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Agents Information
Real Name:
Tayane Alves
Release Date:
Blast Pack
Boom Bot
Signature Ability:
Paint Shells

Raze is a VALORANT agent, whose skill kit is centered around mines, grenades, and general explosions. Raze is all about dealing AOE damage to enemies and will become a favorite agent for those players who like chaos and mayhem.

Blast Pack and Boom Bot are Raze's main abilities, with which she melts the opposing team. Blast Pack can stick to walls and be detonated on command, while Boom Bot is an auto-lock Bot that chases enemies and explodes if it catches up to them, making it great to putting pressure to opponents while can give a great amount of damage if triggered. Raze's signature ability, Paint Shells is a more direct damage grenade-throw, in which after thrown and explodes, splits into 4 smaller grenades that also deals great damage, making it a great space-maker of a skill. And if someone lives after encountering Raze on the battlefield, the Showstopper ultimate does just that — it ends everyone's life.


Raze explodes out of Brazil with her big personality and big guns. With her blunt-force-trauma playstyle, she excels at flushing entrenched enemies and clearing tight spaces with a generous dose of “boom”.


Blast Pack

Ability: Basic

Maximum duration: 5s

Cost: CredsCreds 400
Max Charges: 2
Instantly throw a Blast Pack that will stick to surfaces.
Re-use the ability after deployment to detonate, damaging and moving anything hit.
Paint Shells

Ability: Signature
Cost: CredsCreds Free
Max Charges: 1
(regained by killing 2 players)

Equip a cluster grenade.
Fire to throw the grenade, which does damage and creates sub-munitions, each doing damage to anyone in their range.
Boom Bot

Ability: Basic
Cost: CredsCreds 300
Duration: 5s
Health: 100HP
Max Charges: 1
Equip the Boom Bot.
Fire will deploy the bot, causing it to travel in a straight line on the ground, bouncing off walls. The Boom Bot will lock on to any enemies in its frontal cone and chase them, exploding for heavy damage if it reaches them.

Ability: Ultimate

Ult duration: 10s

Ultimate Cost: 8
Equip a rocket launcher.
Fire shoots a rocket that does massive area damage on contact with anything.

Version History[edit]

Version Balance Changes
  • Blast Pack (Q)
    • Nerf Raze’s satchels no longer explode for damage/knockback upon opponent destruction.
    • Nerf Raze’s horizontal velocity when satcheling has been slowed.
    • Nerf Satchel explosion audio has been updated to be audible farther away to ensure enemies can hear the first satchel when a Raze double satchels.
  • Blast Pack (Q)
    • Rescale Audio for Raze traveling through the air with Blast Pack is now louder when she is traveling towards you
  • Paint Shells (E):
    • Nerf Primary grenade explosion radius 6m >>> 5.5m.
    • Nerf Secondary grenades explosion radius 6m >>> 5.25m.
    • Nerf Primary grenade explosion minimum damage 15 >>> 1.
    • Nerf Secondary grenades explosion minimum damage 15 >>> 1.
    • Nerf Damage multiplier to enemy utility 250% >>> 100%.
  • Blast Pack (Q):
    • Rework Satchel doesn’t deal damage until fully armed.
    • Nerf Satchel arm time increased 0.5 seconds >>> 1.5.
  • Boom Bot (C):
    • Nerf Duration decreased 10s >>> 5s
  • Boom Bot (C):
    • Nerf Health decreased 100 >>> 60
    • Nerf Now deals 100% >>> 250% damage to non-players
    • Buff Now immune to allied damage
  • Blast Pack (Q):
    • Buff Health increased 1 >>> 20
    • Buff Now damages: Fade Prowler
    • Nerf Now deals 1200% >>> 250% damage to non-players
    • Buff Now immune to allied damage
  • Paint Shells (E):
    • Buff Now damages: Fade Prowler
    • Nerf Now deals 100% >>> 250% damage to non-players
  • Rescale Progress/Charge bars moved to a consistent location and made a consistent size
  • Showstopper (X):
    • New Ammo count added to HUD
  • Showstopper (X):
    • New Can now be input-queued to equip after the current action
  • Boom Bot (C):
    • Nerf Max damage reduced 125 >>> 80
    • Nerf Min damage reduced 50 >>> 30
    • Buff Cost reduced 400 >>> 300
  • Boom Bot (C):
    • Bug Fix Removed the ability to place Boom Bot through some walls
  • Boom Bot (C):
    • Nerf price increased 200 >>> 400
  • Showstopper (X):
    • Nerf Cost changed from 7 to 8 ult points
  • Rework Updated Raze's visuals
  • Boom Bot (C):
    • Rescale Launching VFX updated so it is less obscuring and clear out of the play space faster
  • Blast Pack (Q):
    • New Audio cues added to indicate when Raze is boosted in the air
  • Paint Shells (E):
    • Rescale Launching VFX updated so they are less obscuring and clear out of the play space faster
  • Showstopper (X):
    • Rescale Launching VFX updated so it is less obscuring and clear out of the play space faster
  • Boom Bot (C):
    • Bug Fix Fixed Boom Bot blowing up when it hit the Spike if she was on defender side
  • Boom Bot (C):
    • Bug Fix Fixed issue where Boom Bot could be placed through some walls
  • Blast Pack (Q):
    • Nerf Initial damage reduced to 15 with a .2 meter inner radius, falling off to 5 minimum damage
    • Rework Once the satchel lands, it arms after .5 seconds, increasing it’s max damage to 50
    • Buff Shooting the Blast Pack (Q) causes it to detonate, dealing its current damage amount
    • New Satchel no longer does damage to allies
  • Blast Pack (Q):
    • Nerf Damage decreased 75 >>> 50
    • Buff Damage to objects now consistently does 600
  • Showstopper (X):
    • Nerf Equip Time increased 1.1 >>> 1.4
    • Nerf Quick Equip Time increased 0.5 >>> 0.7
  • Showstopper (X):
    • Nerf Cost changed from 6 to 7 Ult points
  • Blast Pack (Q):
    • Nerf Maximum damage radius reduced 2 >>> 1 meters
  • Blast Pack (Q):
    • Nerf Increased from 100 to 200 credits
  • Blast Pack (Q):
    • Rescale Tuned and adjusted audio so that they’ll be easier to hear in hectic scenarios
  • Paint Shells (E):
    • Nerf Reduced from 2 to 1
    • Rework Now have a kill reset, requiring players to get 2 kills to refresh cooldown
    • Bug Fix Fixed an edge case where the secondary cluster of would explode quicker than intended. They now have a minimum duration before exploding.
    • Rescale Tuned and adjusted audio so that they’ll be easier to hear in hectic scenarios
  • Showstopper (X):
    • Rescale Tuned and adjusted audio so that they’ll be easier to hear in hectic scenarios

Notable Players[edit]

External Links[edit]
