E) can now be placed during the buy phase of rounds, through spawn barriers
  • Buff Toxic Screen (E) now goes up faster along it’s full length, once it start
  • Buff Decay on all smoke abilities no longer affects allies
  • Buff The area of Viper’s Pit (X) is now shown on her team’s minimap when deployed
  • Bug Fix Fixed nearsight not apply properly when going through smoke parts of Viper’s wall
  • Buff Max time outside of Viper's Pit (X) before it collapses changed from 5>>>15 seconds
  • Buff Viper can hold the ability key to drop her ult early
  • Buff Enemies in Viper’s Pit (X) have their minimap obscured and do not provide minimap detection to their allies
  • Buff Increased the brightness of the red enemy glow at the edge of Viper's near-sight
  • Buff Enemy decay per second increased from 10 to 15 from all sources.
  • Buff After exiting Viper's smoke, enemy decay sustains for 2.5 seconds before starting to fade
  • Buff Having both Poison Cloud (Q) and Toxic Screen (E) active does not consume additional fuel beyond the cost of having one active
  • Rework Toxic Screen (E) now burns through walls
  • Buff Snake Bite (C), taking damage will make a player fragile for a short time
  • Nerf Poison Orb activation cooldown increased :: .5s >>> 6s
  • Bug Fix Closed exploit where Nvidia Inspector could be used to see through Viper and Phoenix wall abilities
  • Bug Fix Fixed a bug that let you shred the gnar at supersonic speeds using Viper’s Toxic Screen (E) as a projectile boost
  • Bug Fix Fixed the ability to activate Viper’s Poison Cloud (Q) mid air if it has been picked up.
  • Removed Removed slow from Viper’s Snakebite tooltip.
  • Buff Snake Bite (C) radius increased 350 >> 450
  • Buff Height required to jump out of all damaging area denial abilities 80 >> 120
  • Buff Snake Bite (C) damage tick speed increased (total damage per second unchanged)
  • Bug Fix Updated the appearance of Viper's Toxic Screen (E) on the minimap to show gaps in the wall
  • Bug Fix Fixed Viper being able to animation-cancel Viper’s Pit (X)

Notable Players[edit]

External Links[edit]
