Global Notebook is a biannual online magazine for students who are considering studying abroad. Explore content on the unique academic offerings in the global curriculum, get to know our communities through staff and faculty stories, and see the many ways students stay engaged outside of the classroom while studying abroad.

Explore NYU Study Away Opportunities

Plan Ahead with the Global Study Planner

Use the global study planner to see which global locations offer the courses you want and which semesters the courses are offered. With a little careful planning, you can study abroad for a semester or more while taking courses towards your major and staying on track with your degree progress. Be sure to meet with your academic advisor to review your plans for studying abroad.

Cultural and Academic Resources

Check out courses at all sites and view evaluations.

Global Study Planner

Plan your semester abroad.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Find out how to finance your study away experience.

Register for an Info Session

Meet with our team to get your questions answered.