Ballot access requirements for presidential candidates in California

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Note: This article is not intended to serve as an exhaustive guide to running for public office. Individuals should contact their state election agencies for further information.

In order to get on the ballot in California, a candidate for president of the United States must meet a variety of state-specific filing requirements and deadlines. These regulations, known as ballot access laws, determine whether a candidate or party will appear on an election ballot. These laws are set at the state level. A presidential candidate must prepare to meet ballot access requirements in advance of primaries, caucuses, and the general election.

There are three basic methods by which an individual may become a candidate for president of the United States.

  1. An individual can seek the nomination of a political party. Presidential nominees are selected by delegates at national nominating conventions. Individual states conduct caucuses or primary elections to determine which delegates will be sent to the national convention.[1]
  2. An individual can run as an independent. Independent presidential candidates typically must petition in each state in order to have their names printed on the general election ballot.[1]
  3. An individual can run as a write-in candidate.[1]

The information on this page applies only to presidential candidates. For additional information about ballot access requirements for state and congressional candidates, see this page.

  • In California, the secretary of state is generally responsible for determining which candidates will appear on each party's presidential primary ballot. Candidates not selected by the secretary of state for inclusion may petition for placement on the ballot. An independent presidential candidate must petition for placement on the general election ballot. This petition must contain signatures equaling at least 1 percent of the total number of registered voters in the state.
  • DocumentIcon.jpg See state election laws

    Year-specific filing information

    See also: Important dates in the 2024 presidential race


    The tables below detail filing requirements for presidential candidates in California in the 2024 election cycle. For additional information on candidate ballot access requirements in California, click here.

    Presidential primary candidates

    Filing requirements for presidential primary candidates in California, 2024[2]
    State Party Signatures required Signature formula Filing fee Filing fee formula Filing deadline Source
    California Democratic 26,000 From each congressional district, 1% of registered party members or 500, whichever is fewer N/A N/A 12/15/2023 Source
    California Republican 52,863 1% of registered party members[3] N/A N/A 12/15/2023 Source

    Independent presidential candidates

    Filing requirements for independent candidates in California, 2024
    State Signatures required Signature formula Filing fee Filing fee formula Filing deadline Source
    California 219,403 1% of the total number of registered voters in the state N/A N/A 8/9/2024 Source

    For filing information from previous years, click "[Show more]" below.

    Show more


    The tables below detail filing requirements for presidential candidates in California in the 2020 election cycle. For additional information on candidate ballot access requirements in California, click here.

    Presidential primary candidates

    Filing requirements for presidential primary candidates in California, 2020[4]
    State Party Signatures required Signature formula Filing fee Filing fee formula Filing deadline Source
    California Democratic 26,500 From each congressional district, 1% of registered party members or 500, whichever is fewer N/A N/A 12/13/2019 Source
    California Republican 47,938 1% of registered party members N/A N/A 12/13/2019 Source

    Independent presidential candidates

    Filing requirements for independent candidates in California, 2020
    State Signatures required Signature formula Filing fee Filing fee formula Filing deadline Source
    California 196,964 1% of the total number of registered voters in the state N/A N/A 8/7/2020 Source


    The calendar below lists important filing deadlines in California for the 2016 presidential election. For information about campaign finance reporting deadlines, see below.

    Legend:      Ballot access     Election date

    Dates and requirements for presidential candidates in 2016
    Deadline Event type Event description
    January 9, 2016 - March 31, 2016 Ballot access Announcement of selected presidential candidates for the Democratic Party
    On or before February 8, 2016 Ballot access Announced of selected presidential candidates for the Republican, American Independent, Green, Libertarian, and Peace and Freedom parties
    March 25, 2016 Ballot access Filing deadline for Republican, American Independent, Green, Libertarian, and Peace and Freedom party candidates not selected by the secretary of state
    March 26, 2016 Ballot access Filing deadline for Democratic primary candidates not selected by the secretary of state
    June 7, 2016 Election date Presidential primary election
    August 12, 2016 Ballot access Filing deadline for independent candidates
    November 8, 2016 Election date General election
    Source: California Secretary of State, "Key Dates and Deadlines: June 7, 2016, Presidential Primary Election," accessed September 4, 2015


    Article 2, Section 1, of the United States Constitution sets the following qualifications for the presidency:[5]

    No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.[6]
    —United States Constitution

    Article 2, Section 4, of the United States Constitution says an individual can be disqualified from the presidency if impeached and convicted:

    The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[6]
    —United States Constitution

    The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution says an individual can also be disqualified from the presidency under the following conditions:

    No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.[6]
    —United States Constitution

    Party nomination processes

    See also: Primary election and Caucus
    Hover over the terms below to display definitions.

