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Agents Information
Real Name:
Liam Byrne
Release Date:
Stim Beacon
Signature Ability:
Sky Smoke
Orbital Strike

Brimstone is a VALORANT agent, specializing in supporting allies and enabling fast site executes. Brimstone is unique in the way he uses the minimap to deploy some of his abilities, making him dangerous even if he's not directly present in the fight. He can deploy smokescreens that block vision, while his other abilities can boost allies' rate of fire and movement speed or create area-of-effect fire fields. The best Brimstone players have excellent utility timing and conservation, in order to fully capitalise off of the devastating impact of his abilities.


Joining from the USA, Brimstone's orbital arsenal ensures his squad always has the advantage. His ability to deliver utility precisely and from a distance make him an unmatched boots-on-the-ground commander.


Stim Beacon

Ability: Basic

Buff duration: 4s Beacon duration: 12s

Cost: CredsCreds 200
Max Charges: 1
Equip to toss the stim beacon in front of Brimstone. Upon landing, the stim beacon will create a field that grants players RapidFire. The stim beacon grants also a rapid 15% speed boost.

Ability: Basic

Duration: 8s

Cost: CredsCreds 250
Max Charges: 1
Equip an incendiary grenade launcher.
Fire to launch a grenade that detonates as it comes to rest on the floor, creating a lingering fire zone that damages players within the zone.
Sky Smoke

Ability: Signature

Smoke duration: 19.25s
Smoke diameter: 10m
Tablet range: 55m

Cost: CredsCreds 1st free, 100 after
Max Charges: 3
Equip a tactical map.
Fire' to set locatons where Brimstone where Brimstone'ssmoke clouds will land.
Alternate fire to confirm, launching long-lasting smoke clouds that block vision in the selected area.
Orbital Strike

Ability: Ultimate

Cast time: 2s
Ult duration: 4s

Ultimate Cost: 8
Equip a tactical map.
Fire to launch a lingering orbital strike laser at the slected location, dealing high damage-over-time to players caught in the selected area.

Version History[edit]

Version Balance Changes
  • Sky Smoke (E)
    • Buff Radius increased 410 >>> 415
    • Rescale UI targeting size updated so that outer edge properly reflects the size of the smoke
  • Rescale Brimstone's smokes will play an audio and visual cue 1.5 seconds before they are about to fade.
  • Orbital Strike (X)
    • Nerf Ultimate points increased 7 >>> 8
  • Bug Fix Updated the size of Brimstone’s Sky Smoke (E) and Orbital Strike (X) targeting reticles so that they match their size before the update that shipped in patch 6.08.
  • Rescale Removed the mouse cursor that was displayed on Brimstone's Sky Smoke (E) and Orbital Strike (X), and Omen's From the Shadows (X).
  • Rescale Brimstone's Sky Smoke (E), Orbital Strike (X) have updated targeting visuals to help players with precision placement on the map.
  • Buff Incendiary (Q) now damages:
    • Killjoy Nanoswarm
    • Killjoy Alarmbot
    • Killjoy Lockdown
    • Cypher Trapwire
    • Raze Blast Pack
    • Sova Recon Bolt
    • Reyna Leer
    • Sage Barrier Orb
    • KAY/O Knife
    • Chamber Trademark
    • Chamber Rendezvous
    • Fade Prowler
    • Nerf Now deals 100% >>> 50% damage to non-players
  • Buff Orbital Strike (X) now damages:
    • Chamber Rendezvous
  • Bug Fix Fixed a bug where Killjoy’s Alarmbot and Chamber’s Trademark created large white circles on Brimstone’s Sky Smoke (E) targeting map
  • Bug Fix Fixed Brimstone’s Incendiary (Q) feeling damage in chunks of 15 instead of 1 like the other zone damage abilities in the game
    • Overall DPS should be unchanged.
  • Stim Beacon (C)
    • Nerf max charges reduced 2 >>> 1
    • Nerf price increased 100 >>> 200
  • Orbital Strike (X)
    • Bug Fix Fixed issue where Sova’s Recon Bolt was destroyed by Orbital Strike (X) even if the Recon Bolt was well out of the area
  • Sky Smoke (E)
    • Buff deploy time decreased 2 >>> 1 second
    • Buff deploy radius increased 5000 >>> 5500
    • Buff height increased to match other Controllers
  • Stim Beacon (C)
    • Buff Stim Beacon (C) now also applies a 15% speed boost in addition to RapidFire.
  • Bug Fix Fixed Yoru's Gatecrash icon showing up as a big white circle on Brimstone's targeting map
  • New Brimstone's ultimate now properly blocks gameplay visibility while active
  • New You'll no longer see enemies on the minimap through the ultimate.
  • New Abilities that require line of sight (flashes, Sova recon pulses) will no longer apply through the ultimate
  • Orbital Strike (X) now deals damage to the following:
    • Buff Killjoy Nanoswarm
    • Buff Cypher Trapwire
    • Buff Sage Barrier Orb
    • Buff Sova Recon Bolt
    • Buff KAY/O Zero/Point
  • Incendiary (Q)
  • Nerf price increased 200 >>> 250
  • Sky Smoke (E)
  • Bug Fix Fixed Smokes from blocking flashes even when you are not fully inside them
  • Bug Fix Fixed an issue where casting Brimstone’s Sky Smoke (E) right after picking up an Ultimate orb would result in ability charges lost, and smokes not deployed
  • Rework The audio of the Incendiary’s (Q) lingering fire zone will be easier to hear when other actions and sounds occur nearby.
  • Stim Beacon (C)
    • Buff will now quick cast (no equip time)
  • Incendiary (Q)
    • Buffcost reduced: $300 >>> $200
  • Sky Smoke (E)
    • Buff cast range increased: 4200 >>> 5000
    • Buff duration increased: 14.25 >>> 19.25
    • Buff No longer makes a sound that enemies can hear when confirming the location of smokes
  • Stim Beacon (C)
    • Buff fire rate bonus increased from 10% >>> 15%
  • Stim Beacon (C)
    • Buff no longer Buffs enemies and no longer shows its effect radius to enemies
  • Orbital Strike (X)
    • Nerf cost changed from 6 to 7 Ult points
  • Incendiary (Q)
    • Nerf increased from 200 to 300 credits
    • Buff damage tick speed increased (total damage per second unchanged)
  • Buff Height required to jump out of all damaging area denial abilities 80 >> 120

Notable Players[edit]

External Links[edit]
