Impact of term limits on state executive elections in 2018

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State executive
term limits analysis
2019 »
State executive elections
State executive term limits
Impact of term limits on state legislative elections in 2018
Term limits on the ballot
Term limits in the
United States

Of the 303 state executive offices on the ballot in 2018, 131 of them were represented by incumbents who were subject to term limits. Of the 36 gubernatorial seats up for election in 2018, 13 governors—two Democrats and 11 Republicans—were term-limited and therefore unable to run for re-election. In the 31 states with term limits that held state executive elections in 2018, incumbents in 18 of the states had some incumbents who were term-limited.

A total of 49 state executive officials were ineligible to run in the 2018 elections because of term limits. This represented 16 percent of the 303 total seats up for election in 2018.[1]

  • A total of seven Democrats were term-limited, while 40 Republicans were term-limited. The other two term-limited officials were nonpartisan. Republicans had more than six times as many state executive officials term-limited in 2018 than Democrats.
  • California and Ohio had the most state executive officials term-limited in 2018 with six officials each. South Dakota and Oklahoma were tied for second with five term-limited officials each in 2018.
  • Term-limited state executives by state

    The map below displays the 36 states that had term limits for state executive officials as of 2018. Of those states, only Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia did not hold elections in 2018. Click on a state below to see the total number of termed-out state executive officials in 2018 as well as a breakdown of which officials were term-limited.

    • California and Ohio had the most state executive officials term-limited in the 2018 elections with six officials each. After California and Ohio, South Dakota and Oklahoma each had five state executive officials term-limited in 2018.
    • Thirteen states with state executive term limits had no officials term-limited in 2018: Alaska, Arizona, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina.

    Term-limited state executives by position

    In 2018, the office of governor had more term-limited officials than any other state executive office. Thirteen governors—two Democratic and 11 Republican—were term-limited in 2018. This represented 10% of the 131 state executive seats that were subject to term limits in the 31 states with elections in 2018.

    In the 13 governor races in 2018 with term-limited incumbents, one state was controlled by a Democratic trifecta, eight by a Republican trifecta, and four states were under divided government prior to the election. A state government trifecta exists when one political party holds the governor's office and majority control in both chambers of the state legislature. As of April 2018, there were 26 states with Republican trifectas, eight states with Democratic trifectas, and 16 states were under divided government.

    2018 breakdown by position
    Position Number of term-limited officeholders Democratic Party Democrats Republican Party Republicans Independent Other
    Agriculture Commissioner 2 0 2 0
    Attorney General 5 1 4 0
    Auditor 3 0 3 0
    Board of Equalization 2 1 1 0
    Board of Regents 3 1 1 1
    Comptroller/Controller 0 0 0 0
    Governor 13 2 11 0
    Insurance Commissioner 2 1 1 0
    Labor Commissioner 0 0 0 0
    Land Commissioner 1 0 1 0
    Lieutenant Governor 6 1 5 0
    Public Service/Regulation Commissioner 2 0 2 0
    Secretary of State 3 0 3 0
    Superintendent of Schools 1 0 0 1
    Treasurer 6 0 6 0
    Total 49 7 40 2

    Differential impact on parties

    Term limits can impact the competitiveness of state executive elections because term limits create open seats. Open seats may be more electorally competitive than seats with an incumbent on the ballot because incumbents tend to win re-election. A total of 206 state executive races were on the ballot in the 31 states with term limits, but only 131 of those offices were subject to term limits. Of those races, 49 of them featured an open seat since the incumbent was term-limited. This represented 37% of the 131 total seats subject to limits in 2018.

    Note: Percentages in the table below were rounded to the nearest whole number.

    2018 term-limited state executive elections
    State Trifecta status[2] Democratic Party Democrats Republican Party Republicans Independent Other # of seats with term limits % of seats term-limited in 2018
    Alabama Republican 0 2 0 7 29%
    Alaska Divided government 0 0 0 2 0%
    Arizona Republican 0 0 0 8 0%
    Arkansas Republican 0 2 0 7 29%
    California Democratic 4 1 1 12 50%
    Colorado Divided government 2 2 0 10 40%
    Delaware Democratic 0 0 0 0 0%
    Florida Republican 0 3 0 5 60%
    Georgia Republican 0 1 0 1 100%
    Hawaii Democratic 0 0 0 2 0%
    Idaho Republican 0 0 0 1 0%
    Indiana Republican 0 0 0 3 0%
    Kansas Republican 0 0 0 2 0%
    Louisiana Divided government 0 0 0 1 0%
    Maine Divided government 0 1 0 1 100%
    Maryland Divided government 0 0 0 1 0%
    Michigan Republican 0 4 0 4 100%
    Missouri Republican 0 0 0 0 0%
    Montana Divided government 0 1 0 2 50%
    Nebraska Republican 0 1 0 3 33%
    Nevada Divided government 0 1 1 10 20%
    New Mexico Divided government 0 3 0 10 30%
    Ohio Republican 0 6 0 11 55%
    Oklahoma Republican 0 5 0 9 56%
    Oregon Democratic 0 0 0 1 0%
    Pennsylvania Divided government 0 0 0 2 0%
    Rhode Island Democratic 1 0 0 5 20%
    South Carolina Republican 0 0 0 2 0%
    South Dakota Republican 0 5 0 7 71%
    Tennessee Republican 0 1 0 1 100%
    Wyoming Republican 0 1 0 1 100%
    Total --- 7 40 2 131 37%

    Term-limited elections by state

    The tabs below are organized by state. Click on a tab for a list of elections with term-limited state executive officeholders in that state.


