A New Generation of Planned Giving

160614-development-planned-giving-1876-club-logo-print%20%282%29ALA has left an indelible mark on society and our world. Since its founding in 1876, ALA has supported and nurtured library leaders from the beginning of their careers, while advocating for libraries' core value - literacy, access to information, intellectual freedom, diversity, inclusion, and privacy. The values embodied by ALA have evolved with the times and our core work remains critical today and into the future.

That's why it's important to support ALA today - and help it grow for tomorrow! Join the 1876 Club to leave a legacy of your value and vision to ALA, through naming ALA or one of its divisions, offices, or roundtables as a beneficiary of your will, retirement plan, life insurance policy, or other planned giving vehicle.


Everyone can give, and gifts of all size are welcome! Consider joining the 1876 Club if you:

  • Care deeply about the impact ALA has on your own career, your colleagues and friends, libraries, and the world as a whole;
  • Want to help libraries of all types grow and thrive;
  • Value the incredible work ALA has to accomplish to help libraries protect privacy, advocate broadly for intellectual freedom, and promote literacy;
  • Want to grow the work ALA does to enhance equity, diversity, inclusion, and access


Members of the 1876 Club:

  • Are age 50 or under when joining the Club - but once you're in, you're in, no matter what your age;
  • Name the American Library Association or one of its divisions, offices, or roundtables as a beneficiary of your will, retirement plan, life insurance policy, or other planned giving vehicle.


ALA Thanks YOU! Members of the 1876 Club will receive the following benefits and recognition:

  • Certificate and special ribbon to wear at Conference and Midwinter;
  • Invitations to 1876 Club cocktail parties and other social events;
  • A chance to network with the brightest emerging professionals at ALA;
  • Recognition as Legacy Society members

The future of ALA is in your hands! As a member of the 1876 Club, you can help fund the growth of ALA into the next generation - and beyond. Contact the Development Office to learn more about ways you can make a planned gift to ALA.

Development Office, American Library Association

225 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 1300 Chicago, IL 60601

(312) 280-3259 - development@ala.org - www.ala.org/plannedgiving

ARE YOU READY TO JOIN? HERE'S HOW! 1876 Club Membership Information Sheet