    Ballot access laws
    Primary election
    Election Policy Logo.png

    A political party formally nominates its presidential candidate at a national nominating convention. At this convention, state delegates select the party's nominee. Prior to the nominating convention, the states conduct presidential preference primaries or caucuses. Generally speaking, only state-recognized parties—such as the Democratic Party and the Republican Party—conduct primaries and caucuses. These elections measure voter preference for the various candidates and help determine which delegates will be sent to the national nominating convention.[1][7][8]

    The Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee, the governing bodies of the nation's two major parties, establish their own guidelines for the presidential nomination process. State-level affiliates of the parties also have some say in determining rules and provisions in their own states. Individuals interested in learning more about the nomination process should contact the political parties themselves for full details.

    In California, qualified political parties conduct presidential preference primaries. To learn more about the criteria a party must meet in order to be ballot-qualified, see this article. Specific filing requirements vary from party to party and are included in state statutes. The sections below summarize the primary filing processes for California's qualified political parties as of October 2023.[9]

    Democratic Party

    See also: Democratic Party
    Democratic Party Logo.png

    The secretary of state selects candidates for placement on the Democratic presidential primary ballot. State law stipulates that the secretary of state may place a name on the ballot when he or she has "determined that the candidate is generally advocated for or recognized throughout the United States or California as actively seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party for President of the United States." The secretary of state must announce the names of these candidates no later than the 88th day preceding the presidential primary.[10]

    A candidate who is not selected by the secretary of state may petition for placement on the Democratic primary ballot. The petition must contain signatures "equal in number to not less than 1 percent or 500, whichever is fewer, in each congressional district of the number of persons registered as members of the Democratic Party in the report of registration issued by the Secretary of State on the 135th day preceding the presidential primary election." Petition signatures must be filed with the county elections official of the county in which they were collected at least 73 days prior to the primary.[10][11][12]

    Republican Party

    See also: Republican Party

    The secretary of state selects candidates for placement on the Republican presidential primary ballot. State law stipulates that the secretary of state may place a name on the ballot when he or she has "determined that the candidate is generally recognized throughout the United States or California as a candidate for the nomination of the Republican Party for President of the United States." The secretary must announce the names of the selected candidates on or before the 120th day preceding the presidential primary.[13]

    A candidate who is not selected by the secretary of state may petition for placement on the Republican primary ballot. The petition, which can only be signed by registered Republicans, must contain signatures equaling at least 1 percent of the "number of persons registered as members of the Republican Party, as reflected in the report of registration issued by the Secretary of State on the 135th day preceding the presidential primary election." Petition signatures must be filed with the county elections official of the county in which they were collected at least 74 days prior to the primary.[13][14]

    American Independent Party

    See also: American Independent Party

    The secretary of state selects candidates for placement on the American Independent presidential primary ballot. State law stipulates that the secretary of state may place a name on the ballot when he or she has "determined that the candidate is generally advocated for or recognized in the news media throughout the United States or California as actively seeking the nomination of the American Independent Party for President of the United States." The secretary must announce the names of the selected candidates on or before the 120th day preceding the presidential primary.[15]

    A candidate who is not selected by the secretary of state may petition for placement on the American Independent primary ballot. The petition, which can only be signed by registered party members, must contain signatures equaling at least 1 percent of "the number of persons registered as members of the American Independent Party as reflected in the report of registration issued by the Secretary of State on the 135th day preceding the presidential primary election." Petition signatures must be filed with the county elections official of the county in which they were collected at least 74 days prior to the primary.[15][16]

    Peace and Freedom Party

    See also: Peace and Freedom Party

    The secretary of state selects candidates for placement on the Peace and Freedom presidential primary ballot. State law stipulates that the secretary of state may place a name on the ballot when he or she has "determined that the candidate is generally advocated for or recognized throughout the United States or California as actively seeking the presidential nomination of the Peace and Freedom Party or the national party with which the Peace and Freedom Party is affiliated." The secretary must announce the names of the selected candidates on or before the 120th day preceding the presidential primary.[17]

    A candidate who is not selected by the secretary of state may petition for placement on the Peace and Freedom primary ballot. The petition, which can only be signed by registered party members, must contain signatures equaling at least 1 percent of "the number of persons registered as members of the Peace and Freedom Party as reflected in the report of registration issued by the Secretary of State on the 135th day preceding the presidential primary election. Petition signatures must be filed with the county elections official of the county in which they were collected at least 74 days prior to the primary."[17][18]

    These same filing procedures apply to the Libertarian and Green parties.[19]

    General election requirements

    The president is elected by the Electoral College, which comprises 538 electors from all 50 states, as well as Washington, D.C.

