Health Information Management trainings

Health Information Management trainings

Virtual psychosocial support to reach vulnerable populations during COVID-19 ©Medair / T. Elkouz
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The Information Management Task Team is holding online training sessions on Health Information Management. These trainings are based on the Public Health Information Service (PHIS) Standards that are the basis on which Health Clusters resource themselves to plan, execute and elevate their public health information work.

In coordination with the ongoing work of the Capacity Development Coordination Group and its wider training strategy, the Global Health Cluster in partnership with iMMAP developed an online training on Health Information Management to strengthen the public health data management, analysis and interpretation capacity. The objectives of the training are: to enhance the capacity of the Health Clusters and their partner staff to collect, manage, visualize, analyze and interpret public health data independently and effectively; and to improve the ability to identify results of public health data analysis and interpretation, and to appropriately disseminate them.

Following the pilot training, an evaluation survey was administered to the participants on the training content, facilitation and online learning experience. Based on the evaluation, 7 training topics were identified as requiring enhanced material to meet learning objectives for the second cycle of the training in line with the IMO competencies: Health 4Ws, GIS, EWARS, PHSA, Health Indicators and Needs Assessments, as well as advanced sessions on Power BI and KoBo.

Based on participant feedback received through post-training evaluation forms (filled at the end of each session, training wave, and after 3 months from attending the training), a general revision of the training took place in February to further refine the training based on the experience shared and responsibilities required. The revision included updates to some of the modules’ content, the training scenario and datasets, as well as changing the course project which now requires participants to develop a short PHSA along with dashboards for some PHIS datasets provided.

Since April 2020, over 123 participants (70% working for a health cluster) from 37 countries and 50 organizations took part in the Information Management Training curriculum, which comprised of 12 weekly online sessions. In 2021, 49 participants completed the training while 31 were actively taking part in the sixth wave of Health Information Management Training. 

In July 2021, the Global Health Cluster launched its Training of Trainers (ToT) on Health Information Management to enable Health Cluster Information Managers with the necessary facilitation skills and training material to roll out the Health Information Management Training in the respective region and language. 14 participants completed the first wave of ToT while 12 are currently taking part in the second wave.