Statewide elections, 2010

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Gubernatorial Elections
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Lt. Governor Elections

Gubernatorial elections

See also: Gubernatorial elections, 2010

37 gubernatorial elections were scheduled for November 2, 2010. Of the 37 seats up for election, Democrats defended 19 versus 18 held by a Republican going into the election. In the wake of the polls, the balance of power stands at 29 Republican seats, 19 Democratic seats, one Independent seat, and one undecided election.

Ballotpedia has prepared a list of the winners along with key statistics about winning margins and voter turnout.

36 governorships were already up for election due to election cycles. When Utah's incumbent governor left to accept an ambassadorial position, his state called a special election, bringing the total number of contests to 37, the most states that have ever elected a governor at once in U.S. history.

Combined with the fact that the partisan balance of power in the nation's legislatures and gubernatorial offices had tremendous influence on the redrawing of Congressional districts in 2011, the power at stake in 2010 brought unprecedented attention to the gubernatorial elections.

2010 also became America's most expensive gubernatorial cycle ever, with previous records for entire campaigns being smashed before primaries were even over and California's Meg Whitman setting new records for individual expenditures in a campaign.

Key race-trackers expected Republicans to pick up several seats, with final calls pegging the GOP to pick up anywhere from five to 12 seats.[1][2][3] In the end, Republicans won 11 seats and Democrats flipped six. Additionally, Rhode Island elected an Independent.

In 15 of the seats up for election, the incumbent could not run again because of term limits, leaving 22 seats guaranteed to be open to non-incumbents. Of the incumbent but limited-out governors, eight were Democratic and seven were Republican. When incumbents did choose to run, the primaries were good to them. Only in Nevada did an incumbent seeing re-election lose his own party's primary. (One of the term-limited governors, Dave Freudenthal in Wyoming, at one point indicated he planned to challenge his state's term limits law; while he did win his legal battle to have the state's term limits invalidated, he eventually declined to run for a third term.)

  • Democratic governors who were limited-out included:

John Baldacci (Maine)
Jennifer Granholm (Michigan)
Bill Richardson (New Mexico)
Brad Henry (Oklahoma)
Ted Kulongoski (Oregon)
Ed Rendell (Pennsylvania)
Phil Bredesen (Tennessee)
Dave Freudenthal (Wyoming)

In those races, Democrats held onto Oregon with the Republicans picked up the other seven.

  • Republican governors who were limited-out included:

Bob Riley (Alabama)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (California)
Sonny Perdue (Georgia)
Linda Lingle (Hawaii)
Donald Carcieri (Rhode Island)
Mark Sanford (South Carolina)
Mike Rounds (South Dakota)

Republicans lost California and Hawaii to the Democrats and Rhode Island elected an Independent, holding onto the remaining four.

Some incumbent governors who weren't limited-out still chose not to try for re-election.

  • Democratic governors who voluntarily chose not to run for re-election were Bill Ritter (Colorado), Mark Parkinson (Kansas), and Jim Doyle (Wisconsin). Colorado remained Democratic while Republicans took the other two.

Lt. Governor campaigns

See also: Lieutenant Governor elections, 2010

Lieutenant Gubernatorial campaigns, which are often tied to the candidate for governor in the general election, hewed to the same party line as the top line races with the exception of Arkansas, where Republican Mark Darr won along with Democrat Mike Beebe, and Rhode Island, where Democrat Elizabeth H. Roberts will serve along side Independent Lincoln Chafee, making for a split ticket in those states.

Incumbents were re-elected in Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, Texas, and Utah, a set that includes six Republican and two Democratic seats, with Maryland and Massachusetts in the minority.

Sitting lieutenant governors won the governorship in three cases: Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Vermont. In another 5 states, the lieutenant governor ran for governor but lost.

Going into the elections, Republicans controlled 25 lieutenant governorships compared to 18 for Democrats. Additionally, two seats, in Illinois and West Virginia, were vacant. Another five states do not have the office of the lieutenant governor. In those five states, Democrats held the office first to succeed the governor in three cases.

Republicans triumphed in 21 lieutenant gubernatorial elections with only nine going to the Democrats. Minnesota is still in recount, so the final numbers will change. While the GOP flipped a total of nine seats, Democrats only took Republican-held offices in California, Connecticut, and Hawaii.

Assuming that Minnesota's race ultimately goes to the Democrats, as recount results to date indicate, the balance of power for the two parties in lieutenant governorships of first-succession offices in states that lack the office will be 35-15 in favor of Republicans.

Secretary of State

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General Election results
See also: Secretary of State elections, 2010

Twenty-six secretary of state elections were scheduled for Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010. Of the 26 seats up for election, 14 had been held by Democrats and 12 by Republicans.


In four of the seats that were up for election, the incumbent could not run again because of term limits. Of the incumbent but limited-out secretaries of state, 1 was Democratic and 3 were Republican.

