Navigating Your Career at NYU

Image of NYU flag flying on campus.

Career pathways provide tools and resources to design your individual career steps at NYU

Grow, learn, and excel in your role with NYU's career pathways, the roadmap to your professional aspirations. Use this guide as your compass, self-navigating through the vast possibilities toward a future that is uniquely yours. Through strategic, thoughtful, and comprehensive career pathing based on defined core competencies, administrators initiate your own career progressionjob family opportunities, and job satisfaction at NYU. While you may partner with a supervisor to accomplish more and flourish together, abundant opportunities for independent formal and informal learning exist for all administrators across NYU.

Get Started with Three Steps

Graphic image of the number one.

Graphic image of the number two.

Graphic image of the number three.

Career Ladders: View the Video (2:19)


Career Lattices: View the Video (2:23)


What are Key Components of Professional Growth at NYU?


Why are Career Pathways Important?

Career pathways are important to you and your career, to you and your supervisor, and to fulfilling the mission of NYU. Career pathways provide a common language for talking about jobs across the entire University and a line of sight to opportunities and resources to explore career paths.

Image of a commuting employee on a subway platform smiling at their mobile device.

For administrators, career pathways are key to your growth

Regardless of your role or current level within your role you're someone who ultimately supports NYU's mission of teaching, learning, and research. You'll perform your job – and cultivate your path professionally – using specific core competencies.

Image of a supervisor seated at a desk having a conversation with a seated employee.

For supervisors, career pathways are crucial too

Whether you supervise a team of one or 20, you're someone who employees rely on to not only partner with on projects and goals, but on career interests, training opportunities, and job advancement. You'll own your growth – and help others realize their professional potential too – through job family opportunities.

NYU's career pathways support and align with how we flourish, a critical Presidential Strategic Pathway.

Career pathways questions? Review frequently asked questions or submit an inquiry to PeopleLink (NYU Home login required), or call PeopleLink at 212-992-LINK (5465).