Capacity Development Consultation Group (CDCG)
The purpose of the CDCG is to provide a consultation forum to Health Cluster partners and stakeholders for the ongoing review, feedback and contribution to the development and implementation of the Capacity Development Strategy 2020 – 2023 and the associated annual workplans.
Training of trainers: preparing health care workers for emergencies such as Ebola, Liberia 2015.
WHO/M Winkler
Training of trainers: preparing health care workers for emergencies such as Ebola, Liberia 2015.
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One of the Health Cluster strategic priorities is to ensure capacity to fulfill coordination functions for national and sub-national coordination platforms in acute and protracted emergencies. To do this, the Health Cluster works to build capacity on coordination at ll levels by implementing the Health Cluster capacity development strategy 2020 - 2023. 

For additional information on the Task Team, please contact Emma Fitzpatrick at