Several incumbent secretaries of state chose not to run for re-election, in most cases because they ran for a different office. In mid-November 2009, it was estimated that 5 incumbent secretaries of state who could run again (three Democrats and two Republicans) voluntarily choose not to seek re-election. Three months later, however, only the three Democrats remained on the list as both of the Republicans (Karen Handel of Georgia and Ron Thornburgh of Kansas) resigned from office resulting in the governor from each of the respective states having to appoint a replacement; both appointees in these instances were already candidates seeking the statewide office in November.


After all the votes had been tabulated, there was a rather dramatic shift in the balance of partisan control over the secretary of state offices. Of the 26 statewide position that were on the ballot, 17 had been won by Republicans while only 9 were garnered by the Democrats. Even more significant, however, was the fact that 6 of those offices won by Republicans had previously been held by Democrats; these statewide positions included Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, New Mexico, and Ohio. Overall, the once slightly comfortable majority Democrats had held among Secretary of State offices evaporated overnight.

Attorney General

See also: Attorney General elections, 2010; Candidates for State Attorney General, 2010
2010 AG Elections
2010 AG Election Guide
Candidates for AG
AG 2010 polls
AG Racetracking
AG news headlines
All 2010 Elections
General Election Results

Thirty attorney general elections were scheduled for November 2, 2010. Of the 30 seats that were up for election, 20 had been held by a Democrat and 10 by a Republican.


In three of the seats that were up for election, the incumbent could not run again because of term limits. Of the three incumbent but limited-out attorneys general, two were Democrats and one was Republican:

Several incumbent attorneys general chose not to run for re-election, in most cases because they ran for a different office. As of mid-April 2010, it is known that seven incumbent attorneys general who could run again (five are Democrats and two are Republicans) are voluntarily choosing not to seek re-election.


After all the votes had been tabulated, there was a significant shift in the balance of partisan control over the state attorney general offices. Of the 30 statewide positions on the ballot, 14 had been won by Democrats while Republicans seized control in 16 of those races. More significant, however, was the fact that 5 of these offices won by Republicans had previously been held by Democrats; these statewide positions included Arizona, Georgia, Kansas, Ohio, and Oklahoma. Altogether, while Democrats were able to maintain a slim majority control of the state attorney general offices, thanks largely to wins in both California and Iowa, the balance of power among the two major political parties, however, is now close to about split straight down the middle.

Judicial elections

See: Judicial elections, 2010

State legislatures

See also: State legislative elections, 2010 and Projected outcomes of state legislative elections, 2010

88 state legislative chamber elections were scheduled for November 2, 2010. Of the 88 chambers up for election, 52 were held by Democrats and 33 by Republicans. There were also 2 chambers that were equally split and one (Nebraska) which was officially nonpartisan.

1,167 (59.2%) of the country's 1,971 state senate seats were up for re-election in November, and 4,958 (90.7%) of the country's 5,462 state house seats were up for re-election. Altogether, 6,125 of the country's 7,384 (82.9%) state legislative seats were up for re-election in this election year.

The 11 chambers without elections in 2010 (except for an occasional special election), were the upper houses and lower houses in Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey and Virginia, and the upper house (state senate) in Kansas, New Mexico and South Carolina.

In the 43 state senate elections, 14 states were impacted by term limits. There were 122 state senators who were ineligible to run in November because of term limits. Of the 122 ineligible incumbents, 55 were Democrats and 66 were Republicans (and 1 nonpartisan senator).

Ballot measures

See also: 2010 ballot measures
2010 ballot measures
Tuesday Count2010 Scorecard
AnalysisIssues on ballot

184 ballot questions were certified for spots on 38 statewide ballots in 2010.[4]

Specifically, for the November 2, 2010 general election ballot 160 ballot questions were certified in 37 states.[5] The 184 measures on the 2010 ballot amounted to about 80% of the average of 220 ballot questions that have been on statewide ballots in the even-numbered years from 1990-2008.

5 political topics dominated the 2010 ballot, and 3 of the 5 most popular topics each related to fiscal policy. The "Big 5" topics on the 2010 ballot were taxes, administration of government, elections and campaigns, bond issues and state budgets. The number of 2010 ballot measures relating to fiscal topics were an increase of about 13% over the number of similar measures on the 2008 ballot.

The 2010 ballot included fewer social issues (such as abortion, marriage, immigration, gambling) than had been the case in most recent years, although one of the most widely-remarked measures on the ballot, California's Proposition 19, is a classic in the genre.

See also: Chart of 2010 ballot measures by political topic

See also

External links


  1. Cook Political Report, "2010 Governor's Race Ratings," August 12, 2010
  2. CQ Politics, "Race Rating Chart: Governor," accessed August 12, 2010
  3. Rothenberg Political Report, "Governor's Ratings," accessed August 12, 2010
  4. Approaching the November 2 general elections, only two post-certification lawsuits remained pending - (SQ 746 and SQ 751). In some states pending court rulings do not necessarily remove measures from the ballot but instead prevent cast votes from being counted.
  5. The District of Columbia also had a ballot measure on its November 2 ballot - Washington, D.C. Attorney General Selection (2010). On Ballotpedia, the DC ballot measure is grouped in with local, city-wide ballot measures from cities such as Los Angeles, Houston or Detroit.