    The president of the United States is elected not by popular vote, but by the Electoral College. The Electoral College comprises a total of 538 electors. Each state is allocated a number of electors equal to the size of its congressional delegation. The Office of the Federal Register administers the Electoral College process:[20][21]

    On Election Day, the voters in each State choose the Electors by casting votes for the presidential candidate of their choice. The Electors’ names may or may not appear on the ballot below the name of the candidates running for President, depending on the procedure in each State. The winning candidate in each State—except in Nebraska and Maine, which have proportional distribution of the Electors—is awarded all of the State’s Electors.[6]
    —The Office of the Federal Register

    Typically, electors are selected by state parties. Federal law does not require electors to vote "according to the results of the popular vote in their states." Some states and political parties have enacted policies requiring their electors to vote in accordance with the popular vote. According to the Office of the Federal Register, "throughout our history as a nation, more than 99 percent of electors have voted as pledged."[20][21]

    California was allocated 54 electoral votes in the 2024 presidential election, one less than it was allocated in the 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential contests.[22]

    Political parties

    California state law stipulates that "the secretary of state shall cause the names of the candidates for president and vice president of the several political parties to be placed upon the ballot for the ensuing general election." The state chairs of the Democratic and Republican parties must submit to the secretary of state a list of their designated presidential electors by October 1 in the year of the election. There are no explicit statutory deadlines for other qualified political parties.[23][24][25][26][27]

    Independent candidates

    An independent presidential candidate must petition for placement on the general election ballot. The petition must contain signatures equaling at least 1 percent of the total number of registered voters in the state at "the time of the close of registration prior to the preceding general election." Petitions must be delivered to county elections officials for examination by 5:00 p.m. 88 days prior to the election. County elections officials are response for forwarding petitions to the secretary of state for final processing.[28]

    Sore loser laws

    See also: Sore loser laws for presidential candidates

    Some states bar candidates who sought, but failed, to secure the nomination of a political party from running as independents in the general election. These restrictions are sometimes called sore loser laws. Under California state law, "a candidate whose name has been on the ballot as a candidate of a party at the direct primary who has been defeated for that nomination" cannot run as an independent.[29][30][31]

    Richard Winger, publisher of Ballot Access News, has argued that, generally speaking, "sore loser laws have been construed not to apply to presidential primaries." His analysis of state sore loser laws and their applicability in presidential elections can be accessed here.[32]

    Write-in requirements

    California state law stipulates that a group of individuals desiring to be write-in candidates for presidential electors "pledged to a particular candidate" must file declarations of candidacy. Each prospective elector must file this form with the secretary of state no later than the 14th day prior to the election.[33]

    Historical information

    See also: Historical signature requirements for independent and minor party presidential candidates

    According to Richard Winger, publisher of Ballot Access News, between 1892 and 2012 there were 401 instances in which a state required an independent or unqualified party candidate to collect more than 5,000 signatures in order to appear on the general election ballot. In California, there were 31 such instances during this period. See the table below for further details. The first column lists the state, the second lists the year, and the third lists the signature requirement. Columns four through nine list candidates and/or parties that met the requirement.[32]

    Filing requirements for independent and minor party candidates, 1894-2012
    State Year Requirement Successful parties or candidates
    California 1892 12,115 People's -- -- -- -- --
    California 1896 8,537 National Democratic Socialist Labor National -- -- --
    California 1900 8,612 Socialist -- -- -- -- --
    California 1904 9,131 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1908 9,358 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1912 11,570 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1916 27,800 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1920 20,651 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1924 28,962 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1928 12,125 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1932 14,449 Liberty -- -- -- -- --
    California 1936 23,610 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1940 26,960 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1944 22,643 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1948 27,597 Progressive -- -- -- -- --
    California 1952 38,458 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1956 41,017 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1960 53,661 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1964 59,297 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1968 66,059 American Peace and Freedom -- -- -- --
    California 1972 66,334 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1976 99,284 Libertarian Socialist Workers Communist -- -- --
    California 1980 101,297 Libertarian Citizens Anderson -- -- --
    California 1984 115,591 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 1988 65,000 New Alliance -- -- -- -- --
    California 1992 134,781 R. Perot -- -- -- -- --
    California 1996 89,007 Reform Natural Law -- -- -- --
    California 2000 149,692 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 2004 153,035 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 2008 158,372 -- -- -- -- -- --
    California 2012 172,859 -- -- -- -- -- --

