B.11 Public Relations (Old Number 59)

B.11.1 Policy Objectives (Old Number 59.1)

Through public information programs, and through its publications and membership activities, the ALA seeks to:

  • keep the American public aware of libraries,
  • encourage greater use of libraries, and
  • stimulate citizen support of libraries.

It is ALA’s policy to engage in public information programs that are primarily national in scope, that benefit all types of libraries and their constituents, and that, in turn, inspire local or special libraries to engage in promotion and education activities in their own communities.

Through its Public Information Office, ALA will maintain a close relationship with the library press, both national and international, and sustain a steady flow of information about the organization and its activities, as well as major developments affecting the library profession.

Through its Washington Office, ALA seeks to inform and educate the United States legislature and the various federal agencies about events generally, and legislation specifically, which influence library-related activities.

(See ‘‘Policy Reference File’’ for full statement. - PDF, 3 pgs)


B.11.2 Public Information Office Responsibility (Old Number 59.2)

The responsibility for implementing national public information programs and for coordinating ALA contact with the national and international media outlets rests with the Public Information Office of the Association with support from other, appropriate ALA and related groups.


B.11.3 National Library Symbol (Old Number 50.13)

The American Library Association endorses the symbol recommended by the ALA President’s Task Force and promotes its use.
