Find Your People

View your Connections, your personal support system, and see how to schedule an appointment with your advisor and others.

Find Your Resources

Browse people and services, your dashboard, and the Connect Me feature, which lets you ask a question without knowing who exactly to ask.


Did you know? NYU Connect notifies you when someone in your Success Network needs you to take action, shares a campus resource they think you could benefit from, or celebrates your success!

How NYU Connect Can Help

  • Find answers to your pressing questions without knowing who to ask.
  • Schedule meetings with people in your Success Network, such as your advisor and other student support areas.
  • Discover NYU’s many services and resources.
  • Learn if your professor has a concern, an opportunity to share, or advice about how to stay on track academically.
  • Receive support when there are opportunities for improvement.
  • Track and celebrate your success!

NYU Connect and the information contained within are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Protection Act (FERPA). Learn more about what FERPA is and the rights it affords.

If you have a concern related to your health, mental health, or safety, contact the Wellness Exchange 24/7 at (212) 443-9999. There are additional health and wellness resources available through the Wellness Exchange website.