    Campaign finance requirements

    See also: Campaign finance requirements in California

    The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is the only agency authorized to regulate the financing of presidential and other federal campaigns (i.e., campaigns for the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives). The states cannot impose additional requirements on federal candidates. Federal law requires all presidential candidates to file a statement of candidacy within 15 days of receiving contributions or making expenditures that exceed $5,000. The statement of candidacy is the only federally mandated ballot access requirement for presidential candidates; all other ballot access procedures are mandated at the state level. The candidacy statement authorizes "a principal campaign committee to raise and spend funds" on behalf of the candidate. Within 10 days of filing the candidacy statement, the committee must file a statement of organization with the FEC. In addition, federal law establishes contribution limits for presidential candidates. These limits are detailed in the table below. The uppermost row indicates the recipient type; the leftmost column indicates the donor type.[34][35]

    Federal contribution limits, 2023-2024
    Candidate committees Political action committees State and district party committees National party committees Additional national party committee accounts
    Individual $3,300 per election $5,000 per year $10,000 per year (combined) $41,300 per year $123,900 per account, per year
    Candidate committee $2,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers N/A
    Multicandidate political action committee $5,000 per election $5,000 per year $5,000 per year (combined) $15,000 per year $45,000 per account, per year
    Other political action committee $3,300 per election $5,000 per year $10,000 per year (combined) $41,300 per year $123,900 per account, per year
    State and district party committee $5,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers N/A
    National party committee $5,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers N/A
    Note: Contribution limits apply separately to primary and general elections. For example, an individual could contribute $3,300 to a candidate committee for the primary and another $3,300 to the same candidate committee for the general election.
    Source: Federal Election Commission, "Contribution limits," accessed May 8, 2023

    Presidential candidate committees are required to file regular campaign finance reports disclosing "all of their receipts and disbursements" either quarterly or monthly. Committees may choose which filing schedule to follow, but they must notify the FEC in writing and "may change their filing frequency no more than once per calendar year."[36]

    For contribution limits from previous years, click "[Show more]" below.

    Show more
    Federal contribution limits, 2019-2020
    Candidate committees Political action committees State and district party committees National party committees Additional national party committee accounts
    Individual $2,800 per election $5,000 per year $10,000 per year (combined) $33,500 per year $106,500 per account, per year
    Candidate committee $2,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers N/A
    Multicandidate political action committee $5,000 per election $5,000 per year $5,000 per year (combined) $15,000 per year $45,000 per account, per year
    Other political action committee $2,800 per election $5,000 per year $10,000 per year (combined) $35,500 per year $106,500 per account, per year
    State and district party committee $5,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers N/A
    National party committee $5,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers N/A
    Note: Contribution limits apply separately to primary and general elections. For example, an individual could contribute $2,800 to a candidate committee for the primary and another $2,800 to the same candidate committee for the general election.
    Source: Federal Election Commission, "Contribution limits," accessed August 8, 2019
    Federal contribution limits, 2015-2016
    Candidate committees Political action committees State and district party committees National party committees Additional national party committee accounts
    Individual $2,700 per election $5,000 per year $10,000 per year (combined) $33,400 per year $100,200 per account, per year
    Candidate committee $2,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers N/A
    Multicandidate political action committee $5,000 per election $5,000 per year $5,000 per year (combined) $15,000 per year $45,000 per account, per year
    Other political action committee $2,700 per election $5,000 per year $10,000 per year (combined) $33,400 per year $100,200 per account, per year
    State and district party committee $5,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers N/A
    National party committee $5,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers N/A
    Note: Contribution limits apply separately to primary and general elections. For example, an individual could contribute $2,700 to a candidate committee for the primary and another $2,700 to the same candidate committee for the general election.
    Source: Federal Election Commission, "The FEC and Federal Campaign Finance Law," updated January 2015

    Noteworthy events


    On July 30, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom (D) signed into law SB 27, requiring presidential and gubernatorial candidates to file copies of their last five federal income tax returns with the California secretary of state in order to qualify for placement on the primary election ballot. The law was set to take immediate effect. In a statement, Newsom said, "The disclosure required by this bill will shed light on conflicts of interest, self-dealing, or influence from domestic and foreign business interest. The United States Constitution grants states the authority to determine how their electors are chosen, and California is well within its constitutional right to include this requirement."[37]

