
Donate to ALA this giving season and help close the digital divide.

Many in our communities — students, workers, those that rely on libraries for access to the internet — are feeling the impact of the digital divide during this pandemic.

33 million households in the U.S. do not have internet access.

The American Library Association is firmly committed to making libraries equal and just spaces for all people. Closing the digital divide is a crucial part of that.

We have spent the last months pushing for digital equity and inclusion in a federal relief package and working at local, state, and national levels to secure funding for libraries and amplify their ability to help communities.

The American Library Association:

  • provides grants to support digital access across the nation;
  • advocates for the E-rate, which ensures that libraries and schools have access to high‐speed broadband connectivity;
  • works to support net neutrality and secure equitable access to the internet for all.

Access equals opportunity. #GiveALA. American Library Association. Boy using laptop to attend school in backseat of car.

Now, more than ever, your support matters.

Your gift will go to work right away. Make a tax-deductible donation today.


Want to do more?
Help us spread the word about the importance of digital equity and become a #GiveALA Ambassador.

The American Library Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.