ALA Chapters

The ALA and Chapters Partnership

The American Library Association has a longtime partnership with state library associations (Chapters) in all fifty States, the District of Columbia,Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and regional library associations in the Mountain Plains, New England, Pacific Northwest, and Southeastern regions.

Chapters promote general library service and librarianship within its geographic area, provide geographic representation to the Council of the American Library Association, and cooperate in the promotion of general and joint enterprises with the American Library Association and other library groups. See CRO Answers, Chapter Answers, Chapter Councilor Answers, and Student Chapter Answers, or find them all at Find Your Answers.


If you're looking to expand your advocacy efforts, we're here to offer advice, support, and guidance to help you succeed.

Webinars to share ideas, best practices, and resources for state and local advocacy efforts

Public awareness tools for ALA state chapters

Joint Student Membership Program

Students! Join ALA and your State Library Association for one discounted price.

Chapters (state library associations) allow students to join one of them and ALA for one low price of $46. To apply for joint student membership online, please find your state association and complete the online form through ALA's secure database.

Learn more

Library advocates have the opportunity to remind their members of Congress why library funding is nonnegotiable.

Financial literacy is a life-enabling skill. Learn more during the events of Money Smart Week.

Chapter Events