COVID-19 Task Team
The COVID-19 Task Team was established to strengthen the coordination and effectiveness of the Health Cluster response.
Samaritan's Purse
Viyan Organization / Iraq Health Cluster
Community health workers from Viyan Organization, partner of the Iraq Health Cluster, identify and refer suspected COVID-19 cases and raise awareness about COVID-19 symptoms, transmission methods and prevention in the Hasan Sham U2 camp.
© Credits

The Global Health Cluster COVID-19 Task Team was established to strengthen the coordination and effectiveness of the Health Cluster response.

The primary objectives are to:

  • Output 1: Collate country-level technical, operational and coordination challenges
  • Output 2: Promote and support adaptation and use of COVID-19 guidance for low capacity and humanitarian settings
  • Output 3: Support multi-sectoral action
  • Output 4: Capture and share lessons learned and good practices
  • Output 5: Advocacy to address unmet needs and operational barriers

The Task Team will work with a wide range of Health Cluster partners and Health Cluster Coordinators to achieve these objectives.








Task Team partners

Action contre la Faim, CARE International, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, FHI 360, Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, HOPE International, IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Council of Voluntary Agencies, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Medical Corps, International Organization for Migration, International Rescue Committee, John Snow, Inc., Johns Hopkins University, Medair, Medical Teams International, Médecins Sans Frontières, READY initiative, Samaritan’s Purse, Save the Children International, Sphere Association, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, WHO Regional Office For The Eastern Mediterranean, WHO Health Emergencies Programme, World Vision International, Chad Health Cluster, Colombia Health Cluster, Iraq Health Cluster, Northeast Nigeria Health Cluster.


For more information on the Task Team, please contact Dr E. Pasha, Focal Point for the GHC COVID-19 Task Team at