    Several lawsuits were filed in response. On July 30, 2019, Republican presidential candidate Roque De La Fuente filed suit against Secretary of State Alex Padilla (D) in federal district court, alleging that SB 27 violated Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 and the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump (R), also suggested the possibility of further legal action, saying, "The State of California's attempt to circumvent the Constitution will be answered in court." On August 1, 2019, Judicial Watch, on behalf of four California voters, filed a separate federal suit challenging the law. On August 6, 2019, President Donald Trump (R) and his campaign committee filed another separate suit challenging the law, as did the Republican National Committee and the California Republican Party.[38][39][40][41]

    Legal professionals differed in their initial assessment of the legality of SB 27. Adam Winkler, a constitutional law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said, "This new law raises some very interesting and novel constitutional issues. Because it is novel, it is hard to know how the courts would go, but there is plenty of reason to think courts will be hostile to California’s requirements." Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, said, "Although most cases dealing with ballot access have involved state and local elections, the constitutional principles are the same: State governments may set conditions for being listed on the ballot so long as they serve important interests and do not discriminate based on wealth or ideology." Gene Schaerr, a constitutional lawyer who has argued before the Supreme Court of the United States, said, "I see it as a serious problem on both constitutional grounds and especially on policy. You can imagine a host of other disclosures that states might want to adopt. If California could do this, some people would undoubtedly want to know whether candidates have ever been treated for a mental illness or denied insurance."[42][43]

    On September 19, 2019, Judge Morrison England, of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, issued a preliminary injunction barring enforcement of SB 27. In his opinion, dated October 1, 2019, England wrote, "[The] Court finds that Plaintiffs are likely to prevail on the merits of their arguments that the Act 1) violates the Presidential Qualifications Clause contained in Article II of the United States Constitution; 2) deprives Plaintiffs of their rights to associate and/or to access the ballot, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution; 3) further violates the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause as set forth in the Fourteenth Amendment; and 5) is preempted by the provisions of [the Ethics in Government Act of 1978] in any event." On October 8, 2019, Padilla appealed the ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.[44][45]

    On October 14, 2019, the California Supreme Court announced that it would hear oral arguments in a separate challenge, on state constitutional grounds, to SB 27 no later than the week ending November 8, 2019.[46] On November 21, 2019, the state supreme court ruled unanimously that SB 27, as applied to presidential candidates, violated Article II, Section 5(c) of the state constitution, which provides that "the Legislature shall provide for partisan elections for presidential candidates, and political party and party central committees, including an open presidential primary whereby the candidates on the ballot are those found by the Secretary of State to be recognized candidates throughout the nation or throughout California for the office of President of the United States, and those whose names are placed on the ballot by petition, but excluding any candidate who has withdrawn by filing an affidavit of noncandidacy." Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, joined by Associate Justices Goodwin Liu, Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Carol Corrigan, Leondra Kruger, Ming Chin, and Joshua Groban, wrote the following in the court's opinion: "The Legislature may well be correct that a presidential candidate's income tax returns could provide California voters with important information. But article II, section 5(c) embeds in the state Constitution the principle that, ultimately, it is the voters who must decide whether the refusal of a 'recognized candidate throughout the nation or throughout California for the office of President of the United States' to make such information available to the public will have consequences at the ballot box."[47]

    On November 21, in light of the state supreme court's ruling on the matter, Padilla announced he would abandon his appeal to the Ninth Circuit.[48]

    Election administration agencies

    Election agencies

    Seal of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission
    See also: State election agencies

    Individuals seeking additional information about voting provisions in California can contact the following local, state, and federal agencies.

    California County Elections offices

    Click here for a list

    California Secretary of State, Elections Division

    1500 11th Street, 5th Floor
    Sacramento, California 95814
    Phone: 916-653-6814
    Toll free: 1-800-345-8683
    Fax: 916-653-3214

    California Fair Political Practices Commission

    1102 Q Street, Suite 3050
    Sacramento, California 95811
    Phone: 916-322-5660
    Fax: 916-322-0886

    U.S. Election Assistance Commission

    633 3rd Street NW, Suite 200
    Washington, DC 20001
    Phone: 301-563-3919
    Toll free: 1-866-747-1471

