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Agents Information
Real Name:
Li Zhao Yu
Release Date:
Signature Ability:
Double Tap
Kill Contract

Iso is an Agent in VALORANT and the seventh Duelist to be released.


Chinese fixer for hire, Iso falls into a flow state to dismantle the opposition. Reconfiguring ambient energy into bulletproof protection, he advances with focus towards his next duel to the death.



Ability: Basic

Duration: 5s

Cost: CredsCreds 250
Max Charges: 1
EQUIP to assemble prismatic energy.
FIRE to push an indestructible wall of energy forward that blocks bullets.

Ability: Basic

Debuff duration: 4s

Cost: CredsCreds 200
Max Charges: 2
EQUIP a molecular bolt.
FIRE to throw it forward, applying a brief FRAGILE to all players it touches. The bolt can pass through solid objects, including walls.
Double Tap

Ability: Signature

Duration: 15s

Cost: CredsCreds 150
Max Charges: 2
START a focus timer. Once completed, enter a flow state during which downed enemies you kill or damage generate an energy orb. Shooting this orb grants you a shield which absorbs one instance of damage from any source.
Kill Contract

Ability: Ultimate

Ult Windup: 1s
Ult Duration: 15s

Ultimate Cost: 7
EQUIP an interdimensional arena.
FIRE to hurl a column of energy through the battlefield, pulling you and the first enemy hit into the arena. You and your opponent duel to the death.

Version History[edit]

Version Balance Changes
  • Double Trap (E)
    • Rework Iso now grants himself a shield upon finishing a 1 second animation during which he can’t use his gun.
      • This plays a shield forming sound at the end of the channel when the shield is activated.
    • Rework Kill reset added to Double Tap (Iso gets a charge back if he gets 2 kills).
    • Rework Iso can now recast Double Tap while it’s active to refresh the duration of the shield.
      • This is relevant if he gets a refreshed charge of his Double Tap from getting 2 kills.
    • Buff Iso now receives a Wall Penetration tag instead of a standard Heavy Penetration tag when the shield is broken. This means he’s slowed less upon his shield breaking.
      • Additionally, Iso now gets a damage indicator towards the direction of the enemy that broke the shield
    • Nerf Charges 2 >>> 1
  • Bug Fix Fixed an issue where the cover walls in Iso’s Kill Contract (X) would not appear when playing with an unstable network connection.
  • Double Trap (E)
    • Buff Shootable orb duration increased 2 >>> 3 seconds
    • Buff Initial buff and shield duration increased 15 >>> 20
    • Nerf Shield width reduced 120 >>> 100
  • Contigency (C)
    • Buff Cost reduced 250 >>> 200
  • Bug Fix After eliminating practice bots in the Range, Iso’s energy orbs will now spawn. They will still not spawn in Shooting Tests.
  • New Initial release of Iso.

Notable Players[edit]

External Links[edit]
