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From Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
Agents Information
Real Name:
Iselin (last name unknown)
Release Date:
Sonic Sensor
Signature Ability:
Barrier Mesh

Deadlock is an Agent in VALORANT and the fifth Sentinel to be released.


Norwegian operative Deadlock deploys an array of cutting-edge nanowire to secure the battlefield from even the most lethal assault. No one escapes her vigilant watch, nor survives.



Ability: Basic

Windup delay: 0.4s Duration: 6s

Cost: CredsCreds 200
Max Charges: 1
EQUIP a GravNet grenade.
FIRE to throw.
ALT FIRE to lob the grenade underhand. The GravNet detonates upon landing, forcing any enemies caught within to crouch and move slowly.
Sonic Sensor

Ability: Basic

Detection radius:
Width: xxxm
Length: xxxm
HP: 20HP
Invisible until: 3m Concussion time: 3.5s

Cost: CredsCreds 200
Max Charges: 2
EQUIP a Sonic Sensor.
FIRE to deploy. The sensor monitors an area for enemies making sound. It concusses that area if footsteps, weapons fire, or significant noise are detected.
Barrier Mesh

Ability: Signature

Fortification: 3s
Initial HP:
Side Orbs HP: 320 HP
Main Orb HP: 570 HP
Final HP:
Side Orbs HP: 700 HP Main Orb HP: 1200 HP

Cost: CredsCreds Free
Max Charges: 1
EQUIP a Barrier Mesh disc.
FIRE to throw forward. Upon landing, the disc generates barriers from the origin point that block character movement.

Ability: Ultimate

Ult Windup: 1.1s
Ult duration: 10s
Ult HP: 600 HP
Ult Travel duration: 7s

Ultimate Cost: 7
EQUIP a Nanowire Accelerator.
FIRE to unleash a pulse of nanowires that captures the first enemy contacted. The cocooned enemy is pulled along a nanowire path and will die if they reach the end, unless they are freed. The nanowire cocoon is destructible.

Version History[edit]

Version Balance Changes
  • Sonic Sensor (Q):
    • Buff Sonic Sensors are now recallable in round
    • Buff Pickup distance increased 12m >>> 27m
    • Buff Decreased time to concuss once triggered 1.0s >>> 0.5s
    • Buff Decreased time for enemies to destroy Sonic Sensor once triggered 0.65s >>> 0.5s
    • Buff Deadlock and her allies can now hear Sonic Sensor’s audio lightly when they are in its area of effect.
  • Barrier Mesh (E):
    • Buff Increased the max length of the walls 6m >>> 10m
  • GravNet (C):
    • Buff Anyone caught by GravNet will now be debuffed indefinitely until they remove it
    • Buff Anyone caught by GravNet will now be affected by increased gravity and a reduction in mobility (example: GravNet now reduces Jett’s Tailwind (E) distance)
    • Buff Removal time increased 0.85s >>> 1.5s
    • Buff Radius increased 6m >>> 8m
  • Annihilation (X):
    • Bug Fix Can no longer open Bind’s automatic doors from outside the teleporter rooms.
    • Bug Fix Can no longer open Breeze’s Mid Chute trapdoor from below.
  • Sonic Sensor (Q):
    • Bug Fix Fixed a bug where Sonic Sensor would trigger when Gekko’s Wingman (Q) walks near it.
  • Sonic Sensor (Q):
    • Bug Fix Fixed Sonic Sensor not triggering when Gekko’s Wingman (Q) started defusing the Spike in its detection area under some circumstances.
  • Annihilation (X):
    • Bug Fix Fixed issue where players trapped were not properly killed when hit by the Spike explosion.
  • New Initial release of Deadlock.

Notable Players[edit]

External Links[edit]