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    External links


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Vote Smart, "Government 101: United States Presidential Primary," accessed October 25, 2023 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "votesmart" defined multiple times with different content
    2. Note: A petition is only required if a candidate is not placed on the ballot by the secretary of state.
    3. Based on the Secretary of State's 154 day report.
    4. Note: A petition was only required if a candidate was not placed on the ballot by the secretary of state.
    5. The Constitution of the United States of America, "Article 2, Section 1," accessed August 3, 2015
    6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
    7. The Washington Post, "Everything you need to know about how the presidential primary works," May 12, 2015
    8., "Caucus vs. Primary," April 8, 2008
    9. California Secretary of State, "Frequently Asked Questions: Primary Election," accessed October 25, 2023
    10. 10.0 10.1 California State Legislature, "Section 6040-6043," accessed October 25, 2023
    11. California State Legislature, "Section 6060-6061," accessed October 25, 2023
    12. California State Legislature, "Section 6101-6108," accessed October 25, 2023
    13. 13.0 13.1 California State Legislature, "Section 6340-6343," accessed October 25, 2023
    14. California State Legislature, "Section 6360," accessed October 25, 2023
    15. 15.0 15.1 California State Legislature, "Section 6520-6524," accessed October 25, 2023
    16. California State Legislature, "Section 6580-6599," accessed October 25, 2023
    17. 17.0 17.1 California State Legislature, "Section 6720-6726," accessed October 25, 2023
    18. California State Legislature, "Section 6780-6798," accessed October 25, 2023
    19. Ballot Access News, "California Bill Setting Up Rules for Green Party Presidential Primary Moves Ahead," August 29, 2015
    20. 20.0 20.1, "What is the Electoral College?" accessed August 25, 2015
    21. 21.0 21.1, "Who are the Electors?" accessed August 25, 2015
    22., "Distribution of Electoral Votes," accessed October 25, 2023
    23. California Elections Code, "Section 7100," accessed October 25, 2023
    24. California State Legislature, "Section 7300," accessed October 25, 2023
    25. California Elections Code, "Section 7580," accessed October 25, 2023
    26. California Elections Code, "Section 7830-7843," accessed October 25, 2023
    27. California Elections Code, "Section 6000-6954," accessed October 25, 2023
    28. California Elections Code, "Section 8000-8903," accessed October 25, 2023
    29. SSRN, "Sore Loser Laws and Democratic Contestation," accessed October 25, 2023
    30. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, "“If You Ain’t First, You’re Last”: How State “Sore-Loser” Laws Make It Impossible For Trump To Run A Successful Third-Party Campaign If He Loses The Republican Primary," accessed October 25, 2023
    31. California Elections Code, "Section 8000-8903," accessed October 25, 2023
    32. 32.0 32.1 This information comes from research conducted by Richard Winger, publisher and editor of Ballot Access News.
    33. California Elections Code, "Section 8650-8653," accessed October 25, 2023
    34. Federal Election Commission, "The FEC and Federal Campaign Finance Law," updated January 2015
    35. Federal Election Commission, "Quick Answers to Candidate Questions," accessed August 13, 2015
    36. Federal Election Commission, "2016 Reporting Dates," accessed June 17, 2022
    37. Office of the California Governor, "Governor Gavin Newsom Signs SB 27: Tax Transparency Bill," July 30, 2019
    38. United States District Court for the Southern District of California, "De La Fuente v. Padilla: Civil Complaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief," July 30, 2019
    39. CNN, "California governor signs bill requiring presidential candidates to submit tax returns," July 30, 2019
    40. United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, "Griffin v. Padilla: Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief," August 1, 2019
    41. Axios, "Trump, RNC sue California over election law to release tax returns," August 6, 2019
    42. Los Angeles Times, "Can a California law requiring Trump to disclose his tax returns survive legal challenges?" July 31, 2019
    43. Los Angeles Times, "Op-Ed: California’s new law requiring presidential candidates to disclose tax returns is constitutional," July 31, 2019
    44. The Los Angeles Times, "Federal judge blocks California law to force disclosure of Trump's tax returns," September 19, 2019
    45. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, "Griffin et al. v. Padilla: Order (2:19-cv-01501-MCE-DB)," October 1, 2019
    46. Ballot Access News, "California Supreme Court Expected to Hear Tax Returns-Ballot Case in Early November 2019," October 14, 2019
    47. California Supreme Court, "Patterson v. Padilla: Opinion of the Court," November 21, 2019
    48. Ballot Access News, "California Secretary of State Will End Appeal in Ninth Circuit in Tax Returns-Ballot Lawsuit," November 22, 2019