    See also: Alabama state executive official elections, 2018

    Thirteen state executive seats in Alabama were up for election in 2018. Two officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Republicans (2):


    See also: Alaska state executive official elections, 2018

    Two state executive seats in Alaska were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Arizona state executive official elections, 2018

    Eight state executive seats in Arizona were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Arkansas state executive official elections, 2018

    Seven state executive seats in Arkansas were up for election in 2018. Two officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Republicans (2):


    See also: California state executive official elections, 2018

    Twelve state executive seats in California were up for election in 2018. Six officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Democratic: (4)

    Republican: (1)

    Nonpartisan: (1)


    See also: Colorado state executive official elections, 2018

    Ten state executive seats in Colorado were up for election in 2018. Four officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Democratic: (2)

    Republicans (2):


    See also: Delaware state executive official elections, 2018

    Three state executive seats in Delaware were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Florida state executive official elections, 2018

    Five state executive seats in Florida were up for election in 2018. Three officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Republicans (3):


    See also: Georgia state executive official elections, 2018

    Ten state executive seats in Georgia were up for election in 2018. One official was ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state official was term-limited in 2018:

    Republican (1):


    See also: Hawaii state executive official elections, 2018

    Two state executive seats in Hawaii were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Idaho state executive official elections, 2018

    Seven state executive seats in Idaho were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Indiana state executive official elections, 2018

    Three state executive seats in Indiana were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Kansas state executive official elections, 2018

    Eleven state executive seats in Kansas were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Louisiana state executive official elections, 2018

    Two state executive seats in Louisiana were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Maine state executive official elections, 2018

    One state executive seat in Maine was up for election in 2018. One official was ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state official was term-limited in 2018:

    Republican (1):


    See also: Maryland state executive official elections, 2018

    Four state executive seats in Maryland were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Michigan state executive official elections, 2018

    Twelve state executive seats in Michigan were up for election in 2018. Four officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Republicans (4):


    See also: Missouri state executive official elections, 2018

    One state executive seat in Missouri was up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Montana state executive official elections, 2018

    Two state executive seats in Montana were up for election in 2018. One official was ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state official was term-limited in 2018:

    Republican (1):


    See also: Nebraska state executive official elections, 2018

    Sixteen state executive seats in Nebraska were up for election in 2018. One official was ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state official was term-limited in 2018:

    Republican (1):


    See also: Nevada state executive official elections, 2018

    Ten state executive seats in Nevada were up for election in 2018. Two officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Republican (1):

    Nonpartisan: (1)

    • Nevada System of Higher Education - District 1: Cedric Crear

    New Mexico

    See also: New Mexico state executive official elections, 2018

    Fifteen state executive seats in New Mexico were up for election in 2018. Three officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Republicans (3):


    See also: Ohio state executive official elections, 2018

    Eleven state executive seats in Ohio were up for election in 2018. Six officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Republicans (6):


    See also: Oklahoma state executive official elections, 2018

    Nine state executive seats in Oklahoma were up for election in 2018. Five officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Republicans (5):


    See also: Oregon state executive official elections, 2018

    Two state executive seats in Oregon were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.


    See also: Pennsylvania state executive official elections, 2018

    Two state executive seats in Pennsylvania were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.

    Rhode Island

    See also: Rhode Island state executive official elections, 2018

    Five state executive seats in Rhode Island were up for election in 2018. One official was ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state official was term-limited in 2018:

    Democratic: (1)

    South Carolina

    See also: South Carolina state executive official elections, 2018

    Eight state executive seats in South Carolina were up for election in 2018. No officials were ineligible to run because of term limits.

    South Dakota

    See also: South Dakota state executive official elections, 2018

    Eight state executive seats in South Dakota were up for election in 2018. Five officials were ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state officials were term-limited in 2018:

    Republicans (5):


    See also: Tennessee state executive official elections, 2018

    One state executive seat in Tennessee was up for election in 2018. One official was ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state official was term-limited in 2018:

    Republican (1):


    See also: Wyoming state executive official elections, 2018

    Five state executive seats in Wyoming were up for election in 2018. One official was ineligible to run because of term limits. The following state official was term-limited in 2018:

    Republican (1):

    See also


    1. Some of the 49 state executive officials in 2018 may have resigned before their term ended. These state executive officials were still counted in the total number of term-limited state executives in 2018.
    2. A state's trifecta status was current as of the 2018 election.