Council Documents Annual/Midwinter 2009

2009 Annual and Midwinter Council Meeting Documents



Document Title

MW 1 ALA Council Document Inventory List
MW 2 ALA Council Minutes from the 2008 Annual Conference
AC 2.1 ALA Council Minutes from the 2009 Midwinter Meeting
MW 3 Resolution Committee’s Table Schedule
AC 3.1 Resolution Committee’s Table Schedule
MW 4 What’s Happening: A Pre-Midwinter Update
AC 4.1 What’s Happening: A Pre-Annual Update (PDF)
MW/AC 5 Rules Governing Council Meetings
MW/AC 6 Guidelines for Preparation of Resolutions for Council, Policy 5.3
MW 7 Advocacy Committee Report
MW 8.-8.3 ALA Council Agendas
AC 8.4-8.7 ALA Council Agendas
MW 9 Implementation Report of Council Actions from the 2008 Annual Conference
MW 9.1 Implementation Report on Sweat-Shop Free Purchasing at ALA
AC 9.2 Implementation Report of Council Actions from the 2009 Midwinter Meeting
AC 9.3 Implementation Report for E-Participation Report (PDF)
MW 10 Library Education Task Force Report on Core Competences
MW 10.1 Library Education Task Force Report on Core Competences (as adopted 1/27/08)
MW 11 Report of the ALA COC on the 2009 Nominees for the ALA Executive Board
MW 11.1 Tellers for the Council Election to the ALA Executive Board
MW 11.2 Council Tellers Report
AC 12 Nominations for 2009-2010 Committee and Committees Election
AC 12.1 Nominations for 2009-2010 Planning and Budget Assembly Council Representative Election
AC 12.2 Tellers for the Council COC and PBA Elections
AC 12.3 Tellers Report of COC and PBA Elections
MW 13 Treasurer’s Report
MW 13.1 Programmatic Priorities, FY2010 (word doc)
MW 13.2 Programmatic Priorities, FY2010 (Power point)
AC 13.3 Treasurer’s Report (Power point)
MW 14 Resolution Guidelines for Membership Meetings
MW 15 Executive Board Actions
MW 16 Endowment Trustees Report
AC 16.1 Endowment Trustees Report (Power point)
MW 17 Policy Monitoring Committee Report
AC 17.1 Policy Monitoring Committee Report
MW 18-18.1 International Relations Committee Report
AC 18.2-18.3 International Relations Committee Report
MW 19-19.3 Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) Report
AC 19.4-19.9 Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) Report
MW 20-20.2 Committee on Legislation (COL) Report
AC 20.3-20.8 Committee on Legislation (COL) Report
MW 21 President’s Report
AC 21.1 President’s Report
MW 22 Freedom to Read Foundation Report
AC 22.1 Freedom to Read Foundation Report
MW 23 Executive Director’s Report (pdf)
AC 23.1 Executive Director’s Report
MW 25 Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report
MW 25.1 Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report
AC 25.2 Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report
MW 26-26.1 2009 ALA Nominating Committee Report
MW 27 Committee on Organization Report
AC 27.1 Committee on Organization Report
AC 28 Division Reports Cover Memo
AC 28.1 American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
AC 28.2 Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
AC 28.3 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS)
AC 28.4 Association for Library Services to Children (ALSC)
AC 28.5 Association for Library Trustees and Advocates (ALTA)
AC 28.6 Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA)
AC 28.7 Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)
AC 28.8 Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)
AC 28.9 Public Library Association (PLA)
AC 28.10 Reference and User Services Division (RUSA)
AC 28.11 Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
MW 29 President-Elect’s Report
AC 29.1 President-Elect Report (PDF)
MW 30 Workforce Analysis Report
MW 30.1 Workforce Analysis Report (Spreadsheet)
MW 33 Budget Analysis and Review Committee Report
AC 33.1 Budget Analysis and Review Committee Report
AC 33.2 Budget Analysis and Review Committee Report (PP)
MW 34 Website Advisory Committee Report
MW 35 Task Force on E-Member Participation Final Report
MW 36 Resolution on the Connection Between the Recent Gaza Conflict and Libraries
MW 37 Resolution on Understanding Gaza—One Conference, One Book—ALA Reads
MW 38 Resolution on Access for Physical Mobility Impaired Conference Attendees
MW 39 Resolution on Accessible Computer Workstations at ALA Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings
MW 40 Resolution on High Speed Internet Wireless Access at Conference Hotels
MW 41 Committee on Professional Ethics Report
AC 43 ALA Honorary Membership Bestowed on Judith F. Krug
AC 44 Revised ALA Membership Committee Report
AC 45 ALA Committee Roster
AC 45.1 Council Committee Roster
AC 46 Council Transparency
AC 47 2010 Council Meeting Schedule
AC 50 Resolution Promoting Sunday, October 4, 2009, as Intergeneration Day Means Libraries
AC 51 Accessibility for Library Websites
AC 52 Purchasing of Accessible Electronic Resources Resolution
AC 53 Resolution on Civil Marriage Equality Regardless of Sexual Orientation
AC 54 Resolution Endorsing Legislative Proposal for Universal Health Care
AC 55 Resolution on Libraries and the Continuing Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
AC 56 An Action Plan to Remedy Current Library Budget Crisis
AC 57 Resolution to Expand Electronic Participation
MW 1 Maureen Morris memorial
MW 2 Mary Elizabeth Nation memorial
AC 3 Jane Shaw memorial
MW 4 John Updike memorial
MW 5 Senator Claiborne Pell memorial
AC 6 Kate McClelland memorial
AC 7 Kathleen Krasniewiez memorial
AC 8 James Joseph Michael memorial
AC 9 Judith F. Krug memorial
AC 9.1 Judith F. Krug memorial
AC 10 Margaret Taylor Lane (pdf) memorial
AC 11 Minnie Lou Lynch (pdf) memorial
AC 12 Coleen Cole Salley (pdf) memorial
AC 13 Marjorie Gray Wynne (pdf) memorial
AC 14 E.J. Josey (pdf) memorial
AC 15 Evan Faber (pdf) memorial
AC 16 Connie Costantino (pdf) memorial
AC 17 Virginia Saunders (pdf) memorial
MW 1 60th Anniversary of the International Relations Round Table tribute
MW 2 Gil Baldwin tribute
AC 3 50th Anniversary of the ACRL Art Section (pdf) tribute
AC 4 100th Anniversary of the National Library of China (pdf) tribute
AC 5 40th Anniversary of the Freedom to Read Foundation (pdf) tribute