NYU Connect harnesses the power of collaboration, communication, and data to bring the NYU community together and provide a holistic approach to student success. Students, faculty, advisors, and student services staff can share and track information in one place to coordinate support across the university.


Access your individualized Success Network, schedule appointments, and request assistance.

More details for students using NYU Connect

Advisors and Staff

Set up office hours so students can schedule appointments with you. Raise Flags, give Kudos, and document conversations.

More details for Advisors and Staff using NYU Connect.


Raise a Kudos to share praise about a student’s performance in your class. Use the Flag feature to notify a student’s advisor and others in their support network when you have a concern.

More details for Faculty using NYU Connect.

Gaining Access to NYU Connect

  1. New Students: You will be granted access to NYU Connect a few weeks before your first term. Your advisor and/or school will reach out directly about how to schedule an advising appointment until then.
  2. Faculty: NYU Connect is accessible in the semester(s) where you are teaching at least one course.
  3. Advisors: Once you are assigned as an advisor to at least one student in Albert, you will receive NYU Connect access automatically.
  4. Staff: Your Authorized Requestor should submit an access request for you using this form. If the role you need is not listed, email us.

Send Us Your Feedback

The Office of Student Success welcomes feedback about how we can enhance NYU Connect to better support our students’ success. Please send your feedback to nyuconnect@nyu.edu.

Have an idea to make NYU Connect better? Let us know.

NYU Connect is managed by the Office of Student Success, which focuses on developing strategic initiatives to enhance student retention, satisfaction, and graduation.

NYU Connect and the information contained within are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Protection Act (FERPA). Learn more about what FERPA is and the rights it affords.

If your concern is related to a student's health, mental health, or safety please contact the Wellness Exchange 24/7 at (212) 443-9999. There are additional health and wellness resources available through the Wellness